Coalition Arc - Kingdom
ITT: Post best arcs of respective series
Other urls found in this thread:
Yorkshin Arc - Hunter x Hunter
Three Kings arc - Yu Yu Hakusho
I liked Chimera Ant better, personally.
>not Dark Tournament
anyway, Ice Hell in Toriko is an obvious answer.
How can you have that over cooking festival?
Escaped Convicts arc of Baki
because cooking festival was fucking awful? We hardly saw any cooking. there was no resolution to it. Tommyrod's fight with Sunny wasn't nearly as good as his GOAT fight with Toriko. Coco's fight was off-screen. Toriko and Starjun's fight was kinda ruined by Toriko sprouting a Stand, that wouldn't be explained for quite some time. I guess it was interesting to see all this shit go down, but it was just one big clusterfuck.
here's another best arc that doesn't really need to be argued, Scramble for the Kinniku Throne.
Tough choice, but I think Not Equal edges out Minus.
Best taste.
Conviction arc-Berserk
Puppeteer arc tied with Team Winter-7 Seeds
Middle School arc-Punpun
One Piece- Water 7 Saga
Guilty pleasure coming through. The Behemoth Arc was pretty rad before things got stupid.
There was more tension in the fight against Tommyrod in Ice Hell than the fight against Starjun. The cooking festival had its moments but didn't quite resolve itself all that well. Not to mention the harsh environment of Ice Hell raised the stakes considering Tommyrod was fuckall immune to the cold all things considered.
Namek arc - Dragon Ball
The series reached its peak with Chapter Black, both anime and manga. It'd have been even better if Togashi hadn't ben dying from overworking when he wrote it.
Aiyan Arc > everything else
Namek was awesome, but the saiyans were the first time there was a real semse of dread and tension in the series.
Chicchi better be in Elfhelm or we riot
>Conviction arc-Berserk
Golden Age arc > Conviction Arc
Zodd and Wyald > Mozgus and his "hell's angels"
Casca (before she became insane) > Farnese
Disagree, Frieza is the best villain in the series. Vegeta wasn't that interesting until the Namek arc and Ginyu Force>>>>>Saiyans
The Saiyan arc is overrated as hell.
Farnese will always be > Casca because she isn't some thing between a BLACKED man and a literal sociopathic faglord.
I started reading this days ago. Chapter 49 right now. I will keep reading.
Forgot the And I will say this.
Beelzebub Arc - Choujin Gakuen.
ID is a close runner up.
Kurapika always has best arcs
Kou Empire arc
Slam Dunk - Sannoh arc
My nigga
Not bad choices for 7 seeds. I liked summer B wanderings and the conclusion of the summer A arc most myself.
As far as I remember at least.
>Actually spends time to test the attributes and extent of his djinn's abilities.
>Got shit done very strategically.
My nigga, those two were entertaining as fuck unlike the extreme spamming that happened prior.
Shogun Assassination arc
Chapter Black was the best YuYu arc.