Why isn't climate change considered a major issue?

Why isn't climate change considered a major issue?

Why is it always ignored on Sup Forums, you do realize that according to 99 percent of peer reviewed scientists who dedicate their entire lives in studying this field have a consensus that climate change is real and it will have very major effects in the next 50 years.

You do realize this will basically equate to 50 Syria's and the quarter of the world becoming uninhabitable

since when has humanity been far sighted? it wasn't that long ago servile scientists agreed to work on the manhattan project and build nukes. fukushima happened in 2011. they had ignored all warnings to increase their safety precautions.

Because all of the solutions that have been seriously proposed have been blatant attempts by globalist shills to invert our economy to china

Nuclear energy is expensive and is generally viewed as a bad investment because it's profits is low accompanied with high costs.

We should look to create inexpensive cleaner energy like wind and solar.

It's not that it isn't an issue. It's that our politicians shilling for climate change denial isn't nearly as big of a problem as the opposition exploiting it. Fact is nobody is taking climate change seriously right now despite plenty of virtue signaling pretending to. Once enough people are dead, then we will start seeing real solutions and you'll be shocked at how quickly progress moves on it beyond that point.

Climate change is naturally real but it's been co-opted entirely by those who would rule the world with an iron fist.
At this point, I prefer the ecological effects over the proposed solutions.

i'd say 100% of scientists believe in climate change. I certainly believe the climate changes. However the point is that human CO2 generation is not a primary driver of climate change, there is ample proof of this which i'm happy to explain to anyone who's not going to get triggered and pull out the "muh 97%" of scientists bullshit.

Please do. I wanna put your evidence to test.

Only a true cunt would advocate for Clinton after what she did to Libya.

Harvesting electromagnetism directly from the sun is the future.

to be a major issue it would have to be something humans could even effect. No evidence showing the extent to which climate is effected by human activities alone means no political clout to jew countries out of money for more globalist kikery

One percent of peer reviewed scientists think that the climate doesn't change.

If anthropomorphic climate change is real then the only solution is to let it happen faster. The cause would be overpopulation, the solution is to let it happen and cull the population

because it isn't really that big of an issue. IT would be 100% nonexistent if China and India stopped being the polluting shitholes that they are, and took responsibility for their shithole-y ways instead of relying on more civilized countries to try and pick up the slack.

Thats fucking stupid.
Even if humans didn't have any effect on climate change, that wouldn't make it a not a major issue.

Thats like saying "oh no there is a giant boulder rolling towards me at top speed, but since i had nothing to do with it, its not a problem"

Astounding. Where did they get their degrees?

Inb4 it's probably like

"1% of scientists think man-made pollution does not affect the climate a lot."

Which it obviously does. What the question is, is how it affects the climate.

I dont believe in in at all.
Total bs, when I was a kid I was told we were heading towards the world freezing up.

Years later the world is now going to overheat.
Which scientific lie should I believe today?

>Total bs, when I was a kid I was told we were heading towards the world freezing up.
Did anyone who genuinely believe in climate change back when you were lefty?
I can't recall believing everything about it and I never felt compelled to do or say anything. I just never felt convicted.

It's clearly horse shit just like your 99 percent figure.

The climategate mails proved it's all a psyop. They bragged about getting a bunch of cuck journalists to shill it, and about how they replaced the review boards at academic journals to exclude anything critical of their little scam.

It's too late, this is all public information. Sorry Obamaleaf.

The Paris deal solved that problem by giving them 100 billion dollars (of US money mind you) and requiring nothing for 10 years. Then there'd be a review.

Climate change is a farce which will be forgotten.

and about 1,6% share the consensus that the reason is CO2.
wow, talk about nothing.

>you do realize that according to 99 percent of peer reviewed scientists who dedicate their entire lives in studying this field have a consensus that climate change is real

Do you realize that this fake consensus argument has been debunked for many years. Did you know that the compilers of this fake statistic only looked at the title of the article, without reading it and then arbitrarily decided if it was pro or anti anthropogenic global warming, even though they didn't have the credentials to peer review the articles themselves and cherry picked which one to keep and which to throw out based on a subjective judgement that only "climate scientists" should have a say, not chemists, physicists
or other sciences using a false "appeal to authority argument, rather than sound logic?

Do you realize that before the Michelson-Morley Experiment, 100% of scientists believed that light traveled through a fluid called the luminous aether, like a wave travels through water?

They were all wrong.