Would you date a NEET girl?
Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?
>implying a NEET girl would resemble her in any way
Only if she's rich or something, no way in hell I can support two people on my salary.
I don't want to catch her NEET.
I want the sensei.
i would date her mom
I want to marry a NEET girl and support her hobbies in exchange for her acting out my fetishes
>no childbearing hips
A loli NEET? Yeah. But a fat NEET? No.
Depends on the girl.
I'd marry you and act out your fetishes, user-kun.
I'm not a girl though.
Tits too big give me the swine.
Do you really want a girlfriend who would probably murder you?
Would she even want to fuck and have kids if she's so into the game?
>Would she even want to fuck
Considering the way she behaved in the last episode, probably yes.
>would probably murder you
She didn't do anything when Nanako tried to NTR her, why the fuck would she attempt to murder?
Don't worry, that can be fixed.
I would her keep as a BDSM sex slave in my basement forever.
Also reminder that Ako is a FAKE robot, a person who whines about normies all the time but is actually a normie herself.
How does a NEET have such a good body for baby-making?
>imgur filename
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
Yeah, the only thing shittier than a fake robot is a real robot.
Go back to your shitty tumblr for men circlejerk board.
What does she masturbate to?
>what is ShareX
>what is a screencap automatically uploaded somewhere and the link to it pasted in your clipboard for sharing it with others quickly
Her own reflection in the mirror.
Rough but loving hugging and cuddling
>goes to school
>misusing NEET
>imgur filenames
lurk more retards
Forget about Ako.
Mother is best.
What's her job?
why were her panties already half way down?
She was probably masturbating. She's a teenager, after all.You should never, ever just charge into a teen's room, because there's a good chance he or she is currently masturbating.
Where's her husband?
She's not a NEET you dumbfuck.
>Play Tree of Saviour all day
>I will never find a cute girl online
>I will never make real life friends from MMO
>Ako doesn't exist
I want to die.
ok follow up question, why are all anime girls underwear so frilly and ornate and shit. normal girls don't wear that shit. I get this is escapism but this really triggers my autism
I'm already taking care of my parents so it would be hard to deal with another mouth to feed.
Also, she would have to be either very cute, be good at punishment games and be able to fuck like if re-population of the world depended on us alone.
right here
>tfw no pissbottle gf
Is ToS still a BR infested shithole?
Forgive my autism but I honestly thought that's what all girls wore under their clothes all the time.
Isn't that why shit like Victoria's Secret exists? Just for bras and panties?
>normal girls don't wear that shit.
How are you supposed to know?
Also, anime not being like disgusting 3D is a good thing.
It's a shithole period, the BRs are just another piece of corn.
Yes. Kill stealing and retards who don't know what DPS, tank, etc. roles are and just go for fancy looking armor and weapons still populate the servers. Then you have gold chat spammers everywhere.
It's better than at launch but it's still a shitshow. I've been sticking to FFXIV lately but even that's bad too
no like 90% of the time girls just wear a flesh/white/pink/ black colored bra and and plain panties. victorias secret is for impressing their boyfriends
I just caught up with the show.
Am I supposed to fucking abhor Ako? She's fucking garbage and her "all normies are literally shit and need to be killed" thing is off-putting, to say the least.
>t. otacool who identifies as weeb offended by normalfag hater
Really? I find it adorable. I know quite a few girls like that in Korea, and while they're anti-social as shit and have very low opinions of the general public (ironically), they're also fun to talk to because they don't hold shit back.
The only problem is that some of them would be really cute if they even spent 10 minutes on makeup or something
They transferred to the South American server now, Orsha is finally clean.
Yeah any person with a sister knows this too.
God save me when I was cleaning her room and found her lingerie and her period panties. Oh if only her friends knew that my little sister was a disgusting monster.
One thing is despising normalshitters, another thing is zoning out during each conversation mumbling about how much you want to slay the normalfag fucks.
I'd punch her fucking face in if she started talking like that next to me.
She is the embodiment of Sup Forums, yet Sup Forums hates her because you fags can't handle the truth: you're assholes and that's why women hate you. Maybe if you treat women as persons instead of being thirsty yet unwilling to admit your thirst, more women would be your friends and you wouldn't be lonely, antisocial faggots.
More like a neet girl is the only girlfriend I'd tolerate.
