The 2020 Olympics are coming up soon™ and the Olympic committee is putting pressure on Japan to get rid of its "weird stuff". Tens of thousands of foreigners will be in Japan for the event, all potentially exposed to Japanese TV. With that in mind does Sup Forums think the pressure to "conform to normie" will be enough to have an effect of anime of that season? That is to say, do you guys think anime of that season will be "tamed down" so as to be more acceptable to the western pallet?
The 2020 Olympics are coming up soon™ and the Olympic committee is putting pressure on Japan to get rid of its "weird...
>mfw thousands of people end up with a loli fetish after going into nipland
I dont think i will give a shit about anime in 4 years from now
I wouldn't be surprised if there were a fuckton of sports anime during that season
>Olympics with cute anime girls
It's late night who cares. Maybe there will be less cartoon posters in the city, but again who cares.
Akiba maybe. I doubt anime itself will change. Late night anime, per Also,
>western pallet
Why are you even here. You are everything wrong with the board.
Interests change from time to time
Where the fuck do you faggots keep coming from?
I know people throw around "here forever" as a joke, but it is probably the most truthful joke out there.
>who cares
Well the Olympic committee cares. If they are trying to get rid of every poster of cute girls doing cute things, how do you think they feel about afternoon TV being filled with it?
What I think is that green is a trap
I hope Japan covertly sabotages the Korean participants for some drama.
It won't have any effect at all on anime since that's totally separate.
If you were to walk around Japan, you'd probably see fewer anime and vidya posters. But that's hardly the weirdest shit Japan has to offer. Just visit /jp/ or better yet futaba to get an idea what they're really worried about.
Afternoon TV usually doesn't have anything particularly pushing. Gundam, sport, shonenshit, that's it. If they remove the gigantic posters of idolshit near the stations for a while it's not a big deal.
It already kind of is tamed down. And, all things considered, the biggest change is Comiket moving away from Tokyo Big Site and likely setting up shop at an alternate location. Maybe less porn shops and brothels in Tokyo, but considering that Akiba is a shadow of its former self, that's not really going to do much.
Also, maybe Japanese tourists will be less annoying after having to experience thousands obnoxious foreigners.
Rio barely did anything for thw world cup and they aren't doing much for the 2016 games. Why would Japan care about drawn images if Brazil doesn't care about drugs and murder?
>Japanese tourists will be less annoying
>the Olympic committee is putting pressure on Japan to get rid of its "weird stuff".
Why is this shit tolerated? To pressure conformity to cultural standards is as bad as racism.
They already got the contract. It's over. They can ramp up the "weird stuff" and all these sports faggots could do is look away.
Because the Olympic committee is as corrupt as FIFA, if not more so. They are more or less untouchable and can do what they like. Any and all countries on earth would suck some major amount of dick to host.
>And, all things considered, the biggest change is Comiket moving away from Tokyo Big Site and likely setting up shop at an alternate location.
>be a massive weeaboo
>put years of grueling effort into becoming an Olympian athlete so you are selected to go to Japan and can then unleash your inner weeaboo and enjoy your favourite Mongolian kaleidoscope images to your heart´s content
>be told you are staying in Tokyo and get super-hyped
>you go to Comiket, find out it has been moved out and now you are out of time and have to compete, and afterwards you will have to go straight back home
Do you have a source for this?
I will be sourly disappointed if anime isn't a major part of the ceremony. It is one of their biggest entertainment exports. Trying to hide away that part of the culture/country to spare the feelings of MrsTumblerina from Seattle Washington who isn't even into sports and is only ranting about it for attention would be a major shame.
Doubt it