Anime everyone forgot about
Anime everyone forgot about
>it's not among the dailies or the generals
>that must mean nobody remembers it
If you lurked for even a few weeks you'd see threads about stony cat.
shitty plot
good characters
× good characters
○ cute characters
People remember Kate because of loli threads, but I doubt anyone remembers the anime itself.
Bullshit, AZUKI AZUKA is best girl.
This show wasn't terribly good or bad, just run-of-the-mill watchable while it was airing but not much worth for future newfags to go dig up.
Biggest fucking disappointment in years for me, especially since the first ep seemed like it would be great fun. It sort of was fun but if newfags think "wasted potential" applies to anything airing this season, fucking watch Zvezda.
>ever forgetting
>A Z U K I
Every forgotten thread ever. Until someone comes with his hipstery 80's anime and can feel superiority by knowing some early slice of life.
is this series good it's still in my backlog
is this series good it's still in my backlog?
Don't bother. You'd be wasting your time.
It was at least a mediocre romcom before turning into a harem.
It was really fucking boring after all
I want to walk Azuki Azusa naked down a street at night while she's barely dressed as a dog, and have her act like one.
I loved it
Nobody I know have seen this and never seen anyone mention it on Sup Forums
Oh, yeah. That did happen.
It was hyped while airing. It had outstanding cinematic direction. Too bad the movies were shit.
This. Only remember it because I went through my anime music folder for the first time in about a year and saw I had the Denpa Onna ED.
Also, forgot to add that last season was very,very forgettable.
>Biggest fucking disappointment in years for me, especially since the first ep seemed like it would be great fun. It sort of was fun but if newfags think "wasted potential" applies to anything airing this season, fucking watch Zvezda.
Not him but, I had so much fun on earlier episodes. It's like a surreal parody of bad guys trying to conquer the tokusatsu city. It also feels very 70-ish, if that makes any sense. It could have been like Milky Holmes S1 or something, but it just kept getting worse.
Denpa Onna was nice. Want some tea?
I really wish they could still do something else with the Sekai Seifuku IP. The character designs are great and I still love them.
>how to spot a newfag
This series was fucking huge on Sup Forums.
Truly a great anime
I was expecting it to be functionally a lot more, as in an actual group of supervillains taking on the world, and we got what amounted to practically a club of chuunis with a bit of backstory/char building (which didn't help much). It's not like it was bad, just not as cool as it could have been.
>ITT shows everyone forgot about.
But she was the real predator.
The Adventures of Hutch the Honeybee
