What is Sup Forums's view on Nazism, white supremacy, and racism...

What is Sup Forums's view on Nazism, white supremacy, and racism? I can't help but feel that a lot of the people on here who say they're alt right are libertarian, and I feel like the alt right started out as just shitposting and joking around but retards have hijacked it. Am I wrong?

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Anybody serious on Sup Forums is either Natsoc, fascist, or libertarian.

Sometimes you even get autists who seek to combine the three.

can confirm

Hitler did nothing wrong.


pol has always had passerby who aren't really political people. Those who stay fall into the categories mentioned above, and natsocs have only grown as the libertarians have shrunk. I was never a libertarian so I can't claim to understand everything they think, but I believe they were pushed either towards us or towards the batshit crazy ancap stuff after Ron Paul's failure.

Three kinds of people on pol

Nazis- Zero female attention. No game or social skills.

Fascists- Haz courage enoughto talk to women, but low levels of charisma that get him turned down everytime.

Everyone else- gets pussy, isnt bat shit retarded autist larper.

>Blond's tits

pic related. NAzi socialism just means "wahh im not chad wahh"

Its a meme. No one here is a nazi. Just larpers.

National Socialism -- Worked a miracle for the Germans, the Anglos wanted to destroy it to prevent a more dominant world power on the European continent.

White Supremacy -- The European people have made the greatest accomplishments in the world and lead us into the civilization we have today. This is not to say the other races have not contributed, had their own great inventions, or have their own merits, but it does not match up to the cultural and scientific advancements lead by European society.

Racism -- A natural but unintelligent response to obvious species differences. Intelligent and decent folks will realize that not everyone is the same and judging people by their individual merits is the proper way. That being said, prejudice is still common, and stereotypes exist for a reason.

That's what I thought. I shitpost Nazi shit to trigger SJWs but most people who do that aren't really Nazis. I can't help but feel people like Richard Spencer and a bunch of real life larpers took it seriously like the SJWs did.
I don't think racism is a good thing. No doubt there are differences in races, and certain races have done more, but I think it's a cultural thing. There are smart whites and smart blacks, there are dumb whites and dumb blacks.

I'm not a racist, or white supremacist, or nazi, or alt-right, or whatever else. Honestly, I'm more left than right. I just like Sup Forums because it's a good place to bullshit, and take politics less seriously than they need to be taken.

>but retards have hijacked it. Am I wrong?
yes, media hijacked the alt right terminology and said it was Nazism.

which is possible

There are a handful of reactionaries and paleocons, but otherwise this.

As I said, intelligent and decent folks will realize that not everyone is the same and judging people by their individual merits is the proper way. Don't judge someone because of their skin color, judge them by the content of their character and their individual merit.

Postnational deconstructionist reporting in. Fuck your ideology.

I agree
It's not just the media though. There are people who consider themselves alt right that think they're Nazis

as you can tell, those are degenerates who hurt the cause

There is more to Sup Forums than NatSocs - but they are here. Don't sweat it. Stay a while and it will become clear. You are probably in the right place. We do not need to all have an identical belief system.

>I feel like the alt right started out as just shitposting and joking around but retards have hijacked it. Am I wrong?
No and yes. For most of Sup Forums's history it was just shitposting combined with a pinch of actual racism, most people were probably more like classical liberals making Nazi jokes because it's fun.
Then, dumbasses from Reddit started coming over and thought "well, if I want to be edgy and cool like all these people I hear about from KYM, I better adopt their beliefs." And thus the so-called "alt-right" is formed.
This is a gross simplification: there are plenty of non-Redditors on Sup Forums now that play into the whole "alt-right" meme, saying "praise kek" and so forth, and there are also plenty of actual Nazis on Sup Forums who would legitimately want to join some sort of uprising a la the Bier Hall Putsch or the tiki torch thing. These people, however, have autism.

Trump will complete the system of German Idealism

The media Jews insist that everyone on the right must huddle under the same umbrella with the NatSocs so we can all be disenfranchised as a lot.

