Can we have a Kyouko thread to celebrate the fact that she made it into the SHAFT top 5?
Can we have a Kyouko thread to celebrate the fact that she made it into the SHAFT top 5?
post some straight stuff
Fug. She even beats Madoka in the latest result.
This is heresy.
>current ranking
Homura > Kyouko > Madoka > Sayaka > Mami
As always japan has utter shit taste.
indeed, heresy and shit taste
Very straight antics between two straight girls.
I never thought Mami deserved to be that high.
Current ranking
1. Bat
2. Homura
3. Crab
4. Snail
5. Kyouko
6. Madoka
7. Cat
8. Sayaka
9. Snake
10. Mami
Japan has spoken, Madoka had the greatest drop from 4th place to 6th place. Mami also dropped from 7th place and now Sayaka and Snake overtook her. Homura and Shinobu remain consistent.
"""fifth best""" position is not that bad mami-san
>crab, snail, snek higher than monkey
Discard this
Japan doesn't like bisluts.
Monkey is shit, though still not as bad as snake.
Please, please fucking kill yourself. I'm not even kidding, you need to die. You are a cancer and you have damaged this fandom so badly. You're not smart, you're not worth anything, you're not a good person. Literally the only thing you are doing is making everyone in the fandom get less content, less good threads, less everything.
I hate it so much. I can't stand how you are almost single handedly ruining a whole fandom.
Y-you too.
Yeah, you might have a point if I actually did anything wrong. But thankfully I don't. I don't spend every possible moment I have attacking people. I don't spite people. I don't spam. I don't specifically go out of my way to attack scanlators out of some insane personal grudge.
I hope this means Kyoko will end up with a bigger role this time around. I think the nips got it right, Kyoko is easily best girl. The only reason Homura beats her is because she has had loads more screen time.
>She even beats Madoka in the latest result.
Just how Aoi would want it.
>Literally the only thing you are doing is making everyone in the fandom get less content
If this was his goal, then it looks like he is getting exactly what he wants. Saying this only convinces him he is being victorious, and responding to him only eggs him on.
I've got proof.
At the time you made this post it had been about five hours since a crack post (here) >141187204
Then, after you posted it there were all these posts.
I understand you want to help the fandom, but your method is not helping. If you really want to help the fandom the best thing you can do is ignore these crack shitposters, focus your effort on stopping artists from cracking the content in the first place instead, and maybe even buy some canon paired doujinshi to support artists who don't do this.
These things will help the fandom.
Giving the crack poster someone to fight with (and thus keep himself entertained) will not and it has not.
Homura is a good girl who deserves love and eternal salvation.
All the VAs love Kyoko so they may have some influence in her relevance.
No, you mental defect aspie. Nothing gets solved by ignoring it. How many times do you need to be told this. He will keep posting crack whether he gets replies or not. He has already proven this.
>only one person takes issue with crack shitposters literally ruining the fandom
What makes think this seems likely in the slightest. Everyone is losing out because of him, do you not think it stands to reason that everyone would take issue with this? Use some common sense.
And I say all these while being about 80% sure you are a crack shitposter. And that you are just trying, yet again, to push your, "durrrr just ignore it, everyone thinks like me" nonsense.
I'm not saying the crack will stop, but I think it will slow down the aggressive spamming of it.
The crack poster is trying to be a troll after all, the whole point of trolling is to get a reaction. By responding to him you are giving him what he wants.
Either way, it's clear that arguing with him hasn't helped. And as I pointed out here he didn't show up in that thread again until you showed up.
>giving the shitposter what he wants
>letting him think he "wins"
>having hug box threads were you can't speak unless you want threads to be spammed to shit for years on end
Sounds like a great solution.
And you were wrong, he was posting crack as little as an hour before hand. He was posting crack as little as an hour before, and he was also doing other crack related things with "Kyoko's l0ve" as his fake name, and trying to make everyone believe his agenda.
No, that's not really worth a thread.
It's a great accomplishment but msking a thread will only lead to this right off the bat ruining it.
You're confused. The one giving "guaranteed replies" is you. Literally all someone has to do is point out how your behavior is bad and you lose your mind with rage and start spamming for years on end.
