>Continued from
Other urls found in this thread:
Chidori is so sweet.
Luluco is better
>continued from
Kill yourself.
What is Nico thinking?
what the fuck is this show even about
She's heavy
Thinking about Tengas.
She hates it.
This episode was nice, NICE!
So what happens when the girls have their period?
Next to nothing, because residual pain isn't transferred.
Where is my fujobait? Where are my /u/ ships? What is this hetero normie shit?
>hetero normie
I can lift her.
Fuck off.
So the axe in this episode made me wonder. Since they are split pain 7 ways, does that mean their bodies are essentially 7 times more resilient to injury?
Like, would it be 7 times harder to slice of an arm or a hand? Or is it just as easy but the pain of losing a limb would be perpetually split among them?
Kinda defeats the point if they're all still just as fragile as they were separate. And what happens if one dies? Spooky.
Kids knifer
Why does Hisomu even exist? His gag got old ages ago.
I was ready to drop this but now I think I will continue just for the YutaxMaki ship
She wants attention
Even though the first episode said that their pain is split 7 ways so far nothing has happened to indicate that each one only feels 1/7th normal pain. Aside from sharing each other's pain they all seem to suffer pain normally.
Poor Yuta. He deserves better. He shouldn't have his virginity taken by an unfeeling, manipulative bitch.
Tenga fell from like 4 stories and all Chidori did was act like she stubbed her toe really hard.
Tenga should have been hospitalized.
Yeah, I get that. But at the same time everyone reels when one of them just gets slapped in the face. I don't know what to make of it other than classifying death-defying feats like falling 20 feet into a bush or bouncing off a Japanese truck under cartoon-injury or S-rank luck.
This show is ASS
The only good thing about this show is the opening and even that doesn't have a release date.
It's a show by Trigger.
I really liked the Maki and Futa interaction. He's my favorite character so far
Never realized this but these cunts sure are moving getting a good foothold in Japan,.
So, in most shots Kastuhira is in with the yellow light, he is holding it at about his mid section. Not sure if it's going to go anywhere, but it seemed like a reference to the third chakra.
His wrist is glowing and he's holding his hand over his heart because he's feeling Chidori's emotional anguish (i.e.: her heartbreak). It has nothing to do with chakras, you fucking dumbass.
what's her problem now? Nico is the fucking last person I expected jealousy drama from. Fuck Okada.
I know it's fairly popular to talk shit about kiznaiver, but it's pretty ok. I don't think it's going to ever be as good as some other shows this season, but it's seems relativity harmless compared to how some people react about it.
It's certainly better than whoever thought it was a good idea to let Okada fucking touch gundam.
Of fucking course the girl is a fucking mas tsundere and all characters are and undimensional.
I'm not dropping it just because of the music and animation, but so far the plot and characters are average at best.
It's mediocre so far, it may get better if they develop the characters a little bit more and the story, i don't know, begins?
There's more to it than that. She also seems to know something about Yuta's medicine.
Nico really is the most complex character so far.
>talk shit on show last thread
>get mobbed
>other anons talk shit on show this thread
>no argument
The fuck
My worst Okada burn was her take on Lupin and I kind of feel the same way. Although it might also be that now I go into any show that she writes trying not to take it too seriously.
She's not a tsundere. Shes not going out of her to hide her feelings, she's frustrated that he can't reciprocate them because he's fucked.
gomorin collection when
I don't know if I want to love Nico or lewd her.
Looks like she's sizing up Chidori to me.
Yuta described exactly what I hate about Chidori, she is too serious and heavy, she isn't funny like Nico, mysterious like Sonozaki or sharp-tongued like Maki. She is too normal and serious.
Nico felt a bit out of character this episode.
I guess she likes Tenga and her character will developed based on these feelings?
At first I thought M-kun and Nico are just going to be bro/gag characters through the whole show, especially considering we don't have enough time to properly develop everyone in just one cour.
I'd say the doujins write themselves but I don't see this making a splash on the next Comiket or the like anytime soon. Most unfortunate since all the character designs have been great so far
>Maki will never look at you like this
Why live?
real quick the fuck shoes are these?
it's been killing me for so long because they're so recognizable but I don't know what style or brand
maybe they're just meant to be that generic?
I love how they all have multiple outfits. Also chidori is the cutest by far.
