How fucked are you?

How fucked are you?

Other urls found in this thread:

That explains it

>Toonami Region

>tfw tits region
DFC always was shit

>harem region
Fuck this. Moving to yuri region.

>Manly Region

>hueco mundo
>new hueco mundo
I miss the mexico arc in Bleach. It was fun to share the misery with Sup Forums.

most fags here on Sup Forums are traps.

>Time Skip

Fuck off.

>trap region
Oh boy, I couldn't ask for better.

I've never been to the US, but in summer I'll travel to Cyberpunk Region. Sounds fun!

>LOYALTY region
Literally everyone including me is mentally ill down here

Dub only region

Time to move

>Cyberpunk region

>tsukihime region
hey c'mon, we exist

Is there any reasoning behind these labels?

>frosty moe region
Well, I'm moe I guess.

I hate tsunderes.

My nigga.
Where you at in WA?

Qué es yuri

I thought it was because
Pennsylvania -> Transylvania -> Vampires?
Not sure though, I just made that up.

>Ronery Region
This is painfully accurate


I hope there isn't

I live in Japan.

Big titties

This map is so dated. Most of those memes haven't been in usage for like 5 or 6 years.

>Tsundere region.


Post the full frosty moe region

Thirteen rays of Tsundere.

Gar region
Fuck yes

I don't live in the US.

>yuri region
nice. I love yuri

>DFC region
been a while since i've seen anyone mention this

Honorary frost moe.

>trap region
Oh baby

>Tsundere region.

Best state gets the best region

>Yuri Region

Explains a lot.

Ohio is too boring to be the mindfuck region.

I guess I'll have to get into traps now.

>Right besides brown lolis
>Below Wincest region

I am in fucking Heaven.

Sounds like someone needs a date with Sheriff Joe to set him back along the path of righteousness.

Us Yurisotans wedged between DFC, MEGAMILK, and Tits. Feels good man.



>frosty moe region
someone save me pls

>Frosty Moe
So... small girls in big coats?

Oh look, another Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums

>Classic Mecha Region
Neat, I guess that makes up in some way for the disintegrating factory towns everyone but the niggers have abandoned.

>North America
Yeah, no.

I'm not going to list through all of them but there's clearly some reasoning behind some of them. Utah is obvious, Florida is LOYALTY because of Oranges, Washington is Cyberpunk likely because of all the major tech companies based there, etc.

So North and South Dakota split up because they couldn't agree which was superior.

>Naruto region
why this

>chibi region

>Tsukihime region
Ha. I get it

The fabled Iyashikei Uplands , far to the east beyond the ocean

I gotta watch out for traps. They could be anywhere.

>ronery region
well you're not wrong desu


>this thread looks interesting, check state
>trap region
>start thinking about traps

user pls, im trying to nofap

>Hanging with your bud
>It's a hot day
>Decide to go swimming
>Wait, is he in a bikini?
>Your best bud is a chick!
>Slow, shy kiss in the pool
>Her beard tickles you

>Hentai Region
How about no


Good End and Frosty Moe representing. I'm very happy with this though I wish I could add Trap as well..

>Classic Mecha Region
>not red
I live there by the way

>Tsundere region


moving next door to trap region

>Lolicon region

Works for me.

Born in Tsukihime, currently live in Trap, and moving to Ronery. Not sure what to make of this combination.

Does this mean I can become a trap who can beat servants but dies alone?

>wincest region

How did they know I watched yosuga no sora

fuck off peasants

I thought I was the only going to be the only chibi

>no anime allowed
What the fuck man. Time to kill myself.

Watched it? you probably starred in it.

>CORM region
i'm not even sure what that is

Manly region. As to be expected.

>Baccano! region
Doesn't work for me

I guess that's ok

I don't know why Oregon through Wisconsin got it so good, everywhere else got fucked

>manly region
>all I watch are shows with cute girls


why is Arizona Tsundere?

>he doesn't know

>>dub only

Try living in cleveland. It seems like every 4-6 months something pretty fucked up happens in this city while at the same time each new even has you saying "well at least nothing can shock me after this" only to top itself in half a years time.

How accurate are these videos?

>SoL region
Perfect, now I just need to become a cute little girl.


>LOYALTY region

>all these tsundere anons


Anyone else Imouto Region?

>tsukihime region

Get me out of here.


>Her beard tickles you

Oh god my sides, they just wont come back

>shota region

Sensei is pleased.

Fucking DBZ for South Carolina, really, who is the nig that made this so I can lynch him for not knowing our history

>mfw watching anime in NO ANIME ALLOWED

It's just as nice here as you would expect.

>Slice of life region
I'm down with that.

He's on his death bed, all of arizona can wait.

>tfw Frosty Moe