Least Sayaka isn't last.
Would've preferred if she were above Madoka though.
>giving the shitposter what he wants
No, that's what you are doing, as I explained.
>letting him think he "wins"
This statement from you troubles me. Is beating 'you' what he 'wants'? This implys that you do not want to lose either and makes me worry that the community is not really what you are trying to defend here. I hope I'm just reading into that too much and that is not the case.
>having hug box threads were you can't speak unless you want threads to be spammed to shit for years on end
You can post. Just do so anonymously, and don't respond to the crack. Instead talk about the show, and ignore the trolls.
My solution is certainly better than yours. It's been a year and your method has accomplished literally nothing.
>And you were wrong, he was posting crack as little as an hour before hand.
Could you link to this? I didn't see it.
You're so fucking retarded, stop talking in circles.
Yes, what !Akemi wants is to have a safe space where he can be a low brow shithead in peace and think that everyone accepts him. Pic related. And if he can't get that, the next thing he wants is to attack people. Which he will do regardless of all else.
Him winning is him getting what he wants, and he "wins" when he gets his hug box and he has no one top tell him off for being a bad person. And guess what, you stupid fucking retard, again, everyone hates you because you make everyone in the fandom lose out. Err, sorry, not "you", !Akemi and Troid. (you're the former.)
>You can post. Just do so anonymously, and don't respond to the crack. Instead talk about the show, and ignore the trolls.
The fuck are you smoking you retard. That in no way replies to what I said. I said you want a hug box where you can't talk unless you want people to spam crack, you replied with "you can post". Meaning you missed the whole point you fucking retard. The point is not to just post, it's to point while telling off bad posters who are damaging the threads. You don't want that, thus you want a hug box.
Your "solution" is "do nothing". Which is not a solution. Go light yourself on fire and see if your "do nothing solution" stop you from burning to death.
It's the homusaya gif he (you) always, always always spam.
It's obvious who you are as well, as you refusing to stop bumping the thread.
>Only madoka and monogatari girls
>You don't want that, thus you want a hug box.
What I want, is Madoka threads where the overall topic isn't related to crack-shipping.
It's an ok topic once in a while, but it gets tiring when that's all we ever see.
>Your "solution" is "do nothing". Which is not a solution.
Ok then, what's your solution? If you had a solution that actually worked I would listen to you. But you don't.
>Go light yourself on fire and see if your "do nothing solution" stop you from burning to death.
I would go jump in a pool of water or something. What a shit annology, you really are retarded, but ok I'll play.
Yelling at the fire won't put it out. That is your solution. So go ahead, go light yourself on fire and start yelling at it to stop burning you and see how far you get. That is how you deal with crack shipping.
If you come up with a solution that actually works, then by all means. Please do it.
Or better yet you love preaching about proof and backing up what you say, so how about you do that right now. Point out to me with evidence from desustorage where you have managed to stop crack spammers by yelling at them. From what I have seen, it doesn't make them go away, and it may even make them more prolific.
>It's obvious who you are as well, as you refusing to stop bumping the thread.
Fine, I'll sage then. I don't really see what that has to do with anything though.
I find it odd that when someone challenges you, you revert to cursing at them and calling them names. You offered very little proof for your own assertions in that post.
I wish you would act like a normal intelligent human being for a change... but I guess that is asking too much.
And no... I'm not a crack spammer, but yeah yeah no body lies on the internet. Either way, whether I am or I am not has nothing to do with what I'm saying or what we are talking about. You are just using that as a cheap way to avoid giving me a serious response.
Do me a favor and explain how your method of dealing with crack spammers doesn't amount to runing around on fire and spreading the fire somewhere else.
That is what you do.
That crack spammers are ruining this fandom... AND YOU ARE HELPING THEM!
It's so fucking pathetic that you don't realize that.
Kyouko and Mami are the top tier, why the fuck is Mami last?
Useless murderous boobs
What else has shaft even done
>Sayaka that low
My countrymen disappoint me.
>It's an ok topic once in a while
Now I am 100% sure you are a crack spamming shitposter and are just trying desperately hard to make people believe you are someone else.
