Shading thread

How is this even possible in current year 2016?
I thought the anime industry decided that shading was commercially non-viable long ago?
They're literally burning money on adding 4 tone shading that audiences won't even notice or care about.

Nothing is "non viable", user. No matter how good an author is, there remains only a limited market space for any type of art direction. If you're the only game in town with X art style, you'll snag that market.

Because TV anime is better than ever.

The fuck are you on about senpai

Because WIT are gods


WIT is saving the industry

WIT doesnt give a shit, they do whatever they want.

Why do SnK fags always have to bring up their show when someone talks about Kabaneri?

Same show, dude.

because its SnK 2.0

>Shading thread
I like how you misspelled shitposting general.

God Eater did it better.

Until 3 tones with huge black shadows come back, I won't be satisfied.

Flat shading fags BTFO

Because they have an animator clean it up and add make-up effects digitally

>otaking was right.jpg

There's been an awakening.

Can you feel it?

The dark side.

And the light.

One flop at a time.

And it looks like dick. The eyes look tacked on

>4 tone shading that audiences won't even notice or care about.

Yet here you are making a thread about it.

The 4 layer shading in Kabaneri magically disappears when things are actually moving.

That's not 4-tone.

That's 3D though.

This show is so pretty I actually can't care if it's just an unoriginal rip-off.

It's only 4-tone for relatively still scenes and close-ups.

It's lazy as fuck and not true 4-tone like the GOAT 80s and 90s. Fuck, I wish we could go back to the old days of pure action animes with alpha male MCs and not this strong wimmin shit.

That looks fucking shit.

if only they could see that blur always looks fucking shit

Implying SnK isn't a success

>not this strong wimmin shit

I was considering spamming you with female action protagonists from the 80s and 90s but I'm too lazy.

Standard procedure. Same with hi-budget 80s OVAs like Bubblegum Crisis.
Why waste it on bits the human eye won't see?

Good. I wouldn't like to post in one thread with people who take such terrible baits.

Because you're lying and you can't.

And some close-up with barely anything moving have even more complex shading than OP's image. They are obviously going to be smart about when to use it. Some anime will lose almost any kind of shading during actions scenes and everything that is not the background will be 100% flat.

>not this strong wimmin shit.

Anime might not be your thing if you don't like kick-ass girls.

>strong wimmin shit.

The stronk wymin in Kabaneri have a somewhat western feel, I agree.

But in general, kickass girls in anime have been separate from western feminism; the focus isn't to undermine or compete with men in the same way that COUGH (jewish) feminism is in the west.

>not four tone shading
>pointless SnK plug by some retard that's not even watching kabaneri

It would be nice to have one shitposter free thread.

Nope. If it were, that'd arguably be even more amazing.

And? Literally every animation in history has done this. Nobody will notice it during a fast action scene except for autists like you that rewatch a scene a dozen times to find something to nitpick, so it's better to use that time and effort elsewhere.

>It's only 4-tone for relatively still scenes and close-ups.

That's still more than pretty much any modern show, so I'll take it.


This applies to anime of any age, though. People laud older anime lbecause they cherry pick a few close-up shots from OVAs and shows they've never watched, then apply retard logic and say that it was standard for all scenes when it was used just as much/little as shows/OVAs/movies today [that bother with more than two shades].

The only thing that's really missing is flat blacks because they've been out of fashion for decades..

Just like in old anime.

>i watch old anime notice me xd

Yeah, we should all watch fun and comfy animes like Haifuri and Kumamiko. They're the zenith of anime quality.

I prefer good sakuga than good shading on stills. Kabaneri sadly doesn't have much sakuga so far.

That looks like shit though.

It's just a pretty show in general. Not because of the shading, but the aesthetic and character designs are nice. It's an added bonus that WiT are putting a little bit more effort into their talking head scenes than other studios, but that's all it is, a bonus.

>cherry pick a few close-up shots from OVAs
Those OVAs look good in moving form too. Check out some webms. And the fact remains that modern OVAs still don't look as good as the ones from the 80s and 90s.

They burned all their budget, episode 4 looked like shit.

Well it's WIT after all so everyone was expecting that already.

I know. But the way some people here preach about MUH 4 TONE SHADING, you'd think they're saying that shading is the only qualifier of what makes something look good and ALWAYS require a high budget when both are falsh. Plenty of MUH 4 TONE SHADING looks like shit and it doesn't mean a show has an absurdly high budget. It's a style choice and whether people like it or not, it's been out of vogue for most of the last two decades.

Modern OVAs don't look as good as some OVAs from the 80s and 90s. Simply by numbers, the 80s and 90s are going to look better since there were more OVAs. But if you watch some more, outside of the big ones that everyone knows and everyone cites as being the norm, there's also shitty OVAs out there that aren't quite as polished.

It is a pretty show in general, it's just that all the criticisms leveled against the shading so far have been baseless. It's just people searching for reasons to dislike a solid show.

