ITT: terrible series with great first episodes.
ITT: terrible series with great first episodes
>haibane renmei
For me, it's gotta be SAO.
The first three episodes were really good, it worked well with the weight of death, introduced a intriguing world and the potential for a great series.
But instead it becomes the prime example of a generic mainstream action anime. It drops the world it was in for elf world and ruins characters as well as trying to make us like characters with barely any time given to them.
If it had spend 2 seasons in its original world and didn't focus on kiroto being a shitty women mangnet, then maybe it would've been good.
>Guilty Crown
It has some of the worst audio mastering and design I've heard in anime. That just kills that kind of SoL show.
I'd consider it more of a drama with SoL elements than a true SoL show. In any case, Haibane Renmei is a show that manages to overcome its many technical issues and still be quite good.
Yeah, it's outright horrible.
On the level of character, the cast is one-dimensional, identified by shallow combinations of one or two traits (sleepy librarian girl, hard-working tomboy, etc.). It's nearly an anime adaptation of The Smurfs.
On the level of entertainment, the humor was cliche even for its time, the events of each episode are either boring or try-hard dramatics, the mythology is built up only to be inconsequential, because:
On the level of artistic import, the metaphor that drives the entire series is barely fleshed out and what is fleshed out is negated by the finale episode, which is just visual nonsense that contradicts all prior tone and all prior rules of physics. The train-through-the-wall would fit just as well if it was shoe-horned into any other series, meaning not at all.
On the level of intellectual merit, the writers lack even a surface level understanding of how grief works, or how basic human psychology works in general.
On the level of animation, the directorial techniques are almost 80% pans over still-frames. The aesthetics are TERRIBLE.
The only good thing is the character design and some of the music, but even that's inconsistent.
Haibane Renmei is unbelievably overhyped, and it's because your typical anime fan has never seen an art-film or read a piece of literature in their life. I would recommend HB to someone if they want to know why most 'serious' anime is dreck, it's almost the perfect distillation of why.
I'm still mad I never got the anime the first 20 minutes made me think I was getting.
>hating Haibane Renmei
Neo-Sup Forums everyone
I just don't get it, there's lots of neat elements, but the entire package is so appealing. On a technical level it's garbage, and the rest of the show really doesn't do well enough to overcome that.
Haibane ans Kino are garbage, Im pretty sure people here only pretend to like it because it makes them seem like ye oldefags
Uwari no Seraph, aka Seraph of the End. Spoilers below, but it's a shit show so I'm not going to bother actually spoilering them:
The first episode was pretty great. Had some nice worldbuilding documenting the vampires taking over the world after a virus kills all the adults, and forcing the children to be their cattle. Although the MC is a generic I HATE ALL X AND WILL KILL ALL X archetype, he's not a pussy so it's something, and there's some pretty decent characterization. The end of episode one then proceeds to have one of the vampire royalty kill the MC's adopted family, all children, in front of him, and he's forced to flee alone. I thought I was in for a hell of a ride, but that and pic related were seriously the only good parts of the show. I am still wondering why I watched all 24 episodes, maybe I thought it would get better.
>implying that Haibane Renmei isn't one of the only SOLs in existence that are worth watching
>trying this hard to be contrarian
Haibane Renmei is like The Babadook. There's just no accounting for taste, especially in things that take shortcuts to get an audience to feel 'sad' and easily understand the psychology of a character, while simultaneously believing the work is 'smart.' People who think a heightened metaphor is clever will like it, anyone who sees how emotionally and intellectually hollow that is won't.
Thank god Nagasaki made /his/, I barely browse this shit board.
Tumblr/reddit were able to accomplish in 4 years what gaia tried for 10 years, subvert and control this board.
>Only SOL worth watching
You're forgetting Kamichu and Aria.
>one of the only SOLs
Reading comprehension is your friend.
Tumblr and reddit love Haibane, what the fuck are you talking about?
But that would mean they would actually have good taste which is impossible
If you watch more film and read more literature I'm sure some day you'll realize liking Haibane Renmei is bad taste.
Yeah, a total of 5 people.
Go check the tag, it's fucking nothing.
Most of them despise it solely because it is SoL. Others because it's cool/hipster thing to hate on older anime.
>Sup Forumslit/ fag thinks he has taste
Pls go back to your containment boards.
