Is anyone else sick of anime where the girls act like retarded babies or are just completely ditzy and useless?
Its not cute.
Its not sexy. Its just annoying. I get that Japs find those kinds of qualities in women attracting, but im American therefore not a degenerate.
Is anyone else sick of anime where the girls act like retarded babies or are just completely ditzy and useless?
>Is anyone else sick of anime where the characters act like retarded babies
I'm getting sick of pointless complaint threads.
>im American therefore not a degenerate
Joke of the century. But you're right that useless ditzy characters are annoying
It's a woman normal behaviour. Why i'm shold be sick of it
>but im American therefore not a degenerate
simply epik dude
>exists the cockpit during battle to whiteknight for some girl
he deserved to hit the ground like a water balloon.
Fuck off furfag.
So like real women?
I get you, I'm kinda tired over-playing has become the standard for anime voice actresses.
If you've ever heard Japanese girls talking (just watch a fucking movie if you can't travel or go to a touristic area) you know they sound NOTHING like that.
Basically the seyuu all speak like they're saturday cartoon villains, which which would be acceptable in shows aimed at kids but are still legion in the ones with a teenager/young adult target audience, and that's fucking unacceptable.
yiff in hell etc. etc.
I want zootopia posters to go
I'm not a furfag though, I'm just a Disneyfag, I've never even spanked it to furry. And no, wanting to fuck that rabbit does not count.
But plenty of anime guys are like that, too.
Yes it counts, fuck off.
Retarded maybe
Yes, it would be much better if they acted like real human beings, right?
Fuck off.
We had a real wimmyn character once and everyone hated her and called her a cunt.
Pic related.
Yes it would.
>inb4 3DPD
Go outside and intereact with people. They aren't all as terrible as you think. The way anime girls behave is pure cringe, and are traits of a mental illness.
She was a massively unlikeable cunt, though.
Yoshinari is a furfag how does that make you feel?
Yeah better act like complete retards than no one can relate and feel any sympathy to
Classic reddit.
how else is Kyoani gonna make its money?
No it doesn't, there is literally nothing wrong with memeing against your own sexual inclinations for just the sake of memeing.
America is the motherland (with a feminine penis) of degeneracy.
Let me flesh out the concept of 3DPD for you. Obese people waddling along to the next McDonalds, jocks and cheerleaders fucking each other, people awkwardly disappointing each other, disease. Crumbling infrastructure, cracks in the sidewalk, ugly houses, messy rooms, smelly people. Rap music being blasted by wiggers, faggots, retards. That's 3DPD. Is it clear to you now?
>be American
>not a degenerate
Otaku autism refuses to accept anything except perfectly formulaic characters, and that has forced the anime/manga/VN industry into stagnation. It's the same as the obsession with virgins, otaku get autistic fits when they see anything else.
>I get that Japs find those kinds of qualities in women attracting, but im American therefore not a degenerate.
Then maybe you should watch things made by Americans instead of anime.
>Is anyone else sick of anime
I want Sup Forums to stop leaking.
Like RWBY :^)
>Is anyone else sick of anime where the girls act like retarded babies or are just completely ditzy and useless?
yes, I watch anime to escape reality I don't need to see any more retarded completely ditzy and useless women when that describes literally every single 3dpd one
Yeah, this. I just recently got two jobs after about a year or so of unemployment and it's kinda eye-opening to be reminded of how terrible most people are and what shit taste everyone has in all forms of media. That being said, there's still only like, two moe series that I could tolerate and like. If we're going to indulge ourselves in fantasy-escapism I'd rather do it with sexy, mature women in action adventure scenarios. Give me my Cowboy Bebops and Desert Punks and Outlaw Stars Gundams and Irias and Nadias and Red Gardens back!
>Its not cute
That's just what you think man. A lot of nips find it cute.
You might as well say that characters with disproportionately big eyes (such as the one in your pic) are not cute but disturbingly grotesque, and there are some people that actually think that.
But as long as the majority of the intended demographic finds it cute they will keep making it.
What job did you get?
Stop. It's poor form when talking, there's no reason to use it while typing.
>useless women when that describes literally every single 3dpd one
You do realise a lot of people who make your precious cartoons are also women right?
How can you still call them useless?
At the very least, they're more useful than all the dumb NEETs
Human beings are genetically predisposed to find things with big eyes and baby like features cute. Its in our DNA. That doesn't apply to autistic behavior sense that is more cultural.
Sauce on this? Google only shows a couple of occasions it was posted on /vg/.
>my country's culture should be followed by another country
You are one jaded fuck
You can take qualities out of persons personalities and put them into characters and still have a non-cringy characters.