>pol is just satire guys lol don't take it seriously!!

I've been on Sup Forums a few years and Sup Forums just this year. I mostly come here for the shitposting but I started to drift away because I wasn't sure if the alt right that we see on TV makes up the side of the alt right I've seen on Sup Forums. I thought the media put a spin on it to make them all out to be Nazis and racist white supremacists but I knew there were people on here that were libertarian.

Trump is far from a Nazi you realize that right?

That makes sense. I've been part of the whole kek shitposting thing for a while now and it's fun and all, but I knew some people just took it too seriously and wanted to live out their Nazi larping fantasy in real life, which kinda gives the rest of the alt right a bad name. I guess faggots take over everything eventually


>Implying national socialism(nazism) means you must exterminate all races.
>Implying that other races can't have their own national socialist movement.

better kill the libertarians then. Our drill is a different drill according to OP

Be nice!


>said an societal reject

other than a couple irredeemable autists, people only call themselves nazis to counter signal lefties.
I would say Sup Forums is just a white nationalist board, and we want to return to a 1950s american golden age, and that will entail what it entails. If we can get to our white homeland peacefully through legislation, great- if blood must be shed to forcefully remove the kikes puppets, so be it.
national socialism is a fascinating ideology, but ultimately you cant be against degeneracy while being a degenerate yourself.

Racism = Realism.

The only thing we agree on but thats all it takes

Yeah, I don't like Nazis.

If Jews are the devil that sits on your shoulder, then Nazism is the other guy that sets you straight.

>white supremacy
Every race would think it's the master race when put side by side with Africans.

A natural byproduct of multiculturalism. The more you interact with niggers, the more you dislike them.

>>National Socialists

socialism is degenerate, op.

im white. in the case where im not white or my grandchildren arent white then at least i tried which is more than I can say for the trash at the bottom.

I am all about white nationalism but not Nazism. Problems with nazism (even after correcting for the many historical lies about nazis):

>Socialism is less efficient than capitalism.

Sure, in the rubble of WW2 an authoritarian leader taking control and using force could actually be useful, but in the long run socialism sucks, especially a socialist system as totalitarian as the nazis. (We never got to see the problems inherent in the cult of personality socialism that was Nazism/Hitler. Neo-Nazis would better see the virtue of capitalism if they pretended the world only consisted of white people and analyzed economics from there, but most are economically illiterate.)

>Nazis are totalitarian.

Free white people should not want some fascist leader or elite dictating how they eat, what art they can imbibe, what they do sexually speaking, etc. (Why freedom is better than authoritarianism is another issue neo-nazis might understand if they assumed a white world and asked the basic questions of political freedom. But they are blinded by dogma.)

>The Nazis did actually do some fucked-up stuff.

>Nazism is marketing poison.

The normies have had a lifetime of propaganda about Nazis that makes them squeal "evil!" at any hint of Nazism. We should be glad there are better ways to achieve white nationalism so we can avoid this Pavlovian reaction altogether.

Was probably decent at first, got co-opted and fucked over. Hitler got drugged much like Trump is now and it lost it's course.

Bump this thread.

>I feel like the alt right started out as just shitposting and joking
No. There is no "alt right", at least not as unified movement as the Lügenpresse would like you to believe. There are only limp dicked faggots that conform to the sanitized and baby safe political beliefs and those who believe in their cause strongly enough to die for it. Sup Forums consists mostly of the latter while you are the former. If you're going to stand for something, go balls deep or GTFO. There's no point in fence sitting anymore when there are commies in the streets who want to strip us of our rights. See as an example. Most of the "right wing", better described as traditionalists/social conservatives, have more in common with each other than we do with commies. The small details don't matter right now because we have bigger fish to fry. This scares the living shit out of the cuckservatives, the legacy media and the leftist establishment.