And stay the fuck out of my main boards, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /his/.
I'm too retarded for that.
>Others because it's cool/hipster thing to hate on older anime
This thread is full of nothing but reasoned opinions for why someone would dislike it. Did you not read the thread?
Try googling 'reddit haibane renmei' and 'tumblr haibane renmei', you'll get tons of results. Be that as it may, your dichotomy of Me vs Reddit/Tumblr does nothing but suppress alternative opinion. Notice that no one has so far argued why Haibane is good, but there's nearly an essay in here on why it's bad.
Try half an episode
I don't go on Sup Forums or /lit/. You realize it's possible to have opinions on art without falling into a simple archetype, right?
>admitting to major crossboarding
>crossboarding to one of the shittiest boards of Sup Forums
Take your own advice and fuck off to Sup Forums
Oh please, it's not the tumblr/reddit boogieman that turned this board to shit. Sup Forums did that to itself purely on the logical progression of its own culture.
>30 / 10 / 14 / 1
I legitimately think Kaneki discovering he's a ghoul was more impactful in the anime than in the manga. Then everything goes to shit. The Yamori/Rize fight was stupid though.
Per example, your posts are contributing nothing.
what can you contribute to a thread that already started out like shit
People mostly like Haibane Renmei because they're fans of Yoshitoshi ABe's art, the rest of it is pretty much secondary to the experience
Sora no Woto is Haibane Renmei done unpretentiously.
Here come the braindead retards who lurk the 3x3 threads coming to vehemently defend Haibane.
The show was shit and 13 episodes wasn't enough for the show to properly flesh out its story.
I like ABe's art, I just don't think his ideas for settings, characters, or writing were any good. All of his designs for other people's characters, settings, or writing were way, way better.
>stop liking what I don't like
High school of the dead
Isn't your post just 'stop not liking what I like'?
Sora no Woto is one of the worst offenders of the "Cute girls doing cute things in scenarios that cute girls aren't usually in" type shows. It's one of the better SOLs out there, but it's many tiers below Haibane Renmei.
>ideas for settings
That's because all he did was make a half baked copy of the village from the End of the World segments of Hard-boiled Wonderland and The End of the World.
You don't get it. It's a lot like Haibane Renmei, except the girls are much cuter, so it's better.
Oh you're just shitposting, my bad.
>I think anime can be deep and substantial
>I think anime has any worth at all other than its cute girls
This is an incorrect, shitty opinion and posting it is shitposting.
Note: anime used to have worth beyond cute girls in mecha, but then the first Transformers movie came out and did mecha better than anime, so now anime's only remaining worth is its cute girls.
Kill yourself.
And it's still shit.
Just point and laugh.
Yeah,the scene where he couldn't eat his favorite food actually made me tear up despite not crying to anime or media in general for years.
Mine is IBO,the Mars arc was soo good and showed potential, but then things started falling apart when we got into space.
Actually let me change that, Gundam SEED Destiny actually had a good first 13 episodes, I'm not even joking.
That whole arc set up soo many potential plots for the series, leftover racial tensions, the Atlantic alliance's incompetence recovering after the war, Athrun's loyalties, but then it all comes crashing down on episode 13 or so.
IBO has a chance to be good in the second season
>unironically shitting on what used to be a unanimously loved series
Fuck this board
Kill la Kill
It's mostly
>you wouldn't like this if you were more educated about film
It's why people hate film majors.
Just by reading the first three lines I can already see that you're one of those retards that thinks that Rakka being sad when the shota left was forced drama.
Aldnoah Zero. You can still enjoy the rest of you're into cute boys suffering.
Trying too hard.
Sup Forums isn't one person.
That was one guy, the rest have much better points.
Long story short, the substance doesn't hold up, and the style and technical execution just isn't there to fill in the gaps. So you end up with a series that is carried entirely by it's story, yet the story isn't fleshed out enough to REALLY carry it.
The high points were pretty great, but the rest of the show is just a pure drag.
This is the typical response of someone who hasn't been here long for justification of why things have changed.
What story are you talking about?
The plot in HR is simply girl having to resolve the issues in their past lives so they can move on.
They don't flesh out the world or anything else because it's secondary, and it's best left to interpretation.
