To love-ru in german? Yes i like it.
Can't wait for Momo in german.
To love-ru in german? Yes i like it
I don't know german but it sounds pretty good desu
Lala moans right at least
It's seems to be far better than I expected, might give it a shot
It sounds fucking stiff, like they just read the script without caring
Also the voices suck
You are now aware that they released TLR and are releasing TLRD in German (well, French too).
They are literally the same shitty VAs as in every other recent german dub
>all this duden Deutsch
This is why I hate dubs. Talk like people aktually talk.
Essen mein scheisse.
Die Synchro ist wirklich gut, wow.
not super interesting
To Love-Ru ist super interessant.
Hilarious, German dubs never disappoint.
Fucking this.
Take some liberties like DBZ did.
Natsu117 please.
Rito sounds okay for some reason but the girls are terrible.
Nice, me buying one volume of the German manga last year had an effect.
>wanting dialects in your anime
Yeah, it can be funny at times but in general I'd rather stick with standard German.
I think he means that the people speak unrealistically formal
Ho lee fuck that was cringey
The German language sounds so rigid and unemotional unless they're singing.
It's mostly because this dub sucks
well, aside from the way Rito pronounces "Haruna" it sounds pretty normal to me.
A 1 minute trailer really isn't enough for me to judge it.
2 things I already like more than in the jap dub:
Lala's voice is not THAT squeaky
Rito is voiced by a man.
>Take some liberties like DBZ did.
best line in dub history: