What does Sup Forums think of Konosuba?
Generic LN harem trash with bad animation and even worse art
You have high animation standards. It must suck to not be able to enjoy any anime with worse animation worse than Konosuba.
It's a good anime, a bit overated in my opinion. But defenitely okay to be in a top lists! To say that it has one of the best plots etc is really exageration, it only had 10 episodes, you need way more to compare him to masterpieces like K-on or Umaru.
Good comedy with better characters than most non-comedies. Animation is bad, but it doesn't matter much because I got the comedic timing right and it's a fucking comedy.
It was fun. Looking forward to S2, hoping that they will not fuck it up to bad.
It wasn't funny
The succubus shop episode is great.
The protagonist is an asshat, I almost dropped it several times.
Kazuma and Aqua being a pair of mostly horrible people is what makes it great though.
This. They literally made the show. Fuck Megumin and the other bitch.
>LN harem trash
Decent but it will be mostly this later on probably, it had funny episodes but the jokes are meh after some time.I finished it but wouldnt go for s2.
There's a megumin thread like every other day here.
Fuck off newfag.
I would a Megumin.
It's unironically the very best of the fantasy world reincarnation genre.
As an example, take note that all the female characters have their own personalities and motivations (that aren't centered around taking MC's dick). Also note that it's genuinely funny instead of repeating stock comedy routines like MC falling on main girl's boobs. What makes this all the more astounding is that this pinnacle of the genre is written by a woman, who normally are the worst pick for writing comedies.
I want to explode inside Megumin!
Darkness...oh boy do I want Darkness to bear my children. She is just too fertile. I really wish she got lewd in that Succubus episode. What kind of shit world do they live in where a girl talks lewd 24/7 and begs for it constantly and she still gets no action. Stupid Aqua, getting in the way of an almost perfect scene. Aqua is a useless goddess, I agree with Kazuma on that one.
It's not like Darkness is pure. I hope the animators allow her to get banged by whatever monster at least once in the next season.
>instead of repeating stock comedy routines
Literally Darkness.
I think they mixed it up well enough that it's transcended from repeating gag to character.
>this pinnacle of the genre is written by a woman
holy shit MUH
I really enjoyed this show too but I figured it was a guy who wrote it. Damn.
Beginning was bad. Pushed through it because it was only 10 episodes. Gradually got better.
Best girl megumin.
Blue bitch dumb as fuck
Blonde bitch is eh
>repeating gag to character
That sounds excatly like something Darkness would enjoy
>wanting to impregnate Divorceness
Her name is literally Megumeem.
I never understood why people like her so much and shit on best girl Aqua.
Pretty much this.
Made me think ofthe first season of Korean Zombie Deskcar
I enjoyed it quite a bit. Possibly more than many other anime i watched that got released recently.
The gags were funny, situation comedy was on point. Characters are true to their quirk to their bone and MC plays the straightman role awesomely.
>It's not like Darkness is pure
I disagree, Darkness is most probably the most sexually-innocent character on the show. She strikes the audience claiming her actions are selfless and whatnot, but in reality, she probably herself is simply going along with whatever she feels right to here, which is most likely the lewd option. Examples include, Attacking the Toads, Fighting the Headless Horseman-Guy, ect.
>Best girl megumin.
>Blue bitch dumb as fuck
>Blonde bitch is eh
wtf is with people liking megumin so much. The only funny thing about her is when she collapses after an explosion. loli witches are a dime a dozen. You guys pick the most boring character in the show. At least Aqua is hilarious. And Darkness is the first character in this kind of show that actually embraces her lewdness. She doesn't even hold back, even the stuff she says is pretty graphic. She's completely unique in anime where most girls are "Etto, Etto, oniichan"- oh stfu we get it already, you're a shy pure maiden, or tsunderes. It's only because megumin is a loli, isn't it. Damn pedos ruining shit with their shitty waifus. Darkness is a godsend, and Aqua is at least likable.