Bad OP baiting aside, this series is pretty much the pinnacle of terrible series with great first episode
Also, Futakoi Alternative
Nah, it's actually great.
Yeah... no.
On the level of character, the secondary cast is one dimensional and serves its purpose, which is fine. There's no need to create extremely unique characters when you're not focusing on them. Rakka and Reki are the focus of the show and they're well explored given the anime's slow nature.
On the level of entertainment, the humor was cliche, right.
>the events of each episode are either boring or try-hard dramatics
Boring for you, maybe, but that means jack shit. Try-hard dramatics? Since you just said this without explaining what you're talking about I'll guess it's about Rakka's reaction when Kuu died or Reki's relationship with the other Haibane. Either are completely fine if you take in consideration their situation. Rakka is literally less than 1 years old and Reki has a lot of problems which I won't bother listing here.
I'd like to know how the metaphor is negated in the final episode. Either you got it wrong or I did, because I don't see that.
>visual nonsense
>contradicts prior tone
>contradicts prior rules of physics
I get it that you didn't understand anything about that scene's meaning or what really happened there.
>the writers lack even a surface level understanding of how grief works, or how basic human psychology works in general
You just throw it there without further explanations? Sure.
Animation is terrible, true. Even for its time, the show is extremely lackluster on this aspect.
Haibane Renmei may have some problems, but it's far from being bad, let alone terrible.
Tower of Druaga
Seriously go watch the first episode now
Despite the trainwreck of nonsense we got being great in a Sup Forums sense,
I was expecting Kick Ass the anime,not homosexualbestfriendswhoaren'treallyhomosexualsbuttotallymightbesometimes
I'm the one who said that, and I'm not a film major. You don't think if you were more exposed to art your opinion of an anime series would change? I know there are art students who are pretentious and themselves poor at art appreciation, but that's one type of person whose interest probably won't even outlive their school years. The fact remains that HR is just poor.
>I get it that you didn't understand anything about that scene's meaning or what really happened there.
What is there to get? Reki killed herself by getting run over by a train. Can you tell me exactly why that triggers a metaphorical train to grow out of a wall, or why a room became a dream-like expanse of a trainyard?
It was written by Kurata, you should've been expecting gay tease.
The first episode was fucking awful, what are you talking about?
at the time I wasn't too familiar with anime staff
Literally explained in the show.
>Can you tell me exactly why that triggers a metaphorical train to grow out of a wall, or why a room became a dream-like expanse of a trainyard?
Because Reki's time is up, so a manifestation of the sin she wasn't capable of forgiving herself for comes to metaphorically "kill" her again(condemn her to a life of solitude in the forest).
Did one of the masked guys say that?
The masked guy constantly tells how Reki doesn't have much time left.
You just have to put 2 and 2 together, complaining about something breaking the laws of physics in a show about girls that come out of cocoons and grow wings in a city surrounded by a magical wall is fucking retarded.
Few shows have shit the bed as quickly as this one.
You mean the first 9? The first 20 minutes was the whole show basically.
>Ichise gets his arm cut off in the first episode after some slut tries to take his eye.
>Yoshii arrives with Ran and they rescue the sage of Gabe
How was that awful?
That's not what crossboarding is you dumb shit.
haibane renmei isnt sol you dumb fuck
Gundam IBO, the first three episodes seemed exciting and had cute QUALITY-chan, but watch a bunch of kids travel in space for twenty episodes of nothing happened, until arriving on earth, and even then the only thing that happened was some biscuits got burned.
Fucking this. I remember after the first episode feeling pretty optimistic for this show. I ended up dropping it a few weeks later, by episode 4.
Aldnoah.Zero had an interesting first episode but from episode 2 and beyond I had the worst experience of my entire life, and I tell you what, I went through some shit
Came here to post this.
This, so much this
I know OP is bait but I feel like talking about Haibane Renmei anyway.
It definitely had one of the best first episodes around, and then looked like it was going to grind to a halt after 4-5 episodes. That's part of what made that series so exceptional though: the way it flipped everything around and became a totally different kind of series halfway through. Having built up its setting and characters, it then turned into a character-based drama that did a fantastic job of thoroughly exploring its themes, namely those about the nature of sin, repentance, and redemption.
>terrible series with great first episodes
Mirai Nikki and SAO are the most obvious examples.