Claim your hentaifu!!!

Claim your hentaifu!!!

I claim Kyouka!

How do hentaifu work with waifu?

Can mai waifu also be my hentaifu?

Or must she star in hentai to be my hentaifu?

Am I allowed to have both or should I just kill myself for thinking this way?

>Or must she star in hentai to be my hentaifu?
>Am I allowed to have both
>should I just kill myself for thinking this way?


Whoever your hentaifu is, I'm pretty sure she's already been "claimed".

What if I like OP's girl. I've fapped to it so many times.


She's my waifu, not "hentaifu" or anything.


>try to masturbate in a classroom after school
>this slut smells your dick from across the school and hunts it down
Top hentaifu material.

It's OK to claim 2 if they're twins, right?

i've seen it before but forgot the sauce. mind helping a brother out?

One's hentaifu is simply a waifu from hentai.

Am I allowed 2?

Some people use the term to describe their favorite hentai character, so the distinction needs to be made.



Akina To Onsen De H Shiyo Ep 1



>wanting your balls crushed and to be tossed aside like a piece of cucked trash
there is only an issue with one part of this

Nora Higuma is so good, any artist that even comes close to him?

I can only name Nounanka Sedai