>white supremacy
I believe that all races except blacks are human. Blacks are subhumans because they don't have enough neanderthal DNA in them as everyone else. This is why their IQs are on average significantly lower than all other races and why their facial features are so different. Look at Indians for example. Many are just as dark as central Africans but have vastly different facial features and they're a hell of a lot smarter. Same with most Asians and also Arabs to an extent. Every race has a great history and many rich cultures except for black Africans who are literally retarded and eat bugs and other Africans regularly.

But I will not deny that blacks as a whole do produce a few exceptional individuals, and I am in favor of making them honorary Aryans just like the NSDAP did in the 30s and 40s.

Please learn the difference between Communism and other forms of Socialism. Everything in moderation, cunt.

Race is a MSM tactic to divide us

Also Richard Spencer eats more soy than Andrew Anglin

>Free white people should not want some fascist leader or elite dictating how they eat
People are children. They'd sooner gorge themselves on candy than eat their veggies. Same with drugs, tinder, and all other things that feel good in the short term but are bad in the long term.

You can't give people freedom. Look what it did to the west.

socialism is communism with fucking training wheels.

You contradict yourself. You admit that there are "some exceptional individuals" among blacks and yet you also call them unhuman. So which is it?

A single exception proves that all blacks may do the same, unless you subscribe to the godless theory of biological racialism which derives mind from matter. In which case, be honest about it. There is nothing more hypocritical than a Nazi who professes to be religious, and yet I constantly see boards on Sup Forums chock-full of people saying that we need religion to make society work.

>yet I constantly see boards on Sup Forums chock-full of people saying that we need religion to make society work.

read: I constantly see threads

I can't tell if you're serious or not, but you're retarded either way

Look what freedom did to the West? That is so fucking dumb I don't know where to begin.

The most extreme version of liberty on the national level was America. The U.S.A. was founded as a minimalist government with checks and balances. It was an ideal form of what the founders considered the best of the enlightenment conclusions on government and economics.

So without an authority to dictate morality, no State religion, many loyal to the crown predicted moral chaos.

The exact opposite happened. Religion flourished all over America with a fervency like no other Western nation, or perhaps any nation. People didn't throw off their clothes and have an orgy, they energetically sought to engage in new, private voluntary systems of morality. In face, the most strict, even neurotic, Christians in the form of the Puritans came to America precisely for the freedom to practice their more rigorous morality!

It is as we moved AWAY from liberty in the past century that we have become increasingly decadent!

Read my graphic on prior post and try doing your research on this. I would recommend Charles Murray.

libertarians adhere too much to principles and good-sounding bullshit that doesn't work out so cleanly in practice, like this faggot with the eternal cry of the degenerate: "muh freedoms"

I get the whole american skepticism with big gov and authoritarianism and the stigma with nazi symbology, but libertarians don't get that authoritarianism is the glue holding any civilization together. we live under authoritarian governments today. each of us has very little say in what our governments do, but it doesn't matter, because most people have much more relevant things to care about. MOST people, and most of all nonwhites, have no problem living with authority and doing what they're told. see the milgram experiment. we have our money and our creature comforts and a steady flow and that's all that matters. immigration? doesn't matter, I can live somewhere else. welfare state? doesn't matter, brown people are voters too. government corruption? doesn't matter, I can't do anything about it. too much military intervention? doesn't fucking matter, nothing fucking matters, all governments are authoritarian and the best you can do is to rule and be ruled by your own people.

Chimps aren't human but some of them can speak sign language. Does that make them any less exceptional?

>A single exception proves that all blacks may do the same
Oh really? So because one person can do advanced math in their head it means that everyone has the same capacity for it? Of course not, fucking retard. We aren't all the same. It's like that retarded argument of women being physically just as strong as men but they get their asses kicked in pro sports by trannies.

>There is nothing more hypocritical than a Nazi who professes to be religious
Why is that? Are you just butthurt because nearly all people have a built-in connection to something bigger that you can't explain? I believe in the Allfather, and I believe that the universe didn't just explode into existence out of nothing. It operates within a certain set of rules which are logical and calculated, not random.

