I'm going to an unconscious bias lecture next week. Point me to some good resources that prove that it's all bullshit

I'm going to an unconscious bias lecture next week. Point me to some good resources that prove that it's all bullshit.

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if the bias is unconscious, how do they teach about something they know nothing about.

It isn't, unconscious bias is a huge thing, it just isn't necessarily so in the bullshit way people will generally talk about (i.e. muh race)
Read up on Daniel Kahneman for some interesting idea about judgment under the effects of unconscious biases.

you're a homosexual, unconsciously

This should about cover everything you need


once the bias reveals itself its no longer unconscious. there is no bias if it never reveals itself

I'd imagine that as a Swede your gaydar can see through the internet even

>Point me to some good resources that prove that it's all bullshit.

"you might be a racist without even knowing it"

just take a step back and think about how insane that sounds

yeah, i can see through all the bullshit.

unconscious bias isn't a thing.

unless you can prove that you're not a faggot, unconsciously (you can't)

When they talk of white privilege, and they will, get on stage and kill every last one of the fucking jews.

I don't think it is bullshit, but that doesn't make it bad and "ebil whitey is always racist".
Every group has an ingroup/outgroup view, forming tribes and family units. Whether this concept applies to race is another discussion. Without the unconscious bias distinguishing groups, tribes wouldn't stay together and man would have greater difficulty surviving and reproducing.
Don't try to argue for its non-existence, argue that bias and group preference is natural and fundamentally human. Even good.

my sides sven

it isn't bullshit

this isn't the mountain you want to die on

keep a low profile, listen, and go on your way

>Without the unconscious bias distinguishing groups, tribes wouldn't stay together and man would have greater difficulty surviving and reproducing.

without god, people would be sinful.

same fucking argument, same fucking bullshit.

unconscious bias does not exist.

>Social Perception and Social Reality contests the received wisdom in the field of social psychology that suggests that social perception and judgment are generally flawed, biased, and powerfully self-fulfilling. Jussim reviews a wealth of real world, survey, and experimental data collected over the last century to show that in fact, social psychological research consistently demonstrates that biases and self-fulfilling prophecies are generally weak, fragile, and fleeting. Furthermore, research in the social sciences has shown stereotypes to be accurate.
>Jussim overturns the received wisdom concerning social perception in several ways. He critically reviews studies that are highly cited darlings of the bias conclusion and shows how these studies demonstrate far more accuracy than bias, or are not replicable in subsequent research. Studies of equal or higher quality, which have been replicated consistently, are shown to demonstrate high accuracy, low bias, or both. The book is peppered with discussions suggesting that theoretical and political blinders have led to an odd state of affairs in which the flawed or misinterpreted bias studies receive a great deal of attention, while stronger and more replicable accuracy studies receive relatively little attention. In addition, the author presents both personal and real world examples (such as stock market prices, sporting events, and political elections) that routinely undermine heavy-handed emphases on error and bias, but are generally indicative of high levels of rationality and accuracy. He fully embraces scientific data, even when that data yields unpopular conclusions or contests prevailing conventions or the received wisdom in psychology, in other social sciences, and in broader society.

>it isn't bullshit

yes it is. people are already painfully aware of their supposed biases (read: their obligation to virtue signal). these lectures serve no valid purpose.

>I'm going to an unconscious bias lecture next week. Point me to some good resources that prove that it's all bullshit.

Go to the lecture, fall asleep, when they wake you up asking why you were sleeping, tell them you simply showed your unconscious bias about the quality of the lecture.

Ask them how they determine unconscious bias from a novelty response. As in, black people who grow up in black families will be more familiar with black people. Same as in whites. What makes preference for some a bias against others?

Has the programs methods undergone any vetting? Whose to say this re-education program doesn't cause more harm than good by propping up a false boogey-men? Simply questioning a program whose expressed aims are to absolve bias does not make you inherently biased, especially if the former is the case where it has the opposite effect. How do you reason this does more good than harm?

The creators of the implicit associations test admit that it's not at all effective at determining a person's discriminatory practices. The test, re-test, reliability of the IAT is .55. You may as well flip a coin to see if you're racist. You're essentially getting lectured on something that can't be proven to exist.

In-group bias is why our ancestors survived, and their lineage lived on. For the most part.

>your preferences belong to us now
t. big corporation employer with a sjw mask to hide big nose


With respect, I think you're relying too much on the idea of humans being totally rational and independent.
Whether we like it or not, everyone is part of a group, cultural or racial or both. That group provides definitions for the individual to operate under, like how everyone in the US supports "freedom" as an abstract value. Yet, since the US is not monocultural, each subgroup (New Englanders, Southerners, West/East Californians) has their own ideal version that the individuals respond to, positively or negatively.

Religion as a tool of keeping people from savagery is a Hobbesian argument, and I see organized religion as more of a supplement providing a smaller community in societies that otherwise focus on the individual in the Lochean sense.

unconscious bias is original sin 2.0.

Do you believe in (libertarian) free will and that we make independent decisions free from the influence of our environment?

Why would it be a sin?

your point?

do you like black men?

well you do unconsciously.
why? because i said so.

prove me wrong.

Have you ever looked into priming?
In-group/out-group bias?
Different peoples' different responses to stimuli?

have you ever looked into prepping?

>In-group/out-group bias?

We're talking about unconscious bias, like you, not being aware that you love black men, and I'm not reading anything to disprove that fact.

Holy shit I'm not the only one. Everyone in my class believes this bullshit

I have a source that does a great job at summarizing the academic debate on the IAT. TL;DR: It's useless.
But I'm curious as to why you think you're any better than those who believe(d) in it because it validates their racism-is-everywhere narrative. It looks like you're doing the same in reverse. The very fact that you're asking others to give you sources means that you've formed an opinion before looking at the balance of evidence on each side. Unconscious bias - or at least, one of the most popular quantitative measure of it - might be on weak footing, but motivated reasoning is definitely not, as evidenced by you and at least half the people ITT.

Unconscious bias is a thing in some people. However, it is bullshit in the way that people use it to explain away any difference in outcome between races. The stagnation of blacks can be blamed on "raciss whitey" rather than better explanations such as racial differences in iq, time preferences, etc.

Just say you have conscious bias, problem solved.

just go to the original creators of unconscious bias tests who say that their own creation is being taken out of context

What makes it worse, I'm from NY.

Unconscious bias is real and not bullshit, the bullshit is thinking that it actuallly matters. Humans will always naturally have own group preference and this isn't and issue when we live in our own group, it's when you start throwing out groups in the mix that shit gets real.

Do you own school work faggot.

Firstly, if you take this bullshit to its logical conclusion you'd have to radically alter every aspect of your life. For instance, when you pick out vegetables at the grocery store, you couldn't just pick out the nice looking ones because you might be missing out on an ugly but tasty one.

Secondly, there's literally nothing wrong with discrimination because DISCRIMINATION IS NOT AGGRESSION.

A private individual should be free to discriminate on any variable, down to how someone's shoe laces are tied. What IS aggression is putting a gun to someone's head and forcing them to interact with someone he doesn't want to. That's as fucked up as making someone buy a present for a kid across the country rather than allow him to discriminate in favor of his own kid.

Racially motivated crime is wrong because it's crime, not because it's racially motivated.

My one caveat is that a democratic republic with equal representation for blacks must not discriminate against them because government should be subordinate to all its citizens equally. This is an entirely separate issue from private individual freedom.

Everyone has a unconscious bias, but usually its justified.