Hanta Sero edition
Hero Academia thread
Anyone got the databook image archive?
Hero Academia would be a lot less enjoyable if Sero, Kaminari, Mina and Kirishima weren't there
If you reverse the first letters of his full name it makes Santa Hero
So how does one excrete
Bantz lads is the best part of the lighter episodes especially Kaminari
The breather arc needs to come fucking soon
Seriously Hori should give at least two chapters of Sol between one serious arc and another.
No breathers. Only suffering now.
Anyone got the streams for episode 6? I need to see bakugou's surprised face live
How the hell does invisitits have good stats for in strength and speed if all she has is being invisible?
Most interestingly, the panel revealed that production on the My Hero Academia TV anime began about a year and a half ago, shortly before the 1st compiled volume of the My Hero Academia manga was published in Japan in November of 2014. This is actually a short lead time for an anime based on a manga published in Weekly Shōnen Jump.
There won't be a breather. With All Might's soon coming death, Best Jeanist already being dead, a whole city getting destroyed in the upcoming fight and all the other shit happening, you just know that SoL chapters and normal school life are over.
jesus christ thats fucking quick
I Just want a manga about kids going to hero school not fucking suffering. god damn it AFO
This again, Jesus.
Her invisibility is a side-effect of her quirk. We haven't seen her use her quirk yet.
is her quirk the big hands thing?
>We haven't seen her use her quirk yet.
Do you just ignore half of every post?
nope, thats someone differen't you might be mentioning pic related.
As for the invisible girl. We have no idea how her quirk works
Jirou, punch Sero please
nice headcannon
Jump Ryu
I want to import this but im a poorfag, fuck
So the author got too caught up in his story and now the pacing is shit? Too bad.
Guess that's why he was cancelled before.
Shut up, he is right, Hori said in one of the volumes that being invisible is not her quirk.
>Sero will never be relevant
>Tails will never be relevant
>Jirou will never be relevant
>Sadrock will never be relevant
>Shouji will never be relevant
>No one but Deku will ever do anything relevant or takes out any major villain by themselves
Fuck that, I could forgive it if Deku's power wasn't the most generic superpower you can think of for a protagonist.
I don't care for filler episodes/sections but god damn these kids could use a break at this point
hopefully when you know who joins the stars
>looks like Beast from the X-Men
>his quirk is actually named "Beast
>loves matrioshka dolls
Momo will get a new friend
>loves ikasumi pasta
Tentabro will get a new friend too
>Invisble Girl commenting on Ojiro
>Ojiro commenting on Invisible Girl
This is trying to tell me something
>Shoji is said to get along and work well well everybody
>Gets a B in cooperativeness
This is bullshit
That pony girl is a transfer student from america apparently My hero american when
I'm on it!
I just want knowledge, why this
someone hit him again
I din´t like this moment, she does the same with Kaminari a lot of times and there is no one slapping her after.
no u shut up, hori said so in one of the volumes
Thought I told you to shut up!
Do you think Himiko will ever settle down and become a good girl?
And this is why BnHA threads are cancer.
How is this cancerous? Have you seen SnK or TG threads?
Slow day, bro. People are waiting on episode 6 to stream tonight. Honestly, the last few threads have been fairly comfy with very minimal shitposting. Really, things could be much, much worse.
>Waaah but the others do it too
I thought it was your mom's job to teach you how bullshit this excuse was?
Q.Why Hory don't detailed villains deta?
A.Just read the volume 7 omake.
>enters thread that you think are cancerous
I will never understand the thought process of someone who has a hate boner
You still didn't answer first question
Why should I? You're retarded and a newfag, nothing I could say will make you less dumb.
But by all means keep doing what you're doing, it's good that the cancer is focused on specific mangas.
Shut the fuck up and go away you annoying shitposter.
>literally can't give a coherent reason as to why these threads are cancerous
>starts randomly calling people newfags
You are throwing newfags so I asume that you are here less than 2 years.
>Everyone I don't like is a shitposter
>Where is the downvote button guys???
I wouldn't even be surprised if you called a mod.
Making Bakugou less edgy since day 1
What are the streamlinks for My hero academia? I can't find any
Bakugou isn't edgy.
So production for the anime began shortly before Volume 1 was published in Japan.
>File: BestBros.png (243 KB, 810x340)
> (OP)
>Making Bakugou less edgy since day 1
People who call bakugou edgy have no idea what edgy means.
Not even gonna ask how that happened,
This has been posted already user see
>class B's only time to shine was against Mustard
I just want to see Neito not fuck up for once and Setsuna's quirk in action. What the fuck could be her ultimate attack move? throwing arms at her enemies?
Who the fuck is mustard
Gas dude
Gas kid. See the databook images.
holy shit really?
kouheis naming sense is great
How do you make him happy?
Never gets old. Thank you user
Are there trans of the omake?
Orange juice, lots of orange juice, a river of orange juice.
>episode 6 ends on that page
holy shit really?
>implying it adapts beyond chapter 8
The Flashback where deku helps Kacchan is in chapter 9 and it was featured in the episode preview.
Episode 7 will cover the election and the end of the trial of battle. Episode will start in the bus to USJ, something quick like USJ will take 4 episodes plus one epilogue episode. Talk about a slow adaptation.
lol, why hasn't baku used an explosion this big since this incident?
It has to be based on more than just friendliness, kirishima also didn't score the highest
What day of the week does the manga come out?
He did, twice.
looks like they're going with the 2 chapters per episode route now
where are you guys watching the new episodes at?
I honestly don't mind the pace. Considering I wish Horikoshi would pace himself better for his own manga, the anime is satisfying my expectations, even in that respect. I will say that this adaption should have been at least 24-26 episodes(I think that would have been enough to cover all the way through Sports Festival arc.). Some of the most hype moments were in that arc, and it would have been good setup for a second season. But since they rushed an adaptation out the gate, I suppose they didn't quite have all of this material to go off of at the time.
Guys, maybe he isn't dead. I mean, he is BEST jeanist. I might be in denial, but think about this, yeah?
Maybe he used the threads in his clothes to sew his wounds shut the instant they opened, and is now either passed out or playing dead.
The number 4 is associated with death user in japanese culture user.
One of the top gotta die to show that the villains mean business
>checks to see if it's bullshit
> The Japanese share superstitions with other Asian cultures, particularly the Chinese, with whom they share significant historical and cultural ties. The unluckiness of the number four is one such example, as the Japanese word for "four" sounds like the word for "death"
>ends up being true
jesus christ horikoshi
best one I've seen so far
so... does someone has the translation of the Bakugou vs Uraraka part of the databook?
stop asking in every single thread, the answer is no. someone will translate it when they feel like it
I don't follow every single thread user, asking to see if someone got the translation already doesn't hurt anybody
Maybe i mistook you for some other user.
it's just getting a little irritating seeing that question being asksed. My applogies
I wanna touch his tail.
That's freakish
I wonder how uncomfortable it must be sitting and sleeping with that thing
I wonder how the fluffy tip feels. I wonder how he feels while you stroke it.
Sitting has to be annoying, but it'd be comfy to sleep with. Sleep on your side and curl it up to rest your head on it
Been a while since I read the manga. Does Izuku ever figure out a way to use his power without devastating himself? besides the whole "use my fingers" thing
yes he does, one for all full cowl with 5% of the overall power
welp time to get reading again
How the fuck did you not know that?
What, did you start consuming nipponese media a month ago or something? It's in nearly everything.