>unless you subscribe to the godless theory of biological racialism
What kind of drivel is this? Are you saying that theism and science are incompatible? Seems like a real slap in the face to God to go about telling people that he couldn't have set evolution in motion.

Libertarian-fascism is the ultimate form of human governance.

In the latter days of the Kali Yuga, people will think that a man's worth is only dependent on his sexual ability. It's a sign of how far society has decayed. The shift toward sex-obsessed matriarchy is always a sign of the collapse of the empire. The fall of Rome has already begun.

>Oh really? So because one person can do advanced math in their head it means that everyone has the same capacity for it? Of course not, fucking retard. We aren't all the same. It's like that retarded argument of women being physically just as strong as men but they get their asses kicked in pro sports by trannies.

Yes, as a matter of fact, it does. People are bound only by the limitations they set for themselves. "Sir, the man who has vigour may walk to the east, just as well as to the west, if he happens to turn his head that way." Look into neuroplasticity. How will you explain the fact that most great men came from humble backgrounds, historically speaking? How will you account for the many mathematicians like Thomas Simpson who were entirely self-taught and came from abject poverty? How will you account for the rise and fall of nations like Greece and Rome?

We are talking about mind not matter. Nobody with any sense denies that women are weaker than men.

>I believe in the Allfather, and I believe that the universe didn't just explode into existence out of nothing. It operates within a certain set of rules which are logical and calculated, not random.

And do you believe that that Allfather gave us the illusion of having freedom of will and a soul? If so, is he a deceiver?

>What kind of drivel is this? Are you saying that theism and science are incompatible? Seems like a real slap in the face to God to go about telling people that he couldn't have set evolution in motion.

I never denied the theory of evolution. You are putting words in my mouth.

I am saying that if you believe in a soul then you contradict yourself by limiting people's capabilities. If one black man may be a man of genius then any black man may be, because he has proven that the souls of black men and the souls of white men are fundamentally and ultimately of the same order and capability.

National Futurism >/= National Socialism. On a deeper level, a spiritual zenith is reached when one attains to Esoteric Hitlerism.


Did you even read my graphic? I list FACTS about the American experiment. You regurgitate all the idiot talking points of someone who has never actually studied the liberty positions. Like most authoritarian race realists you simply assume libertarianism/freedom is about open borders, ulticulturalism and not giving a shit.

Firstly, early America had SLAVES for fuck's sake. Obviously liberty is compatible with race nationalism.

Secondly, the degeneracy that comes with wealth is because PEOPLE ARE WEALTHY. Wealth and leisure certainly do lead to apathy. But since when is the solution to have a dysfunctional system (authoritarianism) that makes people less wealthy?

In any case, the liberty position is not about whether this or that morality is correct, but about the efficacy of any authoritarian government to COMPEL morality. Seen from that perspective you'll start to understand why liberty is better.

Again, I recommend Charles Murray. You may want to start with his short book 'What it Means to be a Libertarian"

Also, Murray is author of 'The Bell Curve' and a race realist.

most modern day nazis are just degenerate edge lords who are trying to stay relevant, but some actually believe in a message, so i'm conflicted

>Yes, as a matter of fact, it does.
Nope. This is factually incorrect.

>the illusion of having freedom of will
Free will is not an illusion. This is the kind of garbage thinking that makes people turn to communism and shit like that or just become apathetic turds that lay around and don't make a difference. It also absolves the individual of their personal responsibility. No successful person I can think of has ever denied free will. Instead, they used their free will to become successful.

>If so, is he a deceiver?

>I am saying that if you believe in a soul then you contradict yourself by limiting people's capabilities. If one black man may be a man of genius then any black man may be, because he has proven that the souls of black men and the souls of white men are fundamentally and ultimately of the same order and capability.
Your "soul" is not the same as your capacity for learning. You can install Gentoo on a 10 year old laptop or a $5000 custom built workstation and have the exact same software but they aren't going to crunch numbers the same. Your "soul" is simply your life force which is the sum of your life experience combined with consciousness which is paired with your brain, which is a biological computer. When the hardware fails the software is lost.

