Am I supposed to feel sorry for this bitch because she was bullied?
Remember she and the mantel left an innocent guy burning to death
Am I supposed to feel sorry for this bitch because she was bullied?
Remember she and the mantel left an innocent guy burning to death
Other urls found in this thread:
Wasn't she trying to join their group and she had to pass the test to get in?
I'm proud of her bullies.
Which girl gives the best cuddles and why is it Nanko?
Naana a cute. A CUTE
She cut the wrong part of the rope on accident.
They did just ditch Mitsumune in the dungeon, though. Would the town have thought to look for him there, and would the execution team have forgotten him?
>on accident.
To continue the numbers conspiracy brought up last thread, here is the order of introductions from the first episode (driver is not included). These aren't groups or anything, I'm just saving space.
>1. Dahara 2. Mikage 3. Hellfire 4. Soy Latte 5. Toriyasu 6. Yottsun
>7. Wankoro 8. Judgeness 9. Naana 10. Jack 11. Dozaemon 12. Yuuna
>13. Yuune 14. Yuuno 15. Toshiboy 16. Manbe 17. Piitan 18. Nanko
>19. Maimai 20. Puuko 21. Nyanta 22. Mitsumune 23. Speedstar 24. Nettaiya
>25. Lion 26. Valkana 27. Pink Goddess 28. Masaki 29. Lovepon 30. Koharun
We have seen the #2 on bus driver's keys as he handed them to Mikage in episode 4, and those two match. #8 was the spray painted tree that got focused on, and Judgeness also disappeared. Finally we have Yuune's hairclip in the shape of the #10, which matches Jack. I haven't seen the #6, so we either missed it or it might not matter because Yottsun is the only one that "died". Someone mentioned the #16 and that's Manbe, but I haven't seen that number anywhere either.
But mantels often reside where fires happen, user.
The whole episode was backstory of characters I don't care about. They could instead go full crazy finally instead of trying to make it into an actual story.
>Someone mentioned the #16 and that's Manbe, but I haven't seen that number anywhere either.
Because she is perfect.
Naana a cute. A CUTE.
Please don't do that again unless I disappear for good.
>They're gonna have to find the ghost among them to end the spookiness
this is literally another
The whole village is under surveillance. The footage of the bus gang's actions will be shown to their loved ones back home after it is all said and done
Why did they take away her screentime and when will she get it back?
what would a date between Jack and Nanko be like?
>Am I supposed to feel sorry for this bitch
You never feel sorry for cat girls user
Stop that right now you little shit.
I can't tell if the manlet thing is a meme or not anymore.
It seems a lot of people genuinely loathe short men.
What's with that pairing.
where can I see the hairclip #10 thing?
Fuck off, if you want more screen time for this shitty generic tsundere just go watch one of the many harem shows containing carbon copies of her.
Maimai de evolved into a Mistumune fangirl
She only exists to be worried about him now
This episode was fucking garbage. Some back stories were okayish like Lovepon and Nyanta (kind of), but laughing dude and gun dude's were literal steaming piles of shit. The end was the only salvageable part where they got to the real shit (which would actually make an interesting plot) in the story. Also when they brought up how the bus driver didn't see a monster, how did literally nobody think that he killed his daughter? That is the only train of thought I would have taken and I assumed that the second they mentioned that he didn't see a monster. Everyone in this show is a fucking autismo. This is worse than Another at this point.
>the hairclip #10 thing
Are you blind?
I like it, she seems like the kind of girl that wouldn't trigger this guy.
Do you ever shut the fuck up, THK?
They are definitely not respected IRL as much as taller men but I doubt anyone actually hates them. We just exaggerate and make fun here.
Fuck you, you hypocritical piece of shit.
Once again, we have someone who cannot use the word "literal" correctly.
But Jack is fun when he is being triggered.
I hope you assholes feel bad for all the lovepon bullying you did in the last couple of weeks now.
No, they stole her bag.
not really, jack is like nowhere like that monk, why is she projecting him to jack?
Why did they make Hellfire so cute in his flashback?
Can't erase the fact that she's batshit insane and annoying like a broken record.
Pitou had it coming like every other catgirls. Remove cats from premises
Why? Her reasons for being a murderous sociopath is shitty, she was born evil.
And there's also this
Because he is.
wasn't that a ant and a dude
>Thinks lovepon and nyanta's stories were better than hellfire and mikage's
Of course you enjoy the more generic ones, it's why the industry barely ever breaks routine with ideas. I'm not saying the writing is amazing by any means but the latter two are more relatable with one getting his dreams crushed by circumstance and the other making a human mistake.
She's still shit.
I think they'd make a cute couple
Mark my words, you will all be jumping on the Masaki train in a few episodes.
Not at all. I was expecting a much more sympathetic backstory.
this | and this () does not mean it's a number 10
When will she be relevant?
What did the Monk do exactly that deserves the death penalty?
you think someone is going to make a doujin where yottsun suceeds in his rape?
Why would you think that?
>on accident
Fuck you Nyanta:
Literally nothing, it was consensual sex on the mom's end desu
Will this bitch stop singing at some point?
>Some people just saw monsters
>And the rest of the group is afraid as fuck
>I will sing a stupid song out of nowhere
>I'm such a great singer
Why would anybody want to see that?
I mean seriously who cares if the Monk had Mompon doing his work and treated her roughly? He still paid her, didn't he? Where's the gratitude?
>on accident
They were just executed poorly. I don't give a shit if they kept on doing the same old shit if it was in some sort of new fashion, but attempting to do something new and having it be this? Now that's just fucking laughable. Nobody would laugh him out of a board meeting, he would just get fired and getting a silicone implant in this head is just fucking idiocy. It doesn't help that they pulled some yami shibai shit with it to make it ~scaaaaary~
are you talking shit about best grill?
Fuck that bitch, Mikage was right all along even if he is a retard.
Why did Hellfire get trauma over the silicone?
>Muh Mitsumune
id pay to see it, now that i have a job
I hate her so much.
I think she's a dumb slut but a hilarious one at that.
I want her to spook me out with a huge incoherent plan about this lost magical village desu
>Will this bitch stop singing at some point?
I hope not.
call me an edgelord but i just think it would be funny to watch her getting raped
>They did not show the fall from the bitches' pov
What's the point.
I hope they make a doujin of Nyanta's bee torture scene.
the flashbacks don't seem to be done yet. The monk probably killed Lovepon mom and them she killed him. Hellfire probably got caught with the implant, was humiliated for it and then suffered some health problems/couldn't afford to remove it
After this episode I go back to my old survival team.
Rape is fine, but rappers are not.
Masaki is not for rape.
He don't let her watch cartoon.
Probably he caught some infection from the silicone in his head or something
What is she for, then?
>not feel sorry for jewish catgirl
I did nazi that coming
Put bee in her pussy oh yeah.
I wonder what Koharun's fear will be
So what's wrong with Jigoku? He passed height test and got into army. What's his problem?
>and got into army.
No he didn't
Married to Dahara.
I'm wondering if I should do that too. I won't be part of the "no sub" group anyway since I made subs. Hmmm
Not be surrounded by cocks.
Yes and no
>It's a Kate episode
But he failed.
Hellfire's pretty safe now so why not.
don't know why but her flashback give me a boner
The Yuunefag is on suicide watch!
This is an adult maimai eating her bento
He might have passed the height test, but the recruiter didn't look convinced because he seemed to be in pain.
They probably knew about the silicone or they simply weren't convinced.