Political Literature

Good evening,

Paul here from This is a thread dedicated to literature that has influenced your political ideology. Feel free to post any books that you found enlightening, and if you like a reason as to why.

Pic related hasn't directly influeced my political schema but more my understanding of people and how they think and order knowledge. This is vital because interpersonal relations are the foundation of society and understanding how people think and collate information is crucial to being able to convince people one way or the other.

Best regards,

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I don't find myself motivated to read political literature that often because there are better things to read; literature about philosophy and the human spirit. Here is another book that I think everyone can benefit from.

sartor resartus - carlyle
will to believe - william james
thus spake tharathustra
ulysses - james joyce
i ching & tao te ching & bhagavad gita etc

I have Thus Spake Zarathustra open in front of me. I've been meaning to read Ulysses as well. I torrented it a while ago but never got around to reading it.

>based tao poster

When the Master governs, the people
are hardly aware that he exists.
Next best is a leader who is loved.
Next, one who is feared.
The worst is one who is despised.

If you don't trust the people,
you make them untrustworthy.

The Master doesn't talk, he acts.
When his work is done,
the people say, "Amazing:
we did it, all by ourselves!"

One of my favorite books. I've recommended it to many people.

I've really started to analyze my dreams more closely. It's fascinating how the subconscious speaks to you indirectly.

>bhagavad gita etc
lol sounds like the name of a store in a Hindu mall

"Mahabharata Warehouse"

I've been watching the pbs special: Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth recently. Three episodes in.

Have either of you entertained Campbell and his take on archetypes?

A little bit, he is how I got into Jordan Peterson, but Campbell was awesome. I love how well he tells stories.

Any videos you could point me in the right direction with?


www plebbit com/r/Documentaries/comments/52ggv1/joseph_campbell_and_the_power_of_myth_pbs/?sort=new

Third comment down sorted by 'new'

If you're beginning dreamwork, the best advice I can give is to *not* "analyze" them.

Dreams are as alive as we are (our dreams actually dream us into being). Analyzing them crushes the life out of them.

Imagine having just had a child, or being visited by an emissary from a distant galaxy. Would it make any sense to "analyze" them to see what they "mean"? No. The proper relationship would be of opening, receiving, learning their language, patiently listening, partnering, being grateful.

There are dreams that communicate the entire arc of decades of our lives, if we can hear them.

And the big leap from there is to recognize *everything* is a dream. Looking at "the world" while we're "awake" is exactly the same...indistinguishable. So learning how to receive a dream, not just crush it flat into "meaning," is the ultimate awakening in how to see and be with the world.

My tips for success, anyway. Learning to see symbolically is the most transformative thing I've ever been blessed enough to do.

cucks read books.
chads write them

>reading the printed jew

thanks mate!

Joseph was a good friend of my ex, and those interviews were done in the library where I used to have lunch, so...yes. ;)


hey thanks for that, I never thought about it like that. any resources you would recommend?

i write too.

recently audiobooked that after having read some of Jung before, can confirm it should be the first book one should read of his work. i agree with this, after starting to read about myth, philosophy and theology, things like political subjects and ideology seem below oneself and i have no will to read it anymore, as if you are polluting yourself instead of improving your understanding of things and beings.

I absolutely agree.
This board needs to watch this commencement address.

Learn to meditate. Meditation is what stabilizes the ego so it isn't overwhelmed and destroyed by what it encounters in the dream.

This is a lesson Krishna teaches Arjuna in the Gita.

Meditation is an exercise of the energetic body, so it's very difficult to simply read about it and learn it (think of learning to speak a language, or to dance, just by reading words on a page). Take some classes, maybe go to a retreat, find a local temple or zendo that has regular meditation sessions and go.

Btw, everything is a meditation, since a meditation is just a set of actions to create and stabilize a state of consciousness. You're meditating right now, doing the "you" meditation. So you, and everyone, are already expert meditators. The shift is to learn to consciously choose the meditation one does.

Good luck and have fun, you'll love it.

>ching & tao te ching
Can someone recommend a good translation

>cucks read books.
>chads burn them

i'm reading Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P Hall, you'll probably enjoy.
Also there are plenty of lectures of his on youtube on a variety of subjects if you search his name. It surprised me that he says the exact same things as Jordan Peterson on some things, Peterson surely studied this man's work.

This has influenced my political/philosophical outlook greatly, almost too much, ever since I read it 3 months ago.

okay thanks I will look into him!
if youre into the life stuff there was this book I found A Guide for the Perplexed by E. F. Schumacher

awesome I read the amazon description sounds deep thanks

There was a stretch a decade or so ago where Jim Carrey kept playing the same role, over and over: a person experiencing a transformational epiphany, awakening from one consciousness into a new one.

It was clear whether he knew it or not that was his life's way of helping him experience that for himself.

Thats some fucking hippie-mumbo-jumbo who some fat fuck saw shekels in back in the 70's. Fuck me these people are self loving fucking retards, gas them all.

man you really don't fit in this thread

thanks, i'll read it

damn I totally see that. i want to make films that delve into this philosophical stuff to help the viewer get a better understanding of life and decide to help themselves. psychological thrillers are good because when there is a twist ending it forces the viewer to reanalyze prior information. and if they do it once they can do it again and not be so dogmatic

Like the alternate color spot in the largest part of the yin-yang halves.

Everything serves.

that's a really great way to look at all things that dont fit with how I want or expect them to be. it also tells me more about what it is I do want to see

Must read

I have to run in a fewguys, have my renaissance art analysis course in a couple of hours. thanks for all the recommendations and discussion so far

Going through life with the fundamental belief "everything serves" and then rather than judging things and events asking "how does *this* serve?" is the life version of the shift in physics from linear space to relativity. (It's also the shift from ego perception to Self and wholeness.)

The connectedness of all things came first, of course, relativity is just a recent expression of it.

Your energy and enthusiam are very welcome and very refreshing.

thank you so much for offering these paradigms. you have given me a lot to think about but already the "everything serves" I can never unsee that schema.

And I need to sleep, so I'll be leaving too.

Remember and nourish your dreams - the sleeping ones and the future ones. Follow them and help them become real.

Namaste, fellow traveler.

i don't mean to pick at you for information or look for shortcuts when im just as capable of arriving at similar conclusions, but do you have any other mental frameworks you have discovered that really benefit you?

thanks again friend

> cant realize his dreams in reality
> resorts to analyzing them

Not so much politics (though i do align with him on that token) but the essay Sun and Steel by Yukio Mishima was a turning point in my life that, after having read much of his literary work influenced me to hone the body as i had spent years my mind.

Highly recommend his entire bibliography, as well as attempting to kickstart an imperial junta to re-establish the power of your nations latent monarchs (where applicable).

uhhhh, that is a nice play on words