>he/she lives in America
>they hate the English dub
He/she lives in America
Other urls found in this thread:
Who are you quoting?
But I live in eastern Europe, and hate the English dub.
'Murrican girls can't do cute if their life depended on it.
Learn those fucking meme arrows you dip
What a surprise.
Will Japan become part of America under Trump?
Shut your stupid fucking face you simple bitch
It simply sounds wrong, that's it. The women can never sound cute enough. No matter what the dub, I can't enjoy it. Always screws with my head.
But how can it sound wrong if English is your native language?
English isn't a very cute language. When the actors are speaking it, they just can't do it right.
>lives in America
>can't read English
Oh boy
>No matter what the dub, I can't enjoy it.
Ghost Stories, PASWG, Baccano! and Code Geass all actually have good English dubs.
Other than that, I totally get what you mean.
For me it's how jarringly unnatural it sounds when they attempt regular speech. For example, in the Danganronpa dub, everyone except Monokuma sounds like complete shit, whereas Monokuma is actually not so bad, because he has an abnormal voice anyway.
Probably because most English dubs can't afford good voice actors and everything sounds like the lowest common denominator American-Canadian flash-cartoon.
You see, shit voice acting really does impact one's enjoyment of a series.
>inb4 buh subtitles, reading is for fags
The PASWG, Baccano!, and Code Geass dubs all rubbed me wrong as well. Ghost Stories dub is good because it's funny. I'm not speaking of effort or talent or anything. They could try as hard as they could and it would still sound very wrong to my ears. Even with the supposed Holy Grail of dubs, Cowboy Bebop, I'd rather watch subs. English simply sounds wrong.
Maybe this is simply because I can't understand Japanese. It's possible that if I learned Japanese wouldn't be able to watch anime anymore due to it being too jarring and uncomfortable.
If you can understand Japanese that's fine, but people who go out of their way to watch the Jap version instead of the dub when they speak English are weeaboos.
>people insist that Black Lagoon has a good English dub
>they legit think it's as good as the Cowboy Bebop dub
Are their ears damaged or something
>kids will grow up watching these dubs as their first introduction to anime
Ryuko sounds like Ash Ketchum.
>It's possible that if I learned Japanese wouldn't be able to watch anime anymore due to it being too jarring and uncomfortable
Nah, I actually started to enjoy it more.
>The PASWG, Baccano!, and Code Geass dubs all rubbed me wrong as well.
I'm honestly surprised about PASWG. I couldn't take the sub for that one seriously, and hearing them all gratuitously swearing in English somehow seemed more appropriate.
Maybe it's the eerily western art style that made me treat it more like a western cartoon in my head. Not too sure.
>having standards for voice acting makes you a weeb
I'll watch the subs of fucking anything, because 99.9% of English dubs are trash, doesn't matter if it's in Japanese, Russian, Spanish or German
Commit sudoku.
You don't even understand Japanese so how can you say it sounds wrong compared to the Japanese version but if you like to jack off to Japanese voices then you can go ahead and admit it
>I'm honestly surprised about PASWG. I couldn't take the sub for that one seriously, and hearing them all gratuitously swearing in English somehow seemed more appropriate.
I've always found Engrish to be funny and charming in its own way, so that actually wins points in my book.
I actually agree with you and then you post 3D.
Fuck off.
ESL here, I don't have much right to criticize the VAs on a language I don't speak, but FEMALE american VAs seriously twist their voices, like they're pretending to imitate a 4 year old kid - but they don't sound cute at all, they sound really fucking strange.
Oh fuck me, I meant /just/ imitating, no idea why I inserted "pretending" there.
English dub VAs are about as emotionally convincing as a class of middle school students reading through a play.
>relying on shitty translations
When you don't understand a language, it doesn't come across as pure white nose to you. You still can hear emotion, inflection, pronunciation, you don't know what all these things represent, but they still create a sound. You can prefer a sound you don't understand over a sound you do understand.
