You have 15 seconds to justify without using the word "ethics" or "morality" the banning of personal freedoms such as:

You have 15 seconds to justify without using the word "ethics" or "morality" the banning of personal freedoms such as:
-use, purchase and sell of hard drugs
-consenting pedophilia

1) They rot the mind and body and idiot teenagers don't know better than to take them
2) Children can't consent because they're easily manipulated by their elders

>I know better than you what to do with your own body
Alright Corbyn go back to bed.

>"Why the hell are you letting your 8 year old take ecstacy pills"
>"Its her body, You think you know better than her?"

You people are the fucking cancer that is killing western society

Ad hominem attacks are not arguments.

Kids can't consent to anything, you kiddie-fucking lolbertarian.

im pretty sure op is autistic

It's obvious OP is a meth using kiddy diddler.

But 1) isn't entirely right. Only people of certain personalities ever touch hard drugs, and they are considerably less damaging than you might think. Opioids are essentially harmless beyond the addiction, and you were already insane if you get addicted to stimulants. Alcohol is by far the most destructive hard drug(pharmacologically it is a hard drug), yet it's socially acceptable because it can't be regulated in the slightest.

Hard drug users couldn't give two shits about committing a victimless crime. This really applies to anybody, but the people most attracted to hard drugs especially don't care. People forget that only 1/6 people who try heroin or a stimulant become addicted to it. Compared to 1/6 to 1/8 of people who try alcohol.

I don't value personal freedom, but I do value stable families and ethnic hygiene. Why should I care about personal freedom? You have 15 seconds to justify valuing freedom above all else without using the word "rights" or "God."

You're a gun grabbing bootlicking statist, you're fundamentally not American.

You have 15 seconds to justify why ethics and morality are invalid arguments.

We don't live in a void and these things could reasonably negatively affect the lives of other citizens which violates the NAP

They are not universal and cannot be applied everywhere by force.

you are a faggot, OP btfo in less than 15 seconds

>Invents drug that mind-fucks and controls its victims. through addiction oh wait. It's called crack.

>consenting pedophilia

Children can't consent.

I'll gladly use my gun to blow open your pedophile skull.

There's no reason for either.
Retarded monkeys think fucking children is bad but setting them on fire is good.
Bad monkeys.
And as far drugs goes, it's not a problem until they begin robbin' niggas.

>humans from age 0 years to 17 years and 364 days are dumb as rocks and shouldn't do anything
>humans from age 18 years 1 days can decide anything on their own

Your flawless logic.

Prohibition of consensual behaviour is valid within certain contractual situations. A real social contract signed between consenting parties (with or without a mediator) could contain an agreement regarding unwanted social behaviours like drug-taking and paedophilia. Any individuals participating in these behaviours would be violating the contract and would be subject to the penalties provided by the contract.

I don't want anyone to mess with my children, I will blow your fucking head off if you do

>You have 15 seconds to justify without using the word "ethics" or "morality" the unbanning of personal freedoms such as:
>-use, purchase and sell of hard drugs
>-consenting pedophilia

Do you think severely mentally handicapped people are capable of competently signing contracts?

>Opioids are essentially harmless beyond the addiction

ever experienced opiate withdrawal syndrome?

every experienced it from long-active opiates like methadone, where the withdrawal symptoms last up to a month?

do you have any idea how debilitating this is, even for a day, to experience?

I mean really

Im a monkey
I live in a pack of other monkeys
The other monkeys are wasting their lives getting high as balls
Be ok with it cuz muh individualism
Fuck off were on a rock hurtling around a ball of fire wtf do you even need to be high for

because children are biologically not ready for sex and it would be unnatural

minors cannot consent, also drugs are a net loss on society; ruins the productivity of otherwise incredibly effective people.

Also this 15 seconds shit is shit. I didn't even need ten to think of it as I wrote. You should want a whole, thought-out one, not a "gibs me argument."

>a sexual relationship developing at age 17 is equal to a relationship developing at age 2 or prenatal
>A relationship between two twelve year olds is the same as a relationship between a four year old and 70 year old

You're a dissonant retard.

LOL, this fucking meme is a joke.

>-consenting pedophilia
Too young to consent and fully understand what its sex. No biological need at this age, not before puberty

So ancaps are just pedos who want to fuck children and hide behind their ideology?

And children can't give consent you dickhead, their brains aren't fully devoleped, plus it's not normal to be attracted to not fully grown people.

By consenting pedophilia do you mean the kid is consenting or its owner?

literally the exact opposite of an ad hominem.
shills btfo once again

>-consenting pedophilia
Violates the NAP.

The sun is plasma you leaf
Why do you care if people get high or not. I assume you think drinking and smoking cigs are fine but if you smoke that dank weed you should be locked up.
Why the fuck do people care about what others do with their own body so long as they aren't bothering/endangering anyone but themself

china was conquered with opium

Puberty happens at like 12

>China loses their ethnocentric beliefs
Hmmm I'm not sure this is accurate...

can't believe the ruling dynasty has the will of heaven if they keep getting their shit pushed in by foreigners.

I guess it depends what they mean by ethnocentric beliefs. I assumed it meant they thought they were superior, which they definitely still think.

OP can't respond
Anarcho-capitalism is bad meme, voluntaryism is the future

And you think this is a tricky stuff?

Use of hard drugs usually results in criminality and hostility which has nothing to do with ethics or morality but involves some money spent on dealing with this. It's way easier to enforce ban on those substances than dealing with consequences.

And consenting pedophilia is a hell of a meme itself only retarded shitposter would use. Like how a person who has no clue about sexuality can give consent?

>92% of the population

>ethics and morality cant be applied by force
You know human civilization has come up with a little thing known as Law which is exacly that imposing ethics and morality rules by force ....try harder wanna be edge lord kiddo