I think we need to check everyone's taste
tell me your favourite Dandy episode (plantniggers need not apply)
I think we need to check everyone's taste
tell me your favourite Dandy episode (plantniggers need not apply)
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A World With No Sadness.
>Not liking the plant episode
Why do you have to start a potentially good thread with a total pleb opinion?
Best episode though is groundhog day.
High School Musical
The episode with the space loli.
I'm watching it right now. Only 6 episodes in, but the best one so far is puppet loli.
going with the safe choice.
Limbo Planet.
Has to be Limbo
Multiple Dandys
I liked a lot of episodes, but I liked Dancing Seijin and the end of episode six, when he surfs in space.
The one with suicidal dandy from another universe
Yeah that one's my favourite too
Worst episode: Undies vs. Vests
Most overrated: loli
Lots are great, my personal favorite is the Laika one.
the meteor surfing episode > all
"The War of the Undies and Vests, Baby"
It's the best one.
Implying best non feels episode was shit
Pleb detected
>not the court drama
Episode was shitty, but the visuals and end song really made the episode worth watching.
How did you guys feel about the fishing episode? Not my absolute favorite, but thought it was a fun episode.
A Race in Space Is Dangerous, Baby
honorable mention, faggot scene is priceless
Ton Jravolta episode
>There will never be another anime about wonders of vast space
That was pretty hysterical.
It's my second favorite
Anyone got Season 2 dual audio 1080p? They only got season 1 on kickass.
Loli episode was good purely for the bonding moments. Too cute.
Do you miss him already?
Lurk more.
Haven't seen Dandy yet. Is it just pure comedy, or is there some actual sort of plot to it (action/romance/etc)?
Dandy is all things
Dandy is love
There are some episodes that concentrate on comedy, some on the visuals, some on music and some on the stories. You'll never know what you'll get when you start an episode.
The one on Meow's planet.
The best thing about Space Dandy is that every episode is basically its own story.
Yes, there's a plot behind it but nothing to major to make you watch it. The real deal with Dandy is how different each episode are from each other, like Disney's Fantasia if I had to make a comparison
>tfw Fat, dumb, NEET
>Firstborn to take over the family business
>Rather watch anime and go into space.
I want his dad to be real so I can hug him and tell him how great he is.
as a Lathe worker in family business that episode hit far too close to home
Dandy in Love.
Mostly because it actually managed to make me cry out of frustration and anger.
I wish I had a beautiful pompadour, but I don't have the right type of hair.
Yup, it's this one for me. I had to go call my dad after watching it.
Smile stealer.
This dude's got it
The Space Race epsiode.