There used to be almost none of this cuckold/BBC worship porn on the chans. Now its everywhere. Sure, there are some white cuck faggots who like it but the main reason for its ubiquity must be more non-whites on Sup Forums.

Non-whites feel lust for the white woman because she is objectively more beautiful than their women. This lust shames them, for they realize white woman do not desire them, white women want to be with white men.

So non-whites love porn that A) removes the white man, and B) replaces the white man with the lowly nigger. If the white girl will fuck a nigger she’s debased, she’s willing to fuck anyone. Their little non-white dicks get even harder when the white female is explicitly rejecting the white male. In that fantasy world they have a chance to put down their greatest rival, the white man, and steal the white genes by fucking the white female.

CONCLUSION: Redpill & Sage this BBC shit immediately

No need to make more threads with it

Better than - I don't even want to see black penor as a joke

that's because it's a meme you dumbass

that poo is fucking disgusting

I hope you receive a very long ban



Agreed. They think because they can find videos of white girls fucking niggers that means all white girls will fuck niggers.

I can find videos of black girls fucking white men. I will not search for this and definitely will not save or bookmark any of it. Who would want to fuck a nigress? Well at least the people that have been video taped doing it. And this is the point. It works both ways.

Fuck off, cuck! This needs to spread non stop for two years. Fuck your fetish. Fuck you. Die.

>tfw dick looks like a literal log of shit

Feels bad man

Sure. You want someone mocking BBC porn to be banned but I bet you love BBC porn mocking white men. Because that's how you faggots love to control things with censorship when you can't handle an open forum.

someone should get the urls for shitted pooped etc.

>Sage this BBC shit immediately
Thanks for the tip. S&R'ing this thread immediately.

>This lust shames them, for they realize white woman do not desire them, white women want to be with white men.

Bullshit and you know it.

No I rather see NEITHER. Both are gross as hell and have nothing to do with politics

Shooping blacked pics with poo is an excellent idea and should be a bigger meme

whoever pushes those shit edits is doing gods work

chill out, everyone here knows it´s a shill psy op

Never mind; I literally thought those were black dicks. Wow.

>tfw would unironically love to pay for

as someone who faps to scat, seeing girls eating shit is pretty hot

It's a psy-op. The more you see it, the more inclined you are to look it up. Similiarly when tranny/trap porn was heavily pushed 2 years ago

Statistically white women overwhelmingly want to be with white men. Stop watching porn for two seconds and clue in to the real world, jackass.

There are few things more political than race. Even most people who deny race has anything to do with politics develop their political views on the false notion of racial egalitarianism. The rest of us are just more honest with ourselves.

Keep going Anons. It will be thankless work more often than not, but you really are doing God's work. Brillant. And I will donate to whatever website this came from. Fuck the feds.

Thank this man, he sends all the angry insecure hapa's our way

>must be German or really close


OP, let me put your soul at ease. BBC is a myth. Italians have the biggest dick on average, it was proven in studies (I'm 0% Italian). Also, black dick is soft as fuck compared to most normal dicks, fully erect. It doesn't get "hard".

Chill out? The whole point of such shilling is to popularize something until it has natural, grassroots support. Since this BBC shit is everywhere I stand by my post.

Redpill/Sage immediately.

A shit fetish is better than an interracial fetish, so I guess you don't get gassed. You're not getting kid gloves though.

rangeban canada problem solved

Like every handsome white man I would never trade in my race to be a nigger. Obviously.


look at that faggot nigger kiss her forehead
"i love you bb"
she'll cheat on him first chance she gets.

>posts nigger porn while complaining about it
fucking degenerate cuckold

you are literally pushing a jewish meme
there are no shit eating sub cultures in germany

1. Interracial is the biggest fetish that must be destroyed.
2. Interracial is leagues worse than shit fetish.
3. Converting folks to shit fetish should be really fucking low. Most will be disgusted.
QED post this everywhere forever
I'll see you in Valhalla brother.

this is his eyes
someone should make a composite of john bettendorf face

Muslims are Isis-tier because they are the most degenerate humans so of course they are porn-addicts. That's why they shitpost BBC porn on pol so much, they are in between fap breaks on b and gif

White women are children! Their future reality will be sweetly ironic, sold themselves out for a passing sensation in their pussies! Idiots!