Its a bad system. The closest thing to modernday Nasoc would be the People's Republic of China. Even if you take out the extreme ethno nationalism and reduce down to a civic level. You still end up with an ultra authoritarian state that regulates every aspect of your life.

But now things are different, its not 1930 anymore. Technology has rapidly expanded. Now we could have our surveillance state used to inspect each individual if we are meeting what the society/state has deemed to be an ideal citizen. China has already implemented a point system to try to grade each citizen on a rating system.

It may have been an okay system 70 years ago, but now with how much technology has progressed, the idea that people want this to come back scares the living shit out me, its not the fear of genocide since I am white, but it is just the extreme paranoia it will give me to make sure I don't break any rules.

You seem to think that only the state is capable of being an authoritarian figure. Religion is a form of authoritarianism in itself. The people were never free to run around and orgy, they had Cotton Mather breathing fire and brimstone down their necks. Religion kept the people in line. They were never truly free.

So yes. Look what freedom did to the west. Look how the kikes capitalize on that freedom, destroying men with coca cola and pornography. Look at the liberated woman and the nigger, and tell me they flourish without the guidance of others.

pre 1700s liberal enlightenment revolution or fucking bust

>You still end up with an ultra authoritarian state that regulates every aspect of your life.
This is incorrect. China is also a shitty example because they do too much foreign manufacturing, don't focus on the military, don't give a fuck about workers, and they pollute the fuck out of their land and have almost no regularly enforced safety standards. National Socialist Germany would not have put up with people eating dogs and using gutter oil to fry food. National Socialism is highly dependent on culture and how orderly it is.


>Nope. This is factually incorrect.

No such thing as factually incorrect in this instance. Facts are simply phenomena about the world. We are reasoning upon those phenomena.

>It also absolves the individual of their personal responsibility. No successful person I can think of has ever denied free will. Instead, they used their free will to become successful.

In that case why are you a Nazi? Why to you does every single black and Jew have to go? Why do the moral and intellectual ones and patriotic ones have to be forcibly expelled simply because they happen to look differently from you? Why not simply be against immigration and in favour of reversing demographic trends?

The very fact that there are black men of genius and high moral worth and who have perfectly assimilated into white nations proves that they do in fact possess the requisite "hardware" to be whatever they would.

If you think that consciousness dies when the body dies then you do not really believe in a soul----in a part of the man that thinks, reasons, knows, understands, has consciousness, of its own accord. Hence why Socrates describes us conversing and thinking and reasoning in the afterlife, when the soul detaches from the body:

"What would not a man give if he might converse with Orpheus and Musaeus and Hesiod and Homer? Nay, if this be true, let me die again and again. I myself, too, shall have a wonderful interest in there meeting and conversing with Palamedes, and Ajax the son of Telamon, and any other ancient hero who has suffered death through an unjust judgment; and there will be no small pleasure, as I think, in comparing my own sufferings with theirs. Above all, I shall then be able to continue my search into true and false knowledge; as in this world, so also in the next; and I shall find out who is wise, and who pretends to be wise, and is not."

In general, people trading off of the accomplishments of other people who have their same skin color are pathetic pieces of shit. Nazis, white supremacists, and a whole bunch of other groups do this all the time, and it's fucking stupid.

Accomplish your own shit. You don't get credit for the works of other people because you had the same ancestors 10 generations ago.

Speaking for myself, I'm 0% racist. I judge people based on their production and not their skin tone.

A fine effort that was poisoned by defeat in WW2. No longer relevant.
>white supremacy
I was swayed to race realism by my own experiences, the condition of various ethnostates around the world, and the data occasionally provided here.
The most relevant racism to me is that against whites. In the last several years, I have seen this begin to manifest even among normies.

>No such thing as factually incorrect in this instance
>in this instance
So facts are old facts when they suit you? Do you see this picture? This is red. The picture is red. This is a fact. If you disagree, see a doctor.

