kz and D-YAMA are finally back. This is gonna be good.
Nolan Cook
Hey thread, so last time the left channel noise was pretty fucking bad (which was solved by the time the next weekend came around). I said I'd do my remux+cue at some point before the next matrix, but I kept putting it off due to the extra effort and the fact that listening to it caused me to have phantom noise in my ears for a few days plus a few hours of headaches. I can't watch the last few hours of today and don't have time after so I'll probably do it tomorrow after Xi-lium along with the remux for today (and maybe the Xi-liums of last month and tomorrow).
(If they don't work, wait for dev user or meguka user)
Again, next Mogra event is on the FIRST Saturday of June (Saturday 4th)
Also please, try to maintain all kind of blogpost or questions that lead to blogpost to minimum or better in 0. If you are one of the people that want to travel to Mogra one day and want to do it with some user, ask it in Ghost post mode to avoid all the shitposting.
Blake Adams
Happy Anniversary Anison Matrix!!
Ryan James
Julian Rogers
How come you never posted last month's Anison on nyaa?
Hudson Murphy
WOOOO I'm here at the start for once ! And I got drinks for once too, gonna be gud
Lincoln Powell
Selamat pagi mogranon!
It's great to get back to the most comfy time of the month.
Owen Stewart
I already said this a lot of times and last month they were asking this so. I won't risk on making a thread for other event that is not ANISON MATRIX on Sup Forums. Don't want to get mods angry after all we fight to get back mogra threads and now we are good with them. As i already said, Anison Matrix have been here for a long time, that's what marks the difference with other events that have never been. Also Anison Matrix event is the more Sup Forums related because it has a majority of anisong themes. There are other events that have anison, but not enough to be Sup Forums related, and we are walking on a thin line here. NEW YEAR is a special, so it's 50/50 Sup Forums related, but not all the music they pass are anisongs.
That's why I only make: - Anison Matrix (This one has been streamed on Sup Forums the longest, every first saturday of the month) - Mogra Anniversary (As a place/bar and it's a 3 days event) - Anison Matrix Anniversary (One day event, always first saturday of May) - New Year Countdown (Last day of the year)
As i already said in the past, I will only make Anison Matrix threads. Someone sugested to make a thread for other Mogra events on /jp/, so if you want to make one, feel free to do it. But take in count that I don't know /jp/ rules or /jp/ at all, i'm only from Sup Forums and /w/. So if they don't like/want those threads, please don't push hard on them and just don't make them, it could end affecting Anison Matrix threads.
Examples of things to don't do. Don't use the name Anison Matrix for an Anison Index event, they are not the same. Don't make reminders or threads to remember the next mogra event. Please, read all the pastas before doing/asking anything and don't do it again, you will only confuse other anons and give a bad name to this threads.
Elijah Phillips
I was waiting for this.
Lincoln Collins
Yeah was about to ask about as well. Partying too hard rec
Jackson Martin
Best time of the month is here once again!
Wyatt Ramirez
DJ Saolilith / Yotsuba just became a mother recently.
Same here, I spent the last of my dosh on a few beers.
Robert Adams
Read the thread
Lincoln Foster
Kayden Cook
To all anons and ANISON fans, please just don't respond to shitposters. That's the best thing you can do to keep threads on track.
If you see someone who's new, just don't respond. Better yet, link him to the pastebin post at the top of each thread. If you see images (like 3DPD/Feels/Pepe and more) or people that don't belong to this board or ANISON threads, please, just report them and ignore their posts.
All they want you to do is to respond and derail the thread.
If threads get derailed all the time, mods may start deleting them and nobody wants that.
So if this is the case, you can stay and enjoy with us, but please, adapt to Sup Forums and don't bring your boards manners, images and other shit.
Evan Clark
bebi be jammin to dem beats happiness
Matthew Lewis
I was confused when someone posted a mogra thread yesterday. Happy Anniversary Mogra!
Brayden Jones
Everyone still thinks ・Rec does the monthly remuxes for some reason.
Christopher Wood
Cameron Mitchell
The cutest
Brayden Russell
When stream goes down/RIP/kill/Yunchi/Kawada/Hard/Taku/Page, this happens sometimes due to technical difficulties, not other things. Just wait and don't blogpost what you are doing, this could only bring bad attention. So, no blogposting, questions that lead to blogposting and also no "thread is kill, what now?" kind of post.
Go watch/read/listen something in the mean time.
If you want to post random Soundclouds, to a degree that is Anison Matrix related, do it just to keep the thread alive, but and this is very important
just leave the thread reach page 9 or 10 first and them bump it.
In moments like this, it's better to stay the major amount of time out of page 1, to avoid shitposters.
Nicholas Rodriguez
err for
Andrew Wood
for once the VLC stream has better audio
Liam White
Used to do it, that's why. In any case, I was thinking of doing the 2012 dump. Unsure if I'll get it done today since I'm tired as fuck now.
Carson Moore
Oh, it's medicore songs all over the place with 1-2 decent onces again.
Joshua Jackson
Before someone ask, I don't know moon, so it's a shitty translation from google. The 3 GUEST DJ.
