I dunno guys, even if Koharun ends up being the mastermind, that would only make her character all the more interesting.
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to hold Mikage and tell him everything is going to be alright.
First for Koharun a slut.
The guy who freed Jack must have been part of the leaving group to explain how Jack was able to walk alongside them in the woods the whole time. Pink Goddess is the culprit.
I want to cum on yuuna's glasses
His laugh melted my heart.
I Love Pon
I want to become Naana's friend and hear her sing. I want to encourage her to persue her dreams and become a famous singer. I want her to cuck the shit out of me afterwards.
these are your bullies tonight
I want to protect Lovepon from all the bad things.
Can I shoot them with my gun?
I want to rape those bullies.
Or be raped by them.
I want to protect Nyanta
Show's dumb yo
For who ever made this pic. Thanks, it made my day.
Are you retarded or did you just not see the latest episode?
Puke-chan obviously is the mastermind or at least lead them to the village. She probably emailed Koharun.
Too much similarity with Takano Miyo. I doubt they would go that route.
Post yfw Naana has been sacrificing virgins to remain young forever.
Hey fags I made a thing.
Best bully coming through
Please bully my ass.
Mine sublimed immediately upon contact with his smile.
All these femanon tier comments these past threads about supporting and encouraging the turbo manlet are fucking hilarious, as if anyone would want to have anything to do with a fucking 155 cm dude IRL.
Honestly, I want to fuck her neck.
Was that Nya's apartment? How the fuck did she teleport there?
We could've saved the pon.
Come off it, Mikage, you human failure.
I want Na-na to force me to lick her feet after walking all day long in the forest, while watching me with a condescending smile which says "Admit it my little user, you actually love licking my feet."
I like it
Naana a cute. A CUTE.
It's 154 cm actually. I agree on the obvious femanons though.
Found the jealous virgin lanklet.
fuck you, whoever made this and you again for posting it
D-Do you? I do. Her feet are two of my 4 favourites of Mayoiga and I love licking the,.
You can always spot the gayfag/femanon posts because they're the ones who hate Lovepon and love the rambo manlet.
Is there even such a thing as a 155cm guy? Im East Asian and all my mates are 170cm.
I knew someone who was 159cm. He was a real ladies man and a real slut
Hola Latte, sono io, user
Where do you idiots come from? It's an open staircase in some commercial building.
That's a nice meme m8, i chuckled. Keep it up
Is this bullying?
>implying he's not liked only by homos who want to fuck his boypussy
I miss Athens
Even worse.
there isn't a cuter girl than nyanta
Mitsumune a cute
Didn't you know. People have the ability to teleport.
>No MC screentime this episode
>It's the best episode in a while
I didn't screencap it, but wasn't it last episode where Lion kept teleporting in and outside of the building while they were talking?
I want Nyanta to shoot my ass.
How do you feel about Maimai devolving into a Mitsumune cheerleader and a general crying mess?
That guy probably told Depp to go ahead and paint 8 on a tree. By doing so, Hopper could get revenge from Ketsu-kun.
hola doc
*shoots you dead with a bbgun*
Salut Latte, je suis user.
Pretty bad m8, I thought she could be saved after episode 5 and her giving Mitsumune the cold shoulder, but looks like she's doomed to be a satellite character.
I hate it because it raises her death flags
Reminder that it's currently summer in the show, they were sleeping with clothes on and almost certainly didn't shower after waking up in the middle of the night.
I want to smell Soy Latte.
I like it
Do you sleep naked in the summer?
>tfw Dahara's monster will be a deformed Koharun and Valkana getting it on.
What is a satellite character?
Blame Okada, I do
I want to protect this smile.
A character whose only trait revolves around depending on another character, usually it's a love interest.
I want to know more
Cześć Latte, jestem user.
I sleep naked all year round.
I only wear pantsu.
>and her giving Mitsumune the cold shoulder
>I-it's not like I wanted to defend you or anything
The direction of her character was painfully obvious user, you have to be dense to not see it coming.
was it rape?
When will Lovepon stop with the SHOKEI, it's almost as irritating as FUYUKAI DESU.
Dahara will never recover.
I laughed, nice work user
Objectively, who had the stupidest motivation to join the tour?
My vote go to Mikage, the manlet, Valkana and Nyanta.
Outlying side character that orbits the main cast and is defined by a single, 1-dimensional connection to an important character. Like the girl whose only defining trait is unrequited love with the protagonist.
Dahara only joined the tour to chase after pussy, and he got cucked too.
He's the stupidest person by far.
We knew she was generic tsundere #41551, so no surprise there.
Or want to _____ Valkana or Yamauchi etc.The only thing femanons are good for is drawfaggotry.
>Valkana is blunt
>Valkana is physical
>Valkana is alpha
Dahara needs to step up his game or piss off.
MC Rapist or whatever that rapper's name was
Looking for a survival challenge in the woods with a bunch of retards is a much cooler motivation than "let's escape society cause no one understands me".
She doesn't like the guy
>run away because you're afraid of failing entrance exams
>fail them anyways by virtue of not showing up
Yep, she's a sharp one, alright.