Does Sup Forums like Devilman?

Does Sup Forums like Devilman?

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Doesn't his girlfriend eventually become a quadriplegic sex slave after the apocalypse or something?


Her head got put on a pike but that's about it

sweet, sweet harmony

Devilman is fucking great and I would probably have a heart attack if the original manga got a full, complete anime that wasn't missing content or censored to hell and back.

So I'm pretty much immune from having any heart attacks.

Considering how watered down Cyborg 009 vs. Devilman was, it's probably never going to happen.

>it's probably never going to happen

Thats exactly what I just said.

A proper adaptation would go against the Nagai tradition of nonsense disconnected OVA's

Hey, it happens.

hell yes I like devil man


fucking japan and their wwII imagery, I remember laughing when I first saw this, because it was minutes into the animation of the OVA

also, did you get a boner from what happens to the angel at the :30 mark? another good scene, the shit that happens to this moth creature, check it;

Miki was a horny girl.

they both did :^)


man that whole sequence makes me sick

They fucked up the "my father died" scene so much. Also,
>english dub

All time favorite manga.
Although, does anyone else kind of get annoyed in Devilman Lady when Akira falls in love with Jun so quickly?
I just feel like he should still be hung up over Miki.
Devilman vs Hades kept my Miki shipping strong, but it's canon that he falls in love with half of Satan, so he pretty much falls in love with Satan.

Amon x Miki
Akira x Ryo

That's how it's always been

I enjoyed it but I don't think it's that good, it has the usual 'overrated due to age and influence' syndrome. The first volume was so ridiculous I laughed out loud at it.

Not really, in the original and Chibi Go Nagai world he chooses Miki over Ryo.

It was good until Nagai said "fuck it" and decided to end in a bitter note.

>implying anyone could not like Devilman

What is this, some kind of shit-for-brains joke?

Miki ends dead for allowing Akira to sperg over Ryo on the original manga and spin-offs while Akira dies on the prologue and Ryo is erased for allowing Amon to fuck Miki on Devilman TV and Devilman G. It wasn't intentional but shit happens

Violence Jack translation when

He fought Satan because Ryos stunt of TV resulted in her death.
He waged war over his dead waifu, that to me implies she won since he would kill Satan over her.


Devilman should have been the real hero i dragonball, his devilmite beam can kill all evil without fail

There's always the Spanish translation, wey

If it makes you happy, not!Akira and not!Miki are married on Devilman Saga but that's nothing an angry mob can't "fix"

What? did they finish it?

No but they finished vol 12. That's two thirds of the manga and they already enter into the Cutie Honey arc, which explains Ryo's past

How come Violence Jack isn't translated when it's Go Nagai's biggest work?
I'm reading it in Japanese so it doesn't directly affect me but I still find it surprising to hear.

he's talking about Violence Jack

- Bad rap for the infamous 80s OVAs. The dub doesn't help
- Divisive among the Nagaifags themselves for all the sex and violence.
- Too fucking long.

maybe because of it's length, or because it isn't anyone's personal project
but I can translate ñ to english *wink wink*