>Someone speaking the truth on Sup Forums
Newsflash retard, we don't give a fuck about women in the first place.
Anyone who cares about 3D shouldn't post here.
That includes you, normalshitter.
>you're able to like only one thing, you can't like both!!
What a sad mentality
Come on man.
3D can be cute sometimes
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
Suck my fick for 2 years
Don't you ever give up? Do you actually think that your actions will "clean" up this board?
I left Sup Forums because I thought shitposting would get better when I returned after 3 months.
Now we have tripfag shitposters.
>Guaranteed replies : the post
You're not wrong, but I fail to see what Sup Forums hating her has to do with the last part of your post.
I swore that I wouldn't fall for 3D again after being IRLNTR'd but part of me still yearns for someone to hold me close and tell me that they love move.
user, there is exactly one quality that matters for whether one should or shouldn't post on Sup Forums, and that's whether you're into anime and/or manga or not. Whatever else you might care about doesn't matter for shit around here. Only shitposters and shit posters give a shit about it.
Tell me your secret senpai
But Pig is good at games, that's not like user at all. Sucking and struggling forever is the Sup Forumsko way.
1) Go to high school in Korea/Japan
2) Hear girls talking about MapleStory/Ragnarok
3) Offer to play with them
4) Profit
>Sup Forumsko
>trying this hard to derail the thread.
I am almost certain that I know what you're going to reply with anyway, so don't bother.
>Go to high school in Korea/Japan
>owns a computer
What a fucking nerd
do you even know what shitposting is? the 3dpd retard is the shitposter
I didn't try anything, just gave you my honest answer
You really don't want to. We're literally driven to death to do well on our tests and I've had friends kill themselves over bad test scores.
That aside, mutual suffering either makes you really hate other people if you view them as competition or brings you closer.
But I'm dating one of them and none of their friends know so it's awkward as shit
Anyways enough blogposting
>Windoms XI Ultimatum
I'm fucking dying.
>date a filthy NEET
No. I'll date a Pig though.
This might be one of the only times I prefer the anime designs over the originals. She looks like a loli in art and looks like an actual woman in the anime.
Yes. I would date a NEET.
You might call them NEET, but actually, they are traditional wife-material of a better time.
Just think about it; they do not work, are not in education or training, and stay home all day playing games. What's the difference between them and the house wifes of the golden age? Only difference is that the NEET girl's food likely tastes shit, but in everything else, they are the same, as in sucking your hard earned money dry.
But NEET-girls at least wont cuck you with Jamal.
I'd date a NEET girl and provide all her living expenses in exchange for kinky sex whenever I want.
Exactly this.
>tfw tripfag shitposting hour is here
the insecurity and fedora is just oozing out of this post
This whole show feels like reading an impossibly decent fanfiction of a "fembot" from /r9k/.
Genderqueer/SJW pls go to bed.
this show obviously can't have threads
every single one other than the first one has been cancer
>But NEET-girls at least wont cuck you with Jamal.
Kek, being this naive
Nothing is stopping her from cucking you with some mmo friend she spent a lot of time while you were at work
>literally in high school
>not in
>employment or
They also stink and have no hygiene, have no self-worth, can't cook or clean, will complain about games all the time, and will probably leave you infant child to starve to death while she plays games
Have an actual woman.
redditors don't know what NEET means and use it as a buzzword
>anybody who doesn't think the 1950s was the pinnacle of culture is literally an sjw
>spic wants to live in the middle east
Well, that's part of the agreement: No hygiene, starving babby = No allowance for premium items.
The problem with saying that Ako is Sup Forums is that Ako goes up to Lucian in school. Sup Forums sits alone, talks to no one, bottles it all up and goes online to shitpost their evenings away hoping to dull the pain.
They even say that Ako is getting better with her problems. Sup Forums will be miserable forever.
Do you really want a wife who doesn't love her own children? She'd literally leave you as soon as you stop funding her bad habits.
i would date her for a month and then withdraw because of lack of personal space and solitude, and then i'd probably break up with her because i can't handle that sort of commitment and constant presence
Sup Forums is getting more normalfag year after year
I just tell her to pretend that her babby is her pet-character.
Because for many modern day girls, having kids is just like having pets. I have seen too many irresponsible families who just decided to have kids "because they are fun", and not out of some sort of responsibility, to still care about the new-age phenomena.
Yes, I certainly would provided she offered sex