Game of Thrones has lots of different "real" personalities, for example, if anime would try to actually pick up on characters with variety or quirks that aren't generic archtypes we'd start seeing way better plots in general.
But its cute and sexy
>not degenerate
Then get the fuck out.
Absolutely. Anime should only have boys.
That would be so horrible.
Then don't watch anime anymore? It's not made for you anyways you entitled American twat.
Let's be honest anime can't get any worse.
More companies pandering to fujos would be far worse.
Nah, I just won't watch anime with terrible girls
>implying your british cuckolds are any better
>Sup Forums - Retarded Cartoon Girls
People who like these characters always get called faggots here and those characters tend to less popular. Nagisa, Manaka, Onodera, etc., no one cares about them
Yes it can. Only having boys achieves that quite thoroughly.
tend to be*
I have to interact with hundreds of people a week, it's part of my job. I don't want realistic people.
At least most the time. If it's done right it can be enjoyable.
>Game of Thrones
Why are you here
Love it.
I like it when people act like they're useless or a joke character, but are complete badasses in their own right.
Depends on what kind of boys are left. You'd still get around it by just having the "Draw a Girl, Call It a Boy" type traps just fill the role that girl characters did before the urge, or did what KyoAni did with Free and inject the fuccbois with moe archetypes. Same problem, but with less fap material for otaku as a whole.
I agree with you, we need more strong women, like Casca, Mikasa or Revy.
It's some gay shit. English yaoi prostitution should find it.
>real wimmyn
She has all the tact, personality and emotional intelligence of a spoiled toddler. She's a textbook retarded baby
Game of thrones is fucking garbage with garbage people. Please end yourself.
>I want the walking dead characters in my anime!
That sounds exactly like a real woman.
Sounds like most middle to high school girls nowadays. Even early 20s.
Spoiled little princesses who try to be special snowflakes, just like kirino.
>but im American therefore not a degenerate
He's just a westaboo.
Anons have that down easy, so it's got to be realistic to some point.
Don't tell me you find their bodies disgusting.
Left is gross. Right is OK at best.
Because I watch more than just anime?
Fine dude, keep complaining about your every day moeshit and boring plots and characters in 3/4s of the season's anime. Obviously something needs to change and people know it does, but they don't want change.
You look for tomoko.
I like moeshit and manime. It doesn't need to be one or the other.
Just because you only like manime doesn't mean the entire medium should pander to you.
It really isn't any worse that the popular seasonal stuff the get discussed here daily, like Kabaneri or Mayoiga this season
You can have good characters and interactions in moeshit too. I enjoyed a few, doesn't change the fact most have both traits horribly done. It's been awhile since I picked any up since I've moved on to shows with actual plots, but I enjoyed GJ-bu a lot.
True, but it really is garbage all the same.
Why not stick to your cartoons?
Would you rather see them acting like conniving, heartless, manipulative bitches who will say anything to get ahead in life?
Because that's real life and that's garbage tier.
I like anime clichés just as much as well written characters.
I think it's fine. Do I wish we had a few more serious shows with realistic charchters? Sure, but it isn't that big a deal.
>Not degenerate
Yeah ok buddy
>realistic means you have to take all the bad aspects without anything good
I never understand this retarded logic
>but im American
You're degeneracy incarnate. Now fuck off and go back to being used, raped and killed by your jewish masters.
All the good parts if 3D are in anime already. What good parts do you mean?
>but im American therefore not a degenerate
>falling for MC because he's said you're cute
>being a complete bitch to his friend because he's not MC
>good part
There are tons of anime/manga not like that. Also girls in real life fall for you just by being attractive, so it's pretty realistic.
I asked for examples of good things in 3D not animated. What are they? Seems you're the 3D master here.
America is the one that does the raping my friend. Not the other way around.
I never said there are "good things in 3D" not animated, just that implied that "realistic character means he has to be a complete cunt" is wrong.
Sure, they get animated, but you see them much less than the generic overused cliches writers use just because it's safe and it makes money
Anime generally just doesn't have the length or pacing to write them properly. You should read manga instead, it'd give you what you want a lot more often.
cause if they do act like that, you just want them to shut the fuck up
>reddit spacing
>game of thrones
>calling others jaded on Sup Forums
>Is anyone else sick of anime where the girls act like retarded babies or are just completely ditzy and useless?
If you want something with strong independant women who need no man then look elsewhere
>reddit spacing
Do you usually grasp at straws?
fuck off and take your bad opinions with you
Nice strawman.
eat my shorts
pic unrelated, right? Frog a cute, but doesn't act like a "retarded baby"