Sora No Woto

VN is fully translated!

Other urls found in this thread:


Machine Translation?

Don't play if you don't like bad ends.
There's only one end where not all of them are horribly mutilated or outright killed and it's the most heartbreaking one.

holy shit why


I don't play VN's, but don't you think you could have had the common courtesy of spoilering your post? Or is using the spoiler tags not cool and brands you a newfag?

Sup Forums is so naive and gullible it's funny

You trying to trick me again, Donald-kun?


You better not be lying.

You little shit

I would have liked it more if it was the case.
The shoujo-ai fanservice was off the chart in that vn, it was off-putting.

Thanks for pulling through and congrats, this was an absolutely worthy endeavor. Very happy.

Does it have sex scenes?

It is a psp game dofus

They spend their time having orgy after orgy.

There is even a relationship chart for every girl-girl pairing.

Felicia Breast Grill

How is the Felicia x Rio relationship?

I dont usually play VN-s, but can you play this on pc?

Nope, manual translation.

The game runs absolutely fine on PPSSPP.

>Twf when booked a trip to the towns real-life model this year
Feels pretty good.

How is it connected to the anime? Just an adaptation or what?

>actually translating the title

Can't run the patch on my computer - there's a patched ISO file anywhere to be found?

There's an xdelta3 patch available too instead of the patcher, although it is a bit less smart. Otherwise, someone uploaded a patched iso to nyaa.

thanks for the info.

It happens after the anime, just before the next festival.

Seasons 2 never ever.

Meanwhile standard moeshit without any depth gets funded every day.

Why anons?


Considering the original work doesn't have that much violence and cute girls is the central sales point, it's pretty evident the game doesn't actually involve horrible mutilation.

SnW thread?

SnW thread.

When's the next rewatch? I missed the last one.

Damn. Can't get emulator to work on my computer.
Someone better video capture the thing for science.

ppsspp should work even on toasters

Why do the Spanish wear towels in the bath?

Is the VN worth it? I love the show, especially its atmosphere.

Because otherwise you'd see the girls naked, which is illegal.

But this is standard moeshit? It just has a very amazing backstory.

Just download it and see yourself

Where is an iso for the game? The only download I found extracts to this?

Yes, that's a rar split in parts, open the rar one and extract the iso from it.

Oh thanks

Holy shit thanks! I've been waiting on this for a couple of years now, I thought it was dropped for good.

Thanks ed senpai

>It's current year
>multi-rar iso


Didn't even know they made a VN of this, will download to play it when I have nothing else to do.

It was inevitable.

will check this out

I've missed it twice now. Suffering.

How did they extract the lines?
I'm assuming it's a complicated process since they had to hire someone to do it?

just figure of speech, we asked friends of friends to help dig through it. The source code on github tells the full story, but eventually we'll have a novel length tale of how it all happened. But long story short, japan seems to enjoy doing stuff in crazy ass-backwards ways that make no sense /and/ makes everything hella difficult for both us and themselves... Was a fun puzzle to figure out!

Do you have some .txt dumps of the actual raw lines? I'd like to look at it in Japanese.

sure thing, this should be all of it

>no ufo

Great job guys, I think I'll save playing it for a rainy day though.

Is it yuri? Does it have a lot of yuri fan service?

> As most of us liked the source material at the time,
>most of us
>at the time

Fuck off Sup Forums.

just think that Tank-kun listened to the music, recorded it, and added the UFO track.

When the girls are sleeping, he silently plays it back and hums in tune.

yeah that's pretty much it
like all of it

you tell me

Oh wow. Downloading now.

Now, I will play. They are all annoying shits, deserving to die horrible way.

Nigguh, there are so many VNs for psp you would be surprised. Titles that sold way worse and are less popular are getting games as well. Of course they aren't leaving jap.

Does it continue the main story as it was left in the last OAV? (s2 never ;_;)

Thanks, guess I'm skipping it. Yuri is trash. Was hoping it was a traditional VN with a male protag but I guess not.

>Sora no Woto
>male protag
my little user can't be this retarded

Look at this user. Look at this user and laugh.

Well he hates yuri so he must have some brain damage. My condolences to his family.


Thanks man. I always hated those little shits. Now I can see they die.

Posting it again because you didn't get a reaction the first time is pretty embarrassing user.

Shamelessly plugging this, but is anyone still interested in the Geijutsuka PSP spin-off translation? It's at least halfway done but stalled due to low public interest and general laziness.


Yes please!

If I download the ISO can I play it on my Vita?
I don't have a PSP.

Pretty sure that Vita cracking hasn't advanced enough yet so the answer is either no, or not without a hell of a lot of work.

No idea if this works:

I know that during QC time someone managed to get it working on his Vita, so it has to be possible.

Not sure how to do it myself though.

Are there any piss scenes?

Yeah: They piss on your grave.

Patching using xdelta3 doesn't work. I downloaded the VN from the link at and xdelta3 says:

xdelta3: target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT
xdelta3: normally this indicates that the source file is incorrect
xdelta3: please verify the source file with sha1sum or equivalent

Then tried the patcher using WINE, and I got pic.

What should I do sempai?

Got the same thing using the same ISO. I reckon it's just a problem with that ISO but I can't be bothered to download a different one at the moment.

It looks like the iso linked there is a rather weirdly decrypted iso while the xdelta3 patch is only against a specific, encrypted iso (md5sum 1074ac98d9df3c964d845120036ccc7e).

Further inspection of the iso reveals that the EBOOT.BIN it contains is broken (probably how that decrypter worked) and the old EBOOT.BIN is now stored in EBOOT.OLD. It probably placed the decrypted binary in BOOT.BIN which is only used when EBOOT.BIN is unreadable, and the patcher doesn't check for that.

You could use umdgen to replace the EBOOT.BIN by the old one, and then the patcher should be able to patch it fine.

Alternatively, you can also just use the iso that the patcher generated when it gave that error, it's only a few details (disk ID from Japanse region to English region, English PSP menus and the first loading graphic) which will not be done.

Thanks for your reply! Unfortunately the patcher did not generate any patched iso or cso. While "Verifying VN files" it showed a critical error: "Your ISO / CSO file is incompatible! Please send it to us, so we can have a look."
Then the patcher quits.

I'm downloading another ISO from emuparadise right now, to see if it works.

>But this is standard moeshit?

It really isn't. At first look you've got the same five standard cliché characters yes but the only one actually playing that straight is Kanata. The rest are faking/forcing parts of their personality for whatever reason (though you might argue Noël's is as much trauma as a concious decision to avoid more betrayal).

The show just does a good job of not being explicit about any of this. Same as how it goes for showing over telling with the background.

>mfw no military cute girl anime could become the next woto

They all did the girls right but not even one is capable of good world building.

Just watch the trailer:

They put all their effort into moe and none into world-building, because moe sells even without world-building.

I for one blame otaku!

Why did Haifuri have to have such retarded world building?

I'm not sure it's fair to call it retarded. It's barely had any world building at all and unlike SnW, it's clearly not central to the show in Haifuri.

Because it still sells. Anime is a product, products are intended to make money. Why spend money on good worldbuilding when that doesn't improve sales?

Kureha is still lusting after Klaus' dick in the vn. But that's it.

Isn't it usually the third of january?
I missed it too and I'm not sure whether to rewatch it alone or wait till next year.

I want to be in the anime army too.

Fucking yaaaaaaaaasssssssss lads

Does someone have the episode summary images? I miss the SPECULAH threads that we had.

There's a wikia for the show that has them all. Just look at the page for each episode.

You can find it by searching 'sora no woto wiki'.

January 2nd, 20:00GMT.