You can only have one
You can only have one
What if I do not want any?
Akame. I want to get /fit/ with her.
I want the chair now
The one that's not dead or a vegetable.
you can live your life in happiness then, you seem to have good taste
I choose Leone because she's the best and most perfect girl.
None. Akame ga Shit
was going to post this
>Be a rapist villain in a series where most of the heroes are hot girls
>don't get to rape any of them
>not even in doujins
Being Syura was suffering
If I have to choose between those thre, then Akame. I would go for Leone otherwise.
I only need one anyway.
Do not know them so I'll go with Pantyhose.
Haven't kept up with this shit in ages. Who is a vegetable now?
He got to fuck this though.
eh, she's not bad, but most of the main characters are hotter
We don't need to talk about how hot Akame is.
Good. Fucking worst girl.
That means she will likely be alive at the end though. And that she already won the MC if he manages to stay alive or if he already got her pregnant.
Why are you watching that horseshit? Kill yourself out of Sup Forums.
Oh? I don't believe that we've discussed that enough.
>Shit tier Tsundere with terrible color scheme
>Knock off Shino
>Or dead best girl
Do you always mention how bright the sun shines too?
Of course!
None of those are justice though.
Hm, left or right. Alright, Akame.
Darkmoonbros > Sunfags
why did I only start to find Justice hot a while after she died?
I had a similar experience with Chelsea too
Mean's you're a necrophiliac
>Necrophilia - the victimless crime
Mine all the fucking way.
Never even watched the show.
But right seems to be the best.
I want to thighfuck Mine.
I usually pause fanservice scenes several times, but for some reason akame ga kill never did anything for me.
Not even pictures like got me hard.
Left all day, all night
Those tits are actually good but looking at there is just something off that keeps me from liking it.
maybe you like boys, user
What about this?
It's not that. I was watching Netoge the other day and paused the scene were the girl is half-naked several times. I even had to stop myself from fapping just so I could finish the episode.
Nope nothing. Can't explain why. It's probably the art style or something, which is strange since I've fapped to terrible looking hentai.
I don't blame you.
Because she survives
Mine is mine.
left looks frigid, probably a dead fish in bed
middle one looks delicious
I want to make Akame addicted to my sticky white stuff.
Left is actually dominant in the relationship.
Mine is the best.
>no Esdeath yet
Let's fix that.
She gives massages with happy endings. Have fun with your AIDS
I've long found anime Akame ultra-fuckable, while I just thought manga akame was OK. I can't pinpoint what the difference is precisely, but it's slightly vexing
She's bustier in the anime.
Kill them all, go find best girl.
Mine, of course.
I think there's something in the way her face is drawn too, which I think the main factor. I think most of the time her tits are more torpedo-shaped in the manga, while in the anime, they usually look fuller-and-rounder.
Though there are some times in the manga where they're a good shape too.
Fuck Akame, Marry Sheele, Kill the Slut.
I choose the one who should have been the main character.
>Kill the Slut.
but Leone isn't there?
Ich liebe Schere!
This thread needs more Esdeath, I know there's alot of us Esdeathfags out there so fucking show yourselves.
It's unfair, she completely overshadows the rest. Too sexy, too good.
>tfw no /fit/ bro to teach me to be a legendary warrior
Why did he have to die?
More Lione please.
Sometimes when I'm at the gym I think of him.
who ever didn't get ga killed
Boss and Akame.
Serious question, why do people like Mine ?
Right answer is the only one that survives. The rest dies.
>she'll never strip you
Why live?
low test
It's always funny to think just how far the manga fell off. There were 1000+ threads for a couple of chapters and then everyone seemed to realize what absolute shit they were reading.
Most passionate and badass wife.
I was surprised about the boss, I always thought Najenda was a dead-cert to die
jammy-little bastard's nearly got those big things rubbing against his chest
Shit taste liking shitty tsundere; no surprise here.
people reading it here have always known that it was dumb, but enough things rolled around at the same time roughly to kill the hype
I yell out my raging spirit for him
What rolled around besides the anime?
Better question is why don't you? She's great and waifu who would protect your ass from shitty Esdeath.
She's best girl.
>dog food
Select none
>following a trap
>not following a god
He most likely doesn't know the trainwreak of which is to occur very soon, we all made the mistake user of watching this when it was airing, but the threads were pretty fun.
Those were fun times.
How fem is their penis?
I enjoy the transformation from S to M, but some material never allows that to happen. All the power to dominatrixs out there, but that's not my taste, I prefer corruption of absolute authority.
Takumi needs to tap that as a boss or kill her.
I wanna fuck those big fat cat tats.
Dunno about anyone else, but I quickly lost interest after the cathedral arc, it's just a downhill slog from there. It has Shuras group being edgy for the sake of edgy, the Jaegers dying off who were actually halfway interesting, best boy Rabac dying and Mine going into a coma.
Couple that with the anime spoiling stupid shit like the gundam teigu and it's hard to say it's worth it anymore. I just lurk threads to see if anything interesting is happening towards the end.
>the anime spoiling stupid shit like the gundam teigu
I have no idea what the author was thinking with this.