Something about the character design of the women in this show is just EXTREMELY pleasing to my penis. Anyone else feel the same? I can't quite put my finger on why though.
Clarks. I have a pair that look just like that.
really? they look a lot like Vans slip-ons in all white, too
I actually enjoyed this episode.
Is Yuta the purest character of the season?
The worst thing about IBO wasn't that it was an Okada Gundam, but because it was half-assed in every way. The few episodes actually written by Okada had her overdramatic flair to them (like the atmosphere descent), but most of it was just boring, swamp-like shlock.
This is getting more M3 by the episode.
Normal loafers you fucktard
what do you define as normal loafers?
This is actually my favorite show this season. Mostly because nothing it's particularly good, but it's very well directed and the Okada is mostly focused.
>as good as some other shows
Like what?
I’d only rank Luluco higher
>anything better than okay
It was funny in an "Inferno Cop is AOTC" way the first few weeks but give it a rest already.
tenga is best wingman
No, she's always been attention starved
>redheads holding up a knife
Reminder that you shouldn't give your waifu a knife.
So was the whole point of all of this to show that they're all connected by fear and emotions as well?
Tenga > Yuta >>>>>>>>> Purple >>>>>>>>>>>>> White > The pervy teacher
>shipwank galore in threads
>watch episode
>expected something extraordinary
>pic related
Nico made a face because she's an attention whore and is jelly of Chidori hogging the limelight, not because she genuinely likes Tenga you idiots.
Yeah. I'm pretty sure this is where this is all going as an overall theme. Real connection isn't in physical pain, but rather in emotional connection. By being "forced" together physically, they learn to understand each other emotionally. The big revelations seem to be coming from Maki, since we know nothing about her really, and Sonozaki.
What I really enjoyed about this episode was White's revelation that the small action of letting himself get beat up all the time was causing emotional pain to others, which led to him sticking up for himself.
Suwabe-sensei >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone else
fuck off let a man ship in peace
So kiznaiver exists to prove that trigger will never make another good anime right?
He interrupted Yuta's rape by taking a video of two teenagers fucking. Fuck him.
Yeah, I could see that. It's also pretty obvious that they've broken some new ground with being able to connect emotionally, since the homeroom teacher said something about them getting to another level of progress. But what the fuck would an emotional connect like that be practically used for? I wonder where they're going with this.
You can ship actual ships in peace, man.
Like Yuta/Maki.
This. I wanted to see Yuta get raped too. Discovering that Maki is a self loathing slut was a pretty nice way to meet me halfway though.
trigger didn't lose their way, they just had to get everybody aboard the honoka-chan rape train
no moar stops 'til manabi line
They're literally making luluco right now
>But what the fuck would an emotional connect like that be practically used for? I wonder where they're going with this.
The theme of the show is about connecting people in a world where people are very distant and secretive from one-another and lack empathy, so they're trying to create a kind of utopia where everyone literally feels the pain, emotionally and physically, of everyone else.
I have a feeling it's going to be like, empathy is good, but forcing connections like in the show is bad.
If a person understands and feels the pain that someone else feels when they do something, they might think twice about doing that thing, for example. It's a good message in a really fucking weird and sometimes shitty anime.
or you could just whatch luluco and realize A-team trigger is unstable
I personally want to see Yuta in more compromised situations since he's the most pure of all the Kiznaivers.
And I want to see Maki's tits.
Don't fail me, Trigger.
My nigga
okada's fantasies
>Where is my fujobait?
literally everywhere? Fujobait isn't exclusively homoshit. This show is decently popular with fujo according to nip polls.
>D1 = Kacchon
>D2 = Tenga
>D3 = Nico
>D4 = Yuta
>D5 = Chidori
>D6 = Maki
>D7 = Hisomu
Is this right?
Or not?
Archer-sensei best boy next to Tenga, of course
Alright. Based on chemistry so far:
1. Maki and Yuta (PURE S E X)
2. Chidori and Tenga (cute)
3. Autist and Autist (kinda cute)
4. Chidori and Autist (boring as fuck)
5. Nico and Tenga (into the trash it goes)
6. Nico and Purple (what the fuck)
>5. Nico and Tenga (into the trash it goes)
Fight me.
Nico herself is adorable and interesting but shipping her with anyone is retarded desu senpai.