I just finished watching this show and other than the homosexual stuff, it was amazing!
With all the world building it did, they could easily create a spin off.
I just finished watching this show and other than the homosexual stuff, it was amazing!
With all the world building it did, they could easily create a spin off.
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Fuck off, faggot. There's no shitty spinoff it needs and you don't deserve it if you can't appreciate the homo. Sage.
Sorry I'm not gay, user.
respectfully saging
You don't have to be gay to enjoy some good boy loving.
Yeah sure, but you're clearly stupid.
That aside I'm not sure if I want to see a spin-off of SSY. Some part of me would like to see whether Saki is successful in transforming the society, but god knows how many episodes that'll take. I feel like it'll also undermine the ending of SSY which revolves around hope and change.
If anything it's better for them to produce several standalone OVAs narrating more critical points in their history that pave the way to their current society. The novels have a lot of resources on that. That said, the abysmal sales and nips shit taste will render these ideas a pipe dream.
Every thread created about this series is low quality.
Why didn't Squealer just launch a propaganda campaign to convince the Espers that they were human, thus making them immune from psychic attacks?
when I said a spin off of the show I didn't necessarily mean it had to be about the same village. We only saw the perspective of one area of the world, it would be interesting to see how other areas coped.
If you're a literal god, will you be able to listen to their campaign? Especially if the campaign is telling the gods that they are equal to those 'lesser' beings. Cantus-users will see it as a slander towards them, and Squealer will be punished accordingly.
All-out war is the only option they have, and even that doesn't work to Squealer's favour.
Rat psyops versus death squad with cantus and the village available brainwashing program? Same shit would happen with even more embarrassing result for the rats.
>other than the homosexual stuff
Jesus christ, how childish are you to think that it did anything but add to the world building? How is it possible that anyone gives a fuck about 2D samefaced kids kissing each other?
Squealer did nothing wrong
Seeing that we've been following Saki and co since their childhood to their adulthood, there seems to be no drastic events happening at the other villages. If some events did happen, it'd create a massive uproar which will be transmitted to other villages, including Kamisu 66. Hence it's safe to assume that status quo is observed practically everywhere.
The only premise I can see that tells the stories of other villages is their reaction on Kamisu 66's war, and that'd be interesting to follow. But as they don't experience the tragedy first-hand, it'd be hard to convince them otherwise.
I feel like most of Sup Forums didn't really understand this show.
Think mimetic theory, and eschatology in general.
I think within this context the homosexuality makes sense in as much as it describes the culture of kamisu 66 and the resulting confusion that children face when they are raised in a fucked up way.
Note that, the characters spent most of the series resisting their environment in a moral and ethical sense.
It actually presents a really profound political and philosophical metaphor.
I considered the homosexuality more as a sense of moral decay in a society of corrupted values.
The deviancy mimicks societies deviancy from proper moral character. The parents are willing to sacrifice their children at the slightest hint of becoming a karma demon, and consequently, have little care about their children growing up straight, until it becomes important to procreate, hence the semester where they pair up the classmates boy-girl.
oh man I didn't see it in that light, nice perspective
They pair up boy-girl because it reduces the amount of messing about that happens.
>I considered the homosexuality more as a sense of moral decay in a society of corrupted values.
How can it be about moral decay when they're fully aware they're supposed to have children? It's just about free sexuality to to de-stress.
The manga is about as close as you'll get to a spinoff. Basically the same plot as the anime, but crammed full of lewds. I think I heard it was drawn by one of Yabuki's assistants.
>other than the homosexual stuff
You sound as bad as the parents of one gay user recently. They wouldn't let him use the bathroom in his own house because they'd "have to wash the gay away" if he ever used it.
>the manga
Don't even talk about that piece of garbage.
I swear that word is misused nearly as often as 'equal'
Please, enlighten me. How is fucking as you please without commitment to a relationship not free?
You'll never make a good bonobo with that attitude.
am I the only one who thought the war arc in the beginning was pretty good, but everything after that was shit and good reason for dropping
No, lots of other homophobes felt that way too.
you call us homophobes as if that were a bad thing.
Watch Nagi no Asakura and tell yourself it's a distant sequel.
I don't understand this post
there's nothing wrong with disliking forced homoshit. i can tolerate if the character is interesting in other ways and just happenes to be gay but if muh adveture anime suddenly turns into a shoujo ai with angsty homo love triangle shit, that is jarring
surely you can understand this, even with a defective homosexual brain?
Already have, it was a great show too.
Anyone who didn't expect gay down the line after the infodump in episode 4 (if they hadn't already heard about the brojob scene in the novel) was watching the wrong series.
It was completely unnecessary to the plot and was just added to seem more deep and angsty. Homosexuals are a minority so i cant understant why they feel the need to cater to them.
Didn't they even mention bonobos? Anyway, the dump gave off quite a Brave New World feel. It also made me call that the molerats are actually humans.