>In that case why are you a Nazi?
Because I believe in National Socialism.

>Why to you does every single black and Jew have to go?
You say that like it's a bad thing. It's mutually beneficial to deport Jews to Israel and set up an ethnostate for blacks.

>Why do the moral and intellectual ones and patriotic ones have to be forcibly expelled simply because they happen to look differently from you?
Why am I less likely than them to get a job in my own land because I'm white and I look differently from them? Segregating ourselves into racially pure nations will remove racial tensions and discrimination completely. Only the professional victims on the left want things to continue this way. Forced "diversity" is a problem, and the solution is not mixing us all together.

>Why not simply be against immigration and in favour of reversing demographic trends?
That's exactly what I'm in favor of. And to reverse demographic trends I am in favor of giving all peoples their own nation, but I'm mainly concerned about my own race.

>The very fact that there are black men of genius and high moral worth and who have perfectly assimilated into white nations proves that they do in fact possess the requisite "hardware" to be whatever they would.
Those individuals do. The average black person isn't like that. Do you just not understand averages or what? It's like finding a blue apple and going "oh, see! all apples are blue!" like a fucking retard.

>If you think that consciousness dies when the body dies then you do not really believe in a soul
That's not what I said. I specifically said that once the body fails, the soul is lost from it. What happens to it I can't say, and I'm not trying to argue that. Again, don't be so dense.

Nazism is an outlet for incel mellenials to justify their shit lives. On Pol they're typically angry, insecure, and they confuse political conciousness with high IQ but they're all idiots.

Have you fucked your goats today? Remember to fuck your goats and make Muhammad (piss be upon him) proud.

>Because I believe in National Socialism.

National Socialism said that every single Jew in the country had to go or be persecuted simply because he was born a Jew.

>You say that like it's a bad thing. It's mutually beneficial to deport Jews to Israel and set up an ethnostate for blacks.

We have blacks and Jews of good moral character who were born here and do not want to leave. They consider themselves British and are indistinguishable from any other British person.

>Why am I less likely than them to get a job in my own land because I'm white and I look differently from them? &c.

We should attempt to reverse demographic trends as far as possible but the point is that we have solve the racial crisis that is already on our hands in a rational and humane way. It does not follow that because affirmative action is wrong all blacks must go. Side with the blacks who condemn affirmative action, oppose the whites who support it. There is no need to let one extreme push you into another extreme.

>Those individuals do. The average black person isn't like that. Do you just not understand averages or what? It's like finding a blue apple and going "oh, see! all apples are blue!" like a fucking retard.

There was a time when Northern Europe was barbarous. Gradually they became civilized. My point is not that blacks are not on average less intelligent or more violent but that they are not necessarily so. The difference between you and me is that I condemn them for their actions in accepting the welfare state, committing much crime, encouraging a low state of culture &c., whereas you say that these things are intransigently so. 2,000 years ago I should have condemned the Britons for barbarism and cannibalism but likewise I should not have said that it was in their genes that they must necessarily be barbarians and cannibals, because I should have recognized them as men with immortal souls.

Holy fuck you are triggered so hard. If you weren't so autistic you'd understand how transparent you retards are. Enjoy dying alone rofl

Thule! And checked!

Most of the people here wouldn't qualify for the US army let alone the Fourth Reich. A lot of them aren't even white

You posting here is justification for yours. And there absolutely is none. You are an economic refugee, a parasite on the white taxpaying citizen. You will never be one of us. Noone is triggered here by you, they just desire your immediate ejection from the thread, from the board, from the site and from our Western societies and you will live to see it happen

They would have been conscripted into the SS and used as cannon fodder in the more aggressive maneuvers to spare wasting lives of Wehrmacht units. That's what the Germans did with their more passionate but useless loyalists.

>every single Jew in the country had to go or be persecuted simply because he was born a Jew
Yes, let's totally invalidate the parasitic nature of Jews and the countries/nations they've destroyed; Nazi purging and persecution was totally unwarranted huh?

