
Who's ready to see best rockwoman in a few chapters?

Would they use the current DIU color palette for a Jojolion adaptation? Araki's using a very "flat" look now

>No pastebin link
>Epic Yasuho is a rock meme
Shit OP, OP.

Who's ready to see best rockwoman's rockfather this month?

4th for mista

Why does her face look like everyone fucking else's?

>tfw you realize they were good guys all along

I know right?
This is the art of the only Mangaka to ever be featured in the Louvre and he fucking can't help himself with the sameface.


fight me

They were killers.
Melone's Stand literally requires rape

>Group of assasins want to stop the Boss's daughter from being killed by the boss
>All killed by a group that wants to betray the boss anyway

Fight yourself user
1 > 2 > 3 > 5 > 6 > 7 = 8

>Now the world is gone, I'm just ONE

4 > 2 > 8 > 6 > 5 > 7 > 1 > 3

That's reverse order right?


Part 8's end will blow 7s out of the fucking water



Nope, that's the order. It's my opinion, fuck off
Part 8 is boring as shit so far, I miss the old stuff.


>muh ham-on

o gud

Johnny needs a fat ass. Jesus knows he doesn't have any tits.


Worst taste ITT.
Kill yourself

Nigger Part 8 is doing everything right that Part 7 did wrong

Therefore it is GOAT


>Skipped 4
>Muh hammin
Stop baiting and be serious.

I get the feeling these threads are less gay than MGS threads. Am I wrong?

>Hating hamon
Fucking mangafags are the worst
I bet your favorite part is Shit Ball Run
Why would I read SoL? That shit isn't jojo


You're not wrong.
MGS threads are hard gay, and Jojo threads only get that way when the Fujos are awake

Why don't you ever get tired of this inane ranking shit?

Guys guys, let's not argue about taste. Everyone's tastes are good.

Except anyone who prefers hamon to stands.


Obviously not.


I hope no one replies seriously to this bait.



This is the correct opinion.

>His opinion is different to mine, bait!!!1!!!11!111!
Kill yourself.

I certainly do. It's above all else boring.

At least with waifuposting and other shitposting in general it's somewhat fun, if dumb on an otherworldly level. It's just straight boring.

Does anybody have scans of Viz's Battle Tendency Vol. 1? I can't find that one anywhere.


>Why would I read SoL? That shit isn't jojo
i was going to give you an actual argument but fuck you.

Epic posting my man

Why do people hate 3 so much? Basically all the initial parts are almost always rated last. Even tho Broseph is in them.


IRL Japanese don't have vastly different facial features and more hair colors than a Tumblr meetup.

Same-face and straight black hair is actually the norm.

>Falling this hard for my bait
Come on guys, I didn't even put any effort into that. When will you fucks see how retarded part ranking is?
Boy II Man


The first half of Stardust is pretty dry. It had some memorable fights, but it wasn't until they hit Egypt when it got good.

>Implying you wouldn't play with girl Johnny's small perky nips

It is monsters of the week, but unlike later parts it didn't have much interesting stands or characters to back it up.



>tumblr filename Although its a meme image, so it kinda fits.

>>Falling this hard for my bait
i dont care fuck you

I was soured on 3 because after blazing through Parts 1&2 with their hype ass Jojos, Polnareff's Bizarre Adventure felt like such a goddamn slog. Hlafway through I just wanted to be done so I could go to Part 4 already.

Don't forget about those who lust after best boi

relax user I wasn't serious about any of that, it's easy to grind your gears though.

Kars > DIO > Diavolo > Dio > Pucci > Kira > Valentine

Boy do I feel foolish.

Agreed. Fucking Americans.

Johnny's too small. Gyro's too big. Diego is juuuuuuust right. Plus, fucking a dinosaur is way more of an accomplishment and a better story than fucking an Italian or a cripple.

fuck you bye bye

How did he "breed" her? I think I speedread past that part.


It's because the earlier parts have been exposed to normies via the anime. People only want to like the obscure parts, which is why 7 and 8 are so highly rated and 4 is rapidly decreasing in popularity in these threads.


I like Part 3, just doesn't feel like Araki really figures shit out and hit his groove till 4.

Hips > lips and mouth > Thighs > Boobs > Ass
prove me wrong

>Yare yare...


This tbqh. Never understood why Kars is considered a bland villain.

You uploaded the wrong pic

>i was jus pretending to b retarded !

yeah ok, nigger

>Having taste this shit
Ass > thighs > boobs = Lips and mouth > hips

Because it's a ripoff of the far-superioe Diesel. Araki even stole the whole "Enemy Stand!" thing.

Some shit about Part 6, which I haven't gotten to yet: how does she find about Pucci, or does she have special Hamon gay-black-priest-trying-to-fuck-everything senses? And how does she round up her gang of misfits?

You got me there buddy, because I genuinely love the most boring parts more than the actually well-written parts. Whoops.

>hips last

>a day later and you're already regressing to the gay sex shitposting
Sup Forums is just Sup Forums with flamewars turned into lewdwars

>Implying you can fuck hips
>Not grabbing the ass instead

Ass > Hips > Midriff > Nape of the neck > Back of the knee, maybe > Chest > Mouth

still better than Sup Forums

You can have a Stand. Which one do you pick.

Hard mode: Doesn't mess with time. You can choose Star Platinum without the time stop.

This tbqh fambily. Meta Hammer >>>> all other pussy ass Stands

He's fine, just less complex and interesting then all the others.

>Ass first
>Hips last
This is bait, yeah?

Does Sup Forums even shitpost? All I see is a tamer version of telling tumblr to fuck off and bad taste in media

Cause "ooh, im a gay vampire birdman thing and I wanna take over the world (?)" just isn't interesting. DIO had a similar thing, but he had the hype, and was used as a tie-in for later parts.

Heaven's Door

This is 「Taste」user, you should get some.

Oh! Lonesome Me

they shitpost about either sjw boogeyman or Sup Forums boogeyman I think, depends for whom they're more tsundere at a given time

Is there any JoJo stand that could defeat meta hammer?

What if Part 4 took place in the ghetto instead of Morioh?
>Rohan is a rapper who steals peoples memories to come up with lyrics

You can't have one without the other, dingdongs. They're on equal footing.

So they're reddit?