It was part of the writer's attempt at building a world. It all made sense in the context of a society driven by paranoia and fear. The children's programming, can be seen as the ultimate act of oppressive tyranny.
You're supposed to be unnerved by it. The whole setting is supposed to be progressively more and more disturbing as the lengths these people go to control their society are unveiled.
Yes, the library-thing directly stated that the "humans" actually had bonobo additions to their genes.
I don't see why having homosexual themes would make it any less good that it is. That exists, and rich countries accept it more and more. If it's less and less a taboo, it being shown as natural in a world that evolved differently shouldn't be a reason to put a minus point anywhere.
The homophiles are demonstrating that they're just as, if not more, comically missing the point as the homophobes. There is nothing natural about this. They are manipulated into it to stave off kids becoming weapons of mass destruction. It has NOTHING to do with enlightenment.
Can't we all agree that this isn't about homophobia but rather bad writing? It offers nothing really pertinent to the plot to justify that amount of time and detail put into the gay stuff. If it had just been in passing that they mention they prefer the same sex, it'd would have had the same effect
Fair enough. Although i still find the inclusion of homosexuality in this case suspicious, i can clearly understand what you're coming from.
>muh adveture anime
It's much more than just an adventure anime. In order to understand the characters you need to understand the society they live in, one where having sex is a normal, everyday social activity.
Hang on, I think people are overlooking a key point here. The molerat people were genetically modified humans. When we were told about the sexual nature of the children, it was likened to that of Macaques (I think this is the species). Anyway, I thought the point was to highlight that the new race might have been genetically altered too. It has been a while since I have watched it though.
I think debating the morality of sexual preferences is also moot. I didn't see any pandering or negative connotations in regard to their relationships, It was more just presented as a fact. If anything, it was heartwarming but not over the top. I honestly think people are just being immature.
>they could easily create a spin off.
It would only end the way Coldfire did, with the death of magic.
>humans that are walking nukes
>nightmares made real by the human imagination
Yeah, it's a ruthless social engineering decision. Which is why I found it logical and rather interesting.
>You're supposed to be unnerved by it.
And that's part of the problem. Your average Japanese person would be unnerved because they are by and large anti-gay. However, some parts of Western society would look at it as a kind of utopia, at least as far as the free love went. For them, though, the eugenics aspect would be far worse that the gay sex.
Reminds me of the orgies in Brave New World but less retarded.
People who get triggered by this sort of shit are just as bad as SJW's. Pearl-clutching morons who give a shit about other people's sexuality. That's beside the point however.
I was honestly baffled by people who didn't see the sense of this in the narrative. It does add to that atmosphere of other-worldlyness. May I add that it's called 'From the New World'? It's new and not just in one or two ways.
Also, I should mention, macaque's do engage in homosexual behavior... but can anyone recall if this theory would be incorrect? It would mean the homosexuality would tie in with a major theme.
this guy herei'm saying that you don't need episodes of love triangles and cock sucking scenes to get the point across that in their society they resolve things by fucking, just bonobos to avoid conflict or whatever.... it serves no purpose to the advancement of the plot and could be seen as fan service for a minority of people
It's meant to be edgy and transgressive, and hit you over the head with the fact that these characters are elves, and not people. And that's why you start to sympathise with the orcs.
I sympathised with both. It's not a 2 dimensional story of good vs evil. You're missing the point.
The homo was quite good, if i may say.
squealer did everything wrong.
He might've not been as politically savvy or forward thinking as his Animal Farm counterpart, but he didn't do absolutely everything wrong.
Kiroumaru didn't do anything wrong. He didn't deserve to die.
>episodes of love triangles and cock sucking scenes
>no purpose to the advancement of the plot
Yes it does advance the story a lot. We see their society becomes a society of love with the primary goal is to suppress their power. The youth's freedom to love and to have sex are seen as the means to achieve that goal and not as an inherent right, thus showing that humanity is degraded into that of bonobo.
I don't know how you want the anime to convey this point across without having to depict them graphically, but by showing the students having sex really helps the anime to illuminate the culture of SSY's society. It's not like the anime is occupied with sex or gay scenes, it only takes up three episodes at most, but it really needs to be shown for us to understand how controlling and restrictive their society truly is. And even that some people, including you, fail to understand those episodes.
I think you insist to see those scenes as a mere fan service because you watch it while having your personal cultural appropriation dictating you. You need to understand that SSY's culture is vastly different with your or my culture. Their power as walking WMD demands a different culture. Hence you cannot one-sidedly force your ideas to their culture; it's biased and ultimately prevent you to grasp the narratives of SSY.
these people are whining so much about the gay scenes, yet don't complain about the very slow world building episodes. Those spend a lot of time depicting the rules of a game and those games don't really have much significance to the overall plot. It shows how shallow their complaints are and how they are simple, vapid people.