>They consider themselves British and are indistinguishable from any other British person
Oh, you know; except their fucking skin color lmao

>Side with the blacks who condemn affirmative action, oppose the whites who support it
I don't think you understand what National Socialists believe; this is EXACTLY our stance on it

>There was a time when Northern Europe was barbarous
And yet they were allowed to settle their differences and exist in their own homogenous states to progress themselves and their nations: 90% of modern civilization was founded on European blood and soil. What has Africa contributed to western civilization? To western invention?
They have existed homogenously just as Europe has for millennia and yet they are still in the shitter
Giving them the crutch of multiculturalism and allowing them to profiteer off the backs of a civilization that was never made by them and intended for them not only destroys their own culture but the culture and homogenously of the nation that supports them

those aren't fucking facts. just like I said in my post, you take your stupid fucking concept like "liberty" and then exhaustively wax poetic as if your bullshit BLACK AND WHITE ideals are the prime mover of everything good and the absence of them is the single cause of everything bad. you take history and abstract it all away with simple braindead categories and romanticize and masturbate to your philosophy as if it still has any resemblance to the real world events you set out to characterize.

>liberty is not a denial of collective identity but a positive affirmation of voluntary collective identities
what does this even fucking mean? NOTHING in life is voluntary. EVERYTHING anyone does is because they are compelled to do something at all times and by all things. so what is the relevance of your simplistic philosophical navelgazing to me, the average joe, who doesn't really give a shit about ideals like whatever the fuck "liberty" is? what if I am instead concerned with the items in the lower tiers of maslow's hierarchy? what if I am instead busy serving my baser instincts and more immediate and relevant and impactful concerns? the bigger picture begins to lose focus and fade away. even though every single individual's actions DO NOT EXIST IN A VOID, as we all live in the same country, I am just busy maximizing my quality of life. I have a high time preference. I couldn't care less about small and hypothetical snowballing problems, I have big problems in my daily life. I, the everyday american citizen, am content with order and stability. I am willing to compromise with authorities, be they social or official; it is better to bend than to break and my voice is drowned out by groups of people anyway.

libertarianism is the political hedonist's paradox. liberty enables degeneracy. liberty leads to apathy. liberty leads to inefficiency and dysfunction. I couldn't care less about your hypothetical future utopia, it being the present, it can fucking wait.

Posting here isnt evidence of it alone. I'm not here to post seriously and I didn't just get triggered like he did. All natsoc posters are always very sensitive and come across as dumb as shit.

Awfully presumptuous to assume I live off white tax payers. I'm genuinely confident I pay more in taxes than the average Pol poster earns in income. I never asked to be one of you, I'm already better than you. Eat shit lmao

>Yes, let's totally invalidate the parasitic nature of Jews and the countries/nations they've destroyed; Nazi purging and persecution was totally unwarranted huh?

And are you contending that Jews bear even a lion's share of the responsibility for the fall of nations? Then why did Greece and Rome fall? And why did well-nigh all other declining civilizations exhibit sexual immorality, mass immigration, radical feminism &c. &c., as Sir John Glubb shows in his "Fate of Empires"?


We are dying as a civilization because we are degenerating in our morals and our intellects and that is entirely our own faults. Nobody can Make you a bad person. Jews are overrepresented in subversive movements but they are not the be-all and end-all of the problem.

>Oh, you know; except their fucking skin color lmao

As if that matters. If your skin turned black tomorrow should you suddenly become a different person?

>I don't think you understand what National Socialists believe; this is EXACTLY our stance on it

No, my point is that you believe many other things besides; that all blacks must go, whether they would or not, whether they be morally upstanding patriots or not.

Northern Europe needed the Roman conquests to civilize it. It stands to reason that blacks needed us to civilize themselves. Give it time. It took thousands of years for Northern Europe to become civilized. The comparison you make is an unfair one.