Yes because posting fucking interracial porn or modified scat porn is political discussion. Get the fuck outta here


Mmmmhhhh oh yeah

Why shouldn't women be allowed to choose their partner? Kinda how most of Sup Forums has a fetish for Asian women

Fuck off, Kike.

the pushing of racemixing is politics

Incorrect. Pissing and shitting is standard German porn fare. Trust us, we know

They are allowed to, and they hate blacks statistically, it is jewish or asian cucks that promote this shit. Fuck you, we will end you all.


women are property

You are a putrid abomination. May you suffer a most excruciating death.

Wow, how come people haven't thought of shopping nigger dick to poo until now?

Feel free to post some examples then schlomo


Lazy. You just shop out the nignog connected and it's almost the same thing. Still need that poo tho, detail matters

Lol no we don't

This is why you'll never have a girlfriend.


This. I'm a black guy with an asian gf

>Lol no we don't
Let me guess you are a third generation westernized asian?

Fuck off retard and search it yourself. Kraus are shit eaters, everyone knows that but children. That's the last time I'm helpful to meme flags, you stupid nigger

I am also a black guy with an asian gf

Its because Blacked is just really good porn. The video quality is great, the makeup of the actresses is subtle but good. They fucking wear sexy shit like ligerie and heels and sometimes they don't even take it off (hate it when porn begins with an actress with lingerie who instantly takes it off). Camera angles show the woman's body and try to make it erotic, instead of a closeup of a penis entering a vagina for 5 minutes. And since the actresses are instructed to like it, many of them act well that they do.

Thats why, not some psy-op.

Well if its so big then you surely can show us some examples then cant you?


If you really want an end to this bbc cuckporn shitfest you'll need to destroy tumblr. Tumblr spread the festish like a disease by distributing niggerporn content and allowing 40 year old virgins to constantly shit up the internet with captioned cuckpics.

Begone cucks! Once labeled, your propaganda is useless.

Soon, very soon, we will track you down, and bash your actual skulls in. is already infiltrated. Subscribers will pay with their blood.

>blacked thread
>guaranteed replies

And here they are
They NEVER pass up threads that are IR porn related. Probably a refugee to shiteating Germany too

this. instant discardation for coal burner roasties.

Strange I also appear to be a black guy with an Asian girlfriend

>lol I used a credit card
Thanks for your address. We WILL be visiting you in the night and enlightening your world.


you know the threads where we make fun of th circumcised dicks?

we use pictures of a dried up one compared to one pink extremely hydrated looking one

I think it's a good way to simple compare the two and show wich is better

because girls will be attrackted to the hydrated looking pink one not the dired up one

so I think your whole thing with shit is really good strategy

do you get banned for posting it on twatter?

hey sexy
open bobs pls
show vagene ples
bitch lasagna

These fetishists need to be taught a lesson. And the fact that we already have a database is fucking calming to my enraged soul. This fucks will die. I promise you.

Half swede, half russian (probably some finn mixed in as well i got a bit squinted eyes) living in Finland

>complains about cuck porn
>posts it himself

Reported and saged

Fuck off kiddie. You are the little Muslim pukes I was talking about. "Schlomo" you fucking moron don't talk to me

I gave a good thought about the psychology of the whole thing and came to the conclusion that it has positive aspects to it.

The whole thing is about White qts doing semi-bestiality, so it's racist to the core. Also, it makes White males more angry at race traitor sluts independently if they FAP to it or not.

So IMO people shouldn't be too worked up about this.

and niggerdicks aren't, right?


Plz no trap.

Look closer at what I posted you dumbass.

wew enjoy your FBI report