>muh 3DPD meme
>reaction images
Damn, you got me.
Just saying, I watch raws and dubs are absolute garbage.
I liked the Texhnolyze english dub much more than the original dub.
kind of makes me wish dubcasting was as good as it used to be.
I gotta be honest, the only reason why I watched subs more than dubs, is mainly because I'm too lazy to search for dubs if dubs are available.
Of course, if I find a dubbed one first, then I will watch that, because I'm too lazy to find one with subs, or if I got the DVD which includes both subbed and dubbed, I will always watch the dubbed because I can't be arsed to change the settings from dubbed to subbed
so you prefer an american guy panting for half an hour instead a japanese one
>shit 3dpd bait thread
Like clockwork.
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
Friendly reminder to use sage when replying to garbage threads.
Some dubs are great. Like these.
>how can you say it sounds wrong
Because the overwhelming majority of English dub actors are very very bad at acting and provide very inferior performances
There's no good emotion, conviction or character in the way they voice act, it's like watching 10 year olds perform in a school play, it's EXCRUCIATINGLY bad in performance.
Shut up you autistic tripcuck.
Tyrone (along with Rog) is the exception, idiot.
>people posting non-anime reaction images angers you
(European here) funnily enough for a long time i thought americans just can't sound cute due to them being so incredibly unable to do so in anime dubs. Then i happen to come across some american cartoons and live actions and surprisingly, they were able to sound cute!
I realized the problem is, with anime dub, for some god forsaken reason, they try to imitate how the japanese sound instead of just doing it their own natural way.
These are still great.
>I'm proud being cancer.
That's not a good thing to be proud of, you should reconsider what you value!
English dub studios also get very little money, hence they can't afford good voice actors.
At least you're honest with yourself.
>Sup Forums - Anime & Manga
>1. All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.
Sup Forums.org/rules#a
>That's not a good thing to be proud of
Have no problem with it.
What the fuck is wrong with that?
I appreciate both the western and the eastern culture - you're just closing yourself off.
good thread desu yo
Why are you replying to me when I didn't even use an image?
dubs are always shit, even if it's a french tv show that gets a chinese dub, it's still gonna be shittier than the original because guess what different cultural environments and languages don't synchronise well no matter what you do
Ya'll motherfuckers need jesus
jesus, man
Look, the kids are awake.
The worst part is that when this bait thread gets deleted, you think your position will have been verified and you will still get aspergers all over the place.
Yes, you're here, I know. You don't need to announce yourself to the world.
>no u
Qualtiy post.
Why are you misquoting me? That is not what I poster, mister!
Don't post in my thread if you have nothing to contribute.
But what if english isnt my first language.
You should kill yourself.
>What is bad acting
I never liked black lagoons english dub either.
Then that's fine. It's the people who claim the dub doesn't sound natural when they don't even speak Japanese in the first place.
yes actually, I think the english panting was better.
take that as you will.
The state of 2016 Sup Forums.
We need sakurako spammer!
Can we save it?
It was a good year that you chose to start posting here, huh?
And they say summer isn't here yet.
Japanese voice actors typically go to school to be voice actors. American voice actors are usually people who tried to land acting gigs and were too bad to get into that field but not so bad as to be totally useless.
Sick comeback dude.
>liking dub
Thanks I was sitting on that one all night.
I don't care anymore.
Nice Sup Forums-related images my fellow anons!
Turns out that
>All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.
but that doesn't really matter, since there are no mods at this time of the day.
Dis nigga
>some of those guy got banned
>not deleting this shit thread
I don't get the mods.
I actually got a warning, the mods are alive and well.
Did anyone else notice a significant drop in board quality when the new janis were recruited?
I thought it was supposed to make things better not worse.
Why are you so upset by my obvious troll?
How does it feel?
I don't give a fuck about your 3D image shit but dubsfags should fuck off.