>Ok then, what's your solution
More and more people tell the mod to do his fucking job and ban the obvious and self admitted shitposters.
>What a shit annology
No, not really. It find it very funny in the same sentence you call me retarded you misspell a simple word like analogy.
Your argument was "ignoring things that are a problem and they will go away". To that I gave an example where it's obviously impossible to ignore the problem, as the problem will kill you.
Yelling at the fire will indeed not put it out. But that's not what's in question here. "Yelling" is not what's going to put it out but "taking action" sure will. What that action is is not actually relevant.
And now I am even more sure you are a crack spammer. Because this is one your go-to things to do when you think you can "change your posting style" to try and look like someone new. I can identify who you are and give a serious reply to everything. Like I did, and you didn't.
>I don't really see what that has to do with anything though.
That's because you're retarded. You bumping the thread means the shitposting stays up longer on the board. As you know and have been told many times.
Think of threads like disposable rooms. Once you shit in the room it's ruined and there is no fixing it. You can't ruin something further once it's already reached point zero. The only good that can possible come from said thread is making sure the same problems don't happen in the future.
Is dis nigga srs
I'm surprised none of the Nisekoi girls have made it up there. Not that I think they belong on the list but I'm still surprised.
>You bumping the thread means the shitposting stays up longer on the board.
Due to the existence of the catalog, bumping a thread means practically nothing these days. A very small portion of the bumps a thread gets will be due to people noticing it close to the "top" of the board. The majority of attention will come from how much activity the thread has, saged or not - which you are being a major contributor to right now - and the more activity there is, the greater chance that at least one person will bump at least once per hour, which is all that matters. Hell, I browse the catalog sorted by activity anyway. Unless you seriously think it's a possibility that the thread could continue having activity with all sages, and eventually die mid-conversation as it reaches the bottom of the board. Which is exceedingly unlikely, so this particular obsession doesn't really serve any purpose. And yes, I'm saging this post.
I don't understand why anyone likes Mami. She's just boobs and the dependable senpai.
>Unless you seriously think it's a possibility that the thread could continue having activity with all sages, and eventually die mid-conversation as it reaches the bottom of the board. Which is exceedingly unlikely, so this particular obsession doesn't really serve any purpose.
Wow, it's almost like you are retardedly new and don't know this is EXACTLY how sage was used for many, many, many years before it was made invisible. That's quite literally the exact purpose of sage, to post in bad threads while still having them fall off the board so the over all quality increases.
I'm curious, what do you actually think sage is for?
Yeah, that's my exact point, dude. Your mindset its completely outdated. It simply doesn't work like that anymore. Get with the times. Be practical.
>replying to yourself because literally everyone hates you
No, that more or less is how it works still. Because oddly enough, not everyone is insane;lt attached to their random shitposting threads and stay awake for days on end just to keep bumping them from the bottom of the catalog.
Most people don't care if a thread dies, so they will sage posts as well. Even more so if the thread is shit.
And you didn't answer my question, what do you think sage is for?
>replying your self
>everyone hate you
Are you borring?
So do you genuinely think that it's plausible for a thread to continue to have high activity, yet never be bumped for over an hour, and eventually fall off the board mid-conversation, due to an unspoken agreement among a few dozen anonymous posters to sage every one of their posts? That really doesn't happen often, and it's absolutely not going to happen here. This thread will die when people lose interest in it. You can't possibly claim I'm wrong.
Sage is for posting in a thread without bumping it. Do with it what you will. What it originally was for means nothing in today's era of invisi-sage and integrated catalog.
Why do you think playing stupid actually fools people? You know it doesn't, yet you just keep doing it because you think if you do it enough it will eventually look like the common response.
Or it could die when it reaches bump limit, of course.
>So do you genuinely think that it's plausible for a thread to continue to have high activity, yet never be bumped for over an hour, and eventually fall off the board mid-conversation
I've seen this happen first hand countless times over. It's not exactly something that is rare.
>due to an unspoken agreement among a few dozen anonymous posters to sage every one of their posts
It's not some unspoken agreement, newfriend. It's that people recgonize the thread is bad, and thus sage it, so it's nor longer on the board. Believe it or not, it's not really that novel of a concept.