Aside from more still pans, I thought it looked pretty good. Do you have any particular examples of quality?

>We will never see anything like Bubblegum Crisis ever again

Time to depart this homosexual realm.

I can't even excuse that as a typo.

I'm not going to lie, I've avoided most threads, so I haven't seen much in the way of criticism other than comparing it to SnK.

It's just nice to see based Mikimoto back on form.
I thought he'd gone the way of most 80s big names and died or turned to porn calendars.

That's probably a good idea overall. Sometimes there's fun discussion or grade A memes and shops, but there's a ton of dedicated shitposters (or maybe a few REALLY dedicated shitposters) that fuck up most threads. Baseless SnK comparisons are still rampant, but now they've started to call it a Tokyo Ghoul clone among other things, the Frodos aren't even trying anymore, and most talk of shading just leads to somebody posting that Hibike Emporium 2x2 of really bad shading or spamming that you're from Reddit for liking shading. It's not even criticism, it's just shit.


Best Mikimoto girl coming through.

*Obari intensifies*


the shading should be softer. it looks like shit if you can see the exact line that divides 1 tone of the other.


You're no oldfag.

Are you insane?

Isn't most of the big 80s crowd still kicking? Unless you're counting like Dezaki and other people like that who were already around before then.

I've only ever seen graded shading in detailed manga pages, never anime. I would imagine that even for a still shot in a show, blending the shading would take way too much time.

It looks like shit.

Yeah, all I readlly do is boot up download them all and download images and webms. Sup Forums's too full of normalfags these days that complain about stuff we've had for decades, like sexualisation of characters, to bother discussing anything with. I'd rather just enjoy the shows I watch, whether it's something like Kabaneri or the FotM CGDCT show of the season and save any discussion towards the end of the season.

>and most talk of shading just leads to somebody posting that Hibike Emporium 2x2 of really bad shading or spamming that you're from Reddit for liking shading. It's not even criticism, it's just shit.
Unfortunately, that just sounds like backlash to shade shitposting over the years. Kind of like how people automatically trash anyone that likes the big 3, because of the association with children. There have been far more people that shitpost about shading, rather than making legitimate threads about the merits of shading, over the years and it generally leaves a bad taste in other people's mouths. I don't agree with it, but I can see where people are coming from with it. It's disappointing to hear because like ou said, it's not even a criticism, but not much can be done about it unless you get a time machine and change the course of the board.

>bubblegum crisis will never be finished

Well, a few "sequels" do exist

The less said about Crash the better. The spin off stuff varies in quality.

No, they dont. Fuck off.

>the new kof movie will actually be a chinese cartoon
>no obari
dammit snk

>the Frodos aren't even trying anymore

When in the history of the meme has a Frodo poster ever put in an ounce of effort?

I dont dislike shading. But doingit forcefully everywhere is retarded.


>that's the joke.png

You seem to have misjudged which one is the moron here

>zooming in
Really now faggot?

Im glad based Araki recruited Mikimoto for Kabaneri.

I should probably start doing the same, it sounds like it's much better for your mental health.

>Kind of like how people automatically trash anyone that likes the big 3

Do we really though? Naruto that was true for up until the mods stopped banning Naruto threads, but a large chunk of Sup Forums loves One Piece and Bleach, and we have near constant threads up for them.

You're right anyways though, it's a bummer that people let shitposting beget shitposting. It doesn't make the board better.

I've seen a few with legitimate questions. Funnily enough, those were always the ones that got ignored by everybody.

>and we have near constant threads up for them.
And said threads act and feel like a leak from Arlong Park.

Is working, Shading: the anime is selling well.

>Why do SnK fags always have to bring up their show when someone talks about Kabaneri?
Because th guys working on Kabaneri are the same guys that worked on SnK and they liked how it was, so they are making their own version without being locked down on a manga version.

>burning money
It's not that expensive, it just takes the combined effort of key animators adding a bit more detail to select shots and then being touched up by digital artists. If anything it's more time-consuming, which isn't great for Kabaneri's production.

Like old 80s OVA.

>audiences won't even notice or care about.
It looks like shit

Time is money?

>more people shitposting with zero evidence

Just because you don't like that the show isn't moe enough doesn't mean it's bad.

They have a dedicated "Chief Makeup Animator", a first for TV Anime and some staff to paint when everyone else work is done.

WIT finds a way

It's god eater, it is fucking 3d, its just 3d combined with drawing. The show looks god awful when anything animates, for the most part.

It's not 3D, the staff explicitly stated the characters and weapons are not 3D and raw key animations have been shown in exhibitions before. It's just detailed shading combined with modern digital colouring.

to flopsville

The way the characters moved in this show felt like they were using pupettering software in some parts.

The movement looked very much like typical anime. If you look at the credits you'll find a long list of 2D animators credited anyway.

if its not expensive why only do it for close up of girls

That plate's not even round.

Because it's time-consuming.

Looks like 5 tones to me.

>It is a pretty show in general

Not even the best looking show this season