Welcome to the weekly sozubo
(reused picture)
Welcome to the weekly sozubo
(reused picture)
Yuo play spot difrenc. Why not play that with life?
lif is filled with mistcakes.
name 7 mistakes in yuor life.
me make new mistake
i mean name 10
yuo do frist
>de fact i was geborn
>hte fcta i was born to those parents
>hte tcfa i was born in this age
me made many mistcakes
now yuo do it
>buying htat model
>sing plan
>liv in no reckseption haus
nao yuo all depresd
but why not sekyvtzv?
me only choic was htsi contri
no smile
Maria-chan did nothing wrong!
Apologize, Sensei!
but me no bully
We'll do everything to protect you.
lif is realli full of mistcake
mistcake can becom correct if it coms to licht
me verstands
ther are no mistake in this welt
me hungry
lol hidne child com to light
com to licht? then is richtig!
yuo ded
[This is the end of the first part. OP will return in a bit.]
Thanks so far
[second part has begun]
Why you here!?
leave childrene is abuse
oh no
shut up we need proof
are yuo realli me brothre child, majuru
Isn't it obvious if you look at him?
in htis era
proof is need
kitsu ar yuo rearu
Of course I am.
This is my Student ID.
is fake
tell me thing only rearu kidsu know
I understand.
I actually have really curly hair.
I frantically brush my hair out every morning.
I also do a straight perm every month.
This is a picture of me in grade school.
are yuo hte real sekyuzzu
>me liv in maquizono district
>me studid in mesopotomio accodomio
>me blut typ is ab
>me father is tertium
k u real
othre people know more abot yuo than yuo do
fukc yuo
yuo prove ur identitiy now.
That's right. Sensei, properly prove that you're the real deal.
me no find prof
me go kill myslef
unserer teacher would nevre do nevre do that
htis is our sozubo sensey!
who is me then?
who r yuo
wher did yuo com frum cyka blyat
[the end]
Thanks, OP
Zayonara sozubo sensey will return again next saturday evening. You must participate properly
The previous episodes are archived.
As always, with "evening" i mean in the european timezone.
vielen dank doktor anonymous
Thanks OP, great as always.
What did I just experience
zayonara sozubo sensey
OP you magnificent bastard
thank you