▼kz ClariS, including the music of Tokyo 7th Sisters, music producer maker Anison, games, such as the J-POP. Also as a DJ "ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL", "COUNTDOWN JAPAN", "ULTRA JAPAN", a number of festival beyond the boundaries of the genre, such as "super-conference", appeared in the event. Nakata from 2016 Yasutaka, tofubeats, start the banvox et al. And a new event "YYY". livetune The name "Google Chrome - Hatsune Miku Hen -" CM song "Tell Your World", including the theme song "Hand in Hand" Magical Future 2015, while creating a large number of Hatsune Miku work, of SEKAI NO OWARI Fukase, music, which celebrated its gorgeous realistic vocalist such as Sho Kiryuin of Golden Bomber also has released. Also first the release work of "Sweet Clapper" is expected to release is a live unit "livetune + (live tune plus", which celebrated its Anna Yano to vocals from 2015 as livetune + in the start-up .5 / 11 at unBORDE. attention gather in future activities. livetuneplus . com twitter . com/kz_lt lang = ja
▼Sabacan Records Unit according to Sabakan record nerve center. Favorite Anison Guchon "MAGIC OF LOVE of magic round OP reason:. Intro from ish RAVE." Fujiko master "of City Hunter ED Get Wild reason:. Because Komuro." Silvanian Families "Nurse Witch Komugi of love of OP Medicine reason:. Blowing in the wind of the tan to what extent also because it seems to go."
Parker Barnes
The father is still unknown.
Daniel Perry
why not create a website to host it all on?
Kayden Gonzalez
I don't have a single dumpire screenshot.
Brandon Sanders
I missed last month, did a friendly drawfag drop by and make this for us?
Michael Wilson
Anyone know what song is playing now?
Jordan Brooks
That has been done before. Reasons why it cannot be on website:
>Space >Bandwidth >Host respecting "copyright"
Websites that can do unlimited ranges to HOLY FUCK I'M PORR ;_;
Benjamin Fisher
those are official ones
Nicholas Torres
You're not poor, those websites just charge a fortune.
James Gomez
Speaking of which, do we know who does the art for Mogra?
Nolan Gray
>Space don't you already have it all stored?
>Bandwidth it doesn't cost that much to get a server running each month
>Host respecting "copyright" host is in russia!
>HOLY FUCK I'M PORR ;_; > i have $2 here
Levi Richardson
▼H.K.WORKS (HokBoy & KoC_kun) Held at Akihabara MOGRA, it has attracted the attention appeared a large number have certain collectively blog "legal Lori party". Emotional multidimensional DJ unit by HokBoy and KoC_kun that was active as its operations. The ANISON MATRIX !! or a two-dimensional element + dance music such as VOCALOID-ManiaX around the events in the main shaft, and HokBoy who also appeared in "Akinetto" in Shinkiba ageha, to the compilation work done composer activities Droplamp name by two KoC_kun that have announced participation and numerous "PAWORKS" feature voluntary production EP, the story of a girl who lost all kinds of tears from AmenBreak until Chillout is spun. H.K.WORKS Creations:
Cute, happy for her and in other news I think a DJ have get married, I think, maybe someone can do a better translation than fucking google, pic related.
No official art that they made for Mogra, it's on the page.
Juan Richardson
sensei's stream is up guys
Daniel Phillips
Oliver Reyes
Lincoln Sanders
>tiny disco
Brayden Russell
Best time of the month is here.
Gavin Lee
P.A.WORKS fans rejoice
Gabriel Nguyen
Henry Lewis
Do you guys think they're gonna shut down the stream for?
>01:00~01:30 sabacan records/DeLPi
Cameron Lewis
Shirayuki time! Really nice remix.
Jeremiah Davis
Time for some tea! Every Mogra is missing something without drinking something.
Caleb Thompson
>yanagi nagi out of nowhere
Colton Moore
And I don't make enough to pay for the cost. I have the storage Bandwidth + Storage gets costly >hosting in russia Putin would be proud >$2 k
Chase Myers
Asher Rogers
Luis Robinson
Wow holy shit I'm actually awake for the thread!
Good night.
Jason Baker
Charles Myers
Bruh, if you're offering to provide said server storage, bandwidth, and hosting, then by all means hit the irc channel rizon#pswg and arrange things to get the ball rolling.
If not, you can fuck right off.
Bitching about the problem without offering a solution is just being part of the problem.
Cameron Barnes
Josiah Bailey
user is this is a blue board.
Benjamin Wilson
Sensei, user. See Lets hope no, I don't want to add more guests to the list.
Levi Thompson
Grayson Martin
>𝐷𝑜𝑗𝑦𝑎𝑎𝑎~~𝑛! i don't speak box
Hunter Parker
Song name?
Daniel Rogers
Holy shit this song, what the hell is it?
Liam Howard
I'm looking forward to this the most. I have no idea what kind of set to expect.
Ethan Reed
drinking icetea, gave away my teakettle last month
No, they only have one set with the two of them as the timetable suggests (and I think I might have predicted that in ghost to back then).
Ian Myers
Copyright bruh
Isaiah Sullivan
Landon Cook
Early for once
Henry Reed
NND, YT and any other video place suffers from copyright infringement.
Charles Torres
>Finally have a job that allows me to be free most weekends.
Alexander Murphy
Jeremiah James
I swore I wouldn't listen to a MATRIX until the December one (it's a tradition for me to only listen to the one that's in the first or the second saturday of december) but oh what the hell I'm gonna listen to this one too, it's an anniversary.