>he doesn't know what sage is used for
Hah. What a pathetic fucking retard. Just admit you're wrong. It's going to hurt nothing but your pride. No one else is going to care, even more so because this is an anonymous site.
>if I bump the thread with canon pairs it will make it look like I'm not posting just for the sake of bumping the thread
>This thread will die when people lose interest in it.
The topic isn't even relevant anymore at this point.
It's just you two arguing back and fourth.
People have lost interest and it's only bumped by someone retarded.
Sorry,Im idiot.
I don't understand what you want to say.
Rare or not (it's rare), it's not going to happen here. Period. You're not denying it, and your shift of focus towards calling me personally a retard instead is a transparent attempt to hide the fact that you know I'm right.
>he doesn't know what sage is used for
Man, you can't be serious with this bullshit. There was no big intra-Sup Forums meeting in 2013 or whatever the fuck when everyone got together and voted on what sage was going to be used for in light of all the changes to the site. I'm sure you have an idea in mind for what you use it for, and that's great, but it doesn't mean jack shit to other people for the reasons I've outlined. Accept it.
Kyouko looks like a hooker.
Yes, and as the thread becomes less interesting to the majority of people, devolving into a boring semantic argument between two people who are saging, it will still sporadically be bumped by various people out of a) apathy, b) obliviousness, c) some misguided feeling of protectiveness towards the thread's existence itself, or d) spite. This will continue for a while until either activity in general stops and the thread dies, or a new (well, relatively new), more interesting topic presents itself.
>it's not going to happen here. Period
Solely because of you. Not because it isn't a normal thing, or something that people don't understand.
I'm calling you retarded because you are retarded. It's as simple as that. It's not name calling. It's not mocking. It's just stating facts. Like "Oh, hey, I just saw a fat cow (your mom) on the side of road." Simple observations.
I addressed every point you made, spelled out how they are wrong, and pointed out things about you. These can all be done.
>There was no big intra-Sup Forums meeting in 2013 or whatever the fuck
There is literally only one possible use for sage, you fucking moron. It only does one thing. Jesus Christ, you're retarded.
>Solely because of you
Nope. Even if I accept your basic premise that I am your nemesis ban-evading crackposting tripfag, because that's your default assumption about anyone who isn't in constant sycophantic agreement with you, the behavior I described is by far the most common cycle throughout the board, and most other boards. To which you can simply say "no it isn't, retard", and, well, I guess there's not really any more traction in this discussion at this point. Good talk.
>To which you can simply say "no it isn't, retard", and, well, I guess there's not really any more traction in this discussion at this point.
No, I called you a retarded as well as explained why your statement is false. If you assertion was correct, no thread would actually ever die, and sage would not actually exist. More threads die from no one posting in them than do by hitting the bump limit. This, again, means people have no issue with threads actually dying, and that constantly necro bumping threads is not common behavior.
She has to get the money from somewhere
Yeah, ATM's, sick fuck.
>I hope this means Kyoko will end up with a bigger role this time around.
Kyouko is irrelevent to the plot unless it concerns Sayaka at this point.
>More threads die from no one posting in them than do by hitting the bump limit. This, again, means people have no issue with threads actually dying, and that constantly necro bumping threads is not common behavior.
God dammit you weren't even listening, this is pretty much exactly what I said earlier. I said that the continued existence of a thread is determined by activity. Regardless of whether the majority of posters are saging or bumping, high activity is life for a thread because it increases the chances that at least one person will bump at least once an hour, which is all that matters. If one particular person is sporadically bumping out of spite it somewhat skews the model, but even Madoka threads can die due to lack of activity, as he can eventually get bored. Happens all the time. But if there's activity, he's more likely to stay interested and keep doing it, plus other, regular posters are more likely to post.
Really, my overall point is that it's very misguided to lash out at every single person who bumps a thread, because apathy and obliviousness are far more common motivations for doing so than spite.
Her character has pretty much been concluded in the series proper.
Her best role is to now be a supporting character to those that need her.