Why do you bother having a serious discussion with him. It's probably some 16 year old virgin venting why he's a loser

If nothing else, it helps me to clarify my own thoughts and positions by thinking them through and writing them down.

Race is a spook. People that identify with their race and their culture are no different from the tribalist cucks that like to identify as x-gender. All are equally pathetic.

This is really just as bad as the Nazi or racialist position. Race and culture are important and patriotism is a virtue, they simply shouldn't be made the be-all and end-all. I don't understand why people either have to believe in opening the borders and instituting Communism or persecuting all blacks and Jews and refusing to accept even 99% whiteness.

I like the Nazis

>and that will entail what it entails.
being this autistic

>Race and culture are important and patriotism is a virtue
To who? to me? It certainly isn't. Why should it be?

>Then why did Greece and Rome fall?
I take it you never looked into the Jewish tax collections or any of the 3 Roman-Jewish Wars? How conflicts such as these lead to the split of Rome and eventual conquests at the hands of barbarians?
Or recently; the collaborators of the Bolshevik Revolution being predominantly Jewish? Founders of Marxism: Jewish. Leaders of the USSR; predominantly Jewish

C'mon man, you aren't even trying

>Totally plausible hypothetical
But it isn't black faggot and it won't ever be
But I'll humor you and continue on and say YES, fundamentally; I would be a completely different person. Physically: bone structure, brain patterns, IQ, genetic make-up; which would strongly correlate with a change mentally

>No, my point is that you believe many other things besides; that all blacks must go, whether they would or not, whether they be morally upstanding patriots or not
Blacks were not fundamental in establishing Europe. Blacks were not instrumental or part of the founding America. Aboriginals were not part and still are not integrated into Australian society. The UK was never formed from tribes existing out of African; and more so can be said for the other way around

Western civilization was not created by blacks nor for them. Why should they be here? If what you said is true about Romans needing to civilize Europe, then why are uncivilized blacks still roaming civilized European lands and not back in Africa "civilizing" it, as you so claim?

Try actually invalidating the points/arguments we make instead of just trying to belittle our entire ideology as "trolling". Admitting you can't dispute our claims is halfway to admitting we're correct. Just open your mind enough to ASK. Just to ASK is all I'm saying here. "What if they are right?" What would the implications of that be for your personally as well as the entire course of history? What would you do? When you start asking these questions you'll realize the truth. Before you know it you'll be one of us.


Everyone you mentioned was white. Pure coincidence.

>Discordfags I need backup
>please circlejerk me
>oh stroke me harder senpai

I'm sorry, I didn't want any non-arguments on my order. Can you please take this post back to the Chef and have them correct it? Thanks.

>even 99% whiteness.
this is the worst strawman. 99%, 90%, it doesn't really matter. for countries like ours, these varying degrees of proposed homogeneity become equally practicable. also, you're pretty wrong about the genesis of civilized european societies. modern europe certainly inherited a lot from ancient european civilizations, but a lot of what happened to europe can be attributed to literal eugenics: the rich outbreeding the poor and the criminal being sentenced to death and not being allowed to breed over a period of hundreds of years.

Have you more infographs in this type of genre?

You're a riot friendo
Tell me more comebacks
I am clearly no match for your superior wit

What's that? still no argument? I guess it makes sense, considering your flag.

>Even more of a memeflag than natsoc memeflag
>Counters shitposting bait with a gross generalization fallacy

like fucking pottery.

>presents no argument
>gets assblasted when presented in return with non-arguments

>STILL no arguments
you guys are bad at this lmao
i didn't realize my property was so worthless

This is untrue actually. Most great men, historically speaking, have come from humble backgrounds, and Plato observed 2,500 years ago that virtuous men tend to have vicious sons. As Voltaire said, “History is filled with the sound of silken slippers going downstairs and wooden shoes coming up.” Burke pointed out in his "Vicissitudes of Families" that, out that of the twenty-five barons selected to enforce the observance of Magna Charta, there was not then in the House of Peers a single male descendant.