Why do people think this bland, edgy, pseudo-deep shitfest with paper thin one-dimensional characters was any good?
Why do people think this bland, edgy, pseudo-deep shitfest with paper thin one-dimensional characters was any good?
Because world building is a thing.
You need to use less buzzwords if you want to make a successful bait.
>not liking squealer
because it was good
Because, i'm gonna say it, it's intelligent with interesting world-building
More buzzwords, MOAR!
i only just noticed how fucking terrible the reflections look
Not only that, the atmosphere was fantastic.
You should have used the words deconstruction, passing and Mary Sue as well as mentieonned Eva at least once. Your bait can go deeper than that.
If I wanted edgy gay hipstershit would watch nothing because it would be SHIT
Because its fucking awesome and anyone who says otherwise has shit taste.
Worldbuilding doesn't make for an enjoyable anime. The plot was all over the place.
Not even bait, I just know otherwise I wouldn't catch this board's attention
The art's pretty generic and boring in general.
Amazing argument, friend. Here, let me try it too:
Worldbuilding makes for an enjoyable anime. The plot wasn't all over the place.
The art isn't generic and boring in general.
Alright, friend. Let me rephrase. The pacing made the plot seem weird and disjointed, the timeskips seemed to serve no purpose. The characters never developed except for "they're 10 years older now, so they act entirely differently". They touched on about 7 different concepts that were all fine (this is the worldbuildign we're talking about) but none of them were fleshed out or explored in an interesting or rewarding way except for the "they were humans all along" supposedly deep revelation, which when you think about it, it wasn't morally wrong, it doesn't change anything about the plot or how you should've perceived them, but I guess you wouldn't realise that when you take the entire anime at face value. I get finding this enjoyable in some way, I don't get hailing it as the second coming of Christ.
The only two bad things about it were generic character designs and shitty animation. Well maybe the music was mediocre but the plot was fantastic and it compensate for the flaws.
I can't understand it either. How did anyone like SAO?
>I don't like good anime
What's so bad about one dimensional characters?
well maybe my taste sucks but it was shit for me
Well, it's not like we care.
>the timeskips seemed to serve no purpose.
Are you saying that kid Saki has no difference in behavior compared to adult Saki?You do know that this isn't true, right?
>The characters never developed except for "they're 10 years older now, so they act entirely differently"
How that isn't development?You can't say that there's no development when the characters do change over the course of the show. Saki becomes much more cynical and apathetic towards the things that happens within their society as she gets old for example, which happens due to both her age and the events that happened in the previous arcs of the anime. So yeah, the development is there.
>but none of them were fleshed out or explored in an interesting or rewarding way
> it wasn't morally wrong, it doesn't change anything about the plot or how you should've perceived them
Are you for real?Like many things that happen in the anime, the final twist was supposed to stay within a grey area, you aren't supposed to side with the cantus users or the rats, instead it's supposed to make you think about everything that happened in the story from a different perspective. And if you say that the revelation makes no difference in how you perceive the anime, than I have to say that this is nothing more than your personal perspective since It does for the vast majority of people. Not only it changes how you think about the cantus society, as it makes you perceive the rats in a completly different light since human beings naturally judge things by their apperance, it's in our biology.
>I get finding this enjoyable in some way, I don't get hailing it as the second coming of Christ.
Welcome to society, where people have different opinions and tastes. The things that are appealing in SSY for some people may not be appealing for you since your perspective, mentality and opinion isn't the same as theirs. Personally, I like it because of how the setting and the anime as whole are extremely unique. Because it's one of the few works in the medium that put focus on setting, atmosphere and world-building. And because I love how the mystery and the plot keep you constantly at the edge without resorting to cheap tatics, like abusive fanservice, safe character tropes, gore or anything like that. I also like how the show avoid anime cliches or annoying tropes that generally take away from the atmosphere.
It clearly has one of the more imaginative and unusual settings and plotlines among anime so this doesn't hold up for a second
there's nothing wrong with abrupt character deaths and genuine threat being present in a series. If it upsets you then you're a pussy
It has numerous and more interesting themes than 90% of anime and it explores them in a natural way while progressing the plot. So what are you actually complaining about? that it has themes at all? thats just saying "I hate anything close to thinking"
>paper-thin one-dimensional characters
this is the closest thing to being valid. 2 of the 5 central child characters, the two who ran away, did have slightly weak motivations and didn't leave much of an impression. Still, this doesn't detract from the series very much. It's strengths still make it very good.
Paper is bidimensional, retard
I wonder how anyone can even stand anime if they find SSY bland. I understand not liking but calling it bland?It's probably the most unique show that aired this decade.
I'm sorry OP that this wasn't an anime with moe lolis singing and playing instruments so that you would like it.