>The protagonist is an asshat, I almost dropped it several times.
For me the closest I got to dropping it was the whole.
>Oh I may be a beta thief but im good enough to steal this alpha knights sword
And then all the beta wish fulfillment shit
It was great when I forgot they premise of the universe they were in, so in that sense whenever they got too meta, it got shitty.
It happened on and off throughout the series. Im hoping season 2 will have less wish fulfillment and more fantasy high jinks and nice bakuretsus.
I want to fill her butt with my semen.
You type like a huge fag, but I completely agree with you.
just fucking say "Konosuba thread" you dont have to pretend you dont know what Sup Forums already thinks of it
Is it really written by a woman? There are rumors of Mushoku Tensei being written by a woman as well due to the author claiming that Rudy's daughter is their self-insert but I find that hard to believe. Also rumors that Kumo Desu ga Nani Ka is written by a woman which I find easier to swallow since the main character is female.
I highly doubt three of the most acclaimed reincarnation web novels all happen to be written by women.
I don't think it's got all that wish fulfillment. I liked Kazuma enough that I felt he was an actual character and not a vapid self-insert.
It was okay.
>Fuck Megumin and the other bitch.
Yep. That is exactly what I want to do. If you can tell me where they are, I have some nice equipment I would like to show Darkness, especially.
I want to do all those things Darkness wanted all those monsters to do to her.
Well, it's said that her self-insert is one of the Crimson Demons.
Wanting to become a little girl != being a woman in real life
>not NGNL
>picking a DUMB BITCH because she's FUNNY
Megumin is waifu material
Megumin is cute. CUTE!
Unless you're a psychopath or sadist you probably don't.
All of its jokes expired after one episode.
Things like masochist girl reminding everyone she's a masochist just aren't funny.
I didn't find the characters of NGNL nearly as charming.
its ok, not sure if I'll like the 2nd season
Pretty good.
I would hate it for enforcing the false correlation in many people's minds that
>LN adaptations are bad unless they're parodies
but then I remembered that there are mindless drones like who will hate LN adaptations for no good reason anyway.
That's just part of Sup Forums's ironic hipster mentality as a whole, it'll never go away.
I thought it was fun and cute. Though to be honest I mostly watched it because I wanted to fuck Megumin. I could spend the next hour writing paragraph after paragraph about the lewd things I want to do to her.
Someone dump some smug megumins
Not even trying to watch it, until I saw Megumin's stolen panties gif.
Then I give it a try and love it. Even it has better presentation compared to LN, if they give it 12 episode instead 10 it'll be one of the best LN adaptation for not to rush shit
If Megumin was voiced by Maaya Uchida would she be anywhere near as popular as she is now?
But she was. Maaya just got Futaba'd.
Maybe, but Rie just fit it better. Try to listen the 1st drama CD which is Megumin voiced by Maaya, Megumin was just a chuuni Syaro
No, I think it had to be Rie for this role. Just because the lines are written the same, it doesn't mean the lines come out of the VA the same.
season 2 when though
It catered to my fetishes
Shit series with good doujins.
Never watched the anime, but I want to fuck this loli.
I found it hilarious. I hadn't enjoyed something this much in a while.
It's excellent. If you can't find enjoyment in this you really do probably have problems.
isn't she just a dumb cunt, with the emphasis on being retarded
What's a loliko?
Honestly I like the anime a lot but enjoyed the LN more. I really tried to make it to the "exhibit" that closed today but missed it.
Breddy entertaining, but you need to get over any prejudice you might have towards "spirited away" shows.
MC is cool because he has an Adidas sweatsuit.
DEEN saving anime.
Delete what?
hey konofags, what anime would you compare konosuba to?
>anything from kyoani
pretty amusing
Reminder that Eris is the best girl
It has a terrible cancerous circlejerking fanbase.
No, because she's also selfish, lazy, and arrogant. And that's what makes her special.