They have one more full day of Madogatari, so we could see another change or two.
No, I was listening, and I explained exactly how you are wrong before, that point hasn't changed.
How do you not see how stupid you are? The "activity" of those threads is not what's the factor. Your reasoning is so circular it's insane.
And no again for your last point. Because Madoka threads are cancer these days and nothing good comes out of them, so people would not want to bump them and keep them around. Even furthered by the fact there never many posters in them and it's always one person samefagging.
Bumping for best girl.
>I explained how you're wrong before, you're stupid, you're wrong
Okay, I see we've gotten to this portion of the program.
>Madoka threads are cancer these days and nothing good comes out of them, so people would not want to bump them and keep them around
It'd be great if the second part were true. I would agree with you! Madoka threads suck and need to stop existing until there's something real to talk about. But that's not the mentality of the average poster. People like the show, and they want to have threads for it. See the "misguided sense of protectiveness" I mentioned earlier. It would be very comforting to think that all the problems can be blamed on a single evil person, but it's not that easy. A lot of people simply think that a bad thread is preferable to no thread, or they have low enough standards that they don't see anything wrong with the way the threads are. They're not doing this out of maliciousness or spite, they just want somewhere to discuss Madoka, or, failing that, see some pictures related to it. I'm not sure whether that carefree mentality should be pitied or envied, honestly. But shouting at every single one of them and telling them to stop samefagging isn't getting you anywhere. Unless your goal is to make Madoka threads as inhospitable as possible, in which case maybe you are getting somewhere.
Heys guys what do you think about Cyclone doujins?
You're cancer and you are so stupid, I honestly have no idea how you live with yourself.
They're shit, just like you as a person, rape spammer.
like clockwork
>But that's not the mentality of the average poster. [...] A lot of people simply think that a bad thread is preferable to no thread
Actually, as a matter of fact, it is. Which is why Madoka threads were almost a monthly thing pre Yuuki Yuuna's airing, when the worst shitposter ever to have used this site showed up and started making bi daily threads so he'd have a place to attack people with crack shit.
And hey, guess what? Explaining to people how they are wrong, and showing them how to correct their behavior is usually how it's done and how a problem is fixed.
Give a single reason why anyone should like those doujin. Because any sane person doesn't, and only depraved animalistic people do.
Pretty good, would love if he drew something else than Nanoha or Precure more often though. Madoka doujin by him would be amazing
Not interested.
Yeah, Symphogear would be neat too
It's hot
>still no info on new project
Why are you samefagging and replying to yourself? Don't you feel pathetic? You can't honestly think you're fooling anyone.
are you a bot
>Explaining to people how they are wrong, and showing them how to correct their behavior is usually how it's done and how a problem is fixed.
Yeah but when you temper your "advice" with constant accusations of samefagging people are just going to tune you out.
>It's hot
>implying you think with nothing other than your dick
See? I nailed you spot on. You're a depraved animal.
I'm curious, can you list a single good thing about yourself?
I clean and cook pretty well, and people tell me I'm a good listener so there's that
When you constantly shitpost in the exact same way there is only so much people can say to you.
Nah, because only a brain dead mongoloid retard would actually think like that. Because information is stand alone, and has nothing to do with anything else. Even if I was wrong about calling out out on samfagging, 2+2 is still four.
And being a brain dead mongoloid retard is not common either. So that's something else to make you stand out.
it's my first time in these threads
Wow, these are some pretty obvious lies.
You can't clean well because you literally wallow in shit and think these threads are perfectly fine. These threads being not clean.
You can't cook because you have no sense of taste. As in, you think the romantic and strong feelings of little girls getting shit on is funny and amusing.
You can't listen for shit, because as the years have shown, you can't even hold an argument in the slightest and will ignore anyone who threatens your ego.
As always, your "I would never lie on the internet!!!!!!" bull shit behavior pattern is obvious to see through, and no matter how many times you do it, you will not change no one has ever done it before you, which makes you stand out.
>duere that was mu 1st reply
Prove it. Can't? Then you have literally no reason to say it and saying it shows you desperate to prove something even when you have no proof.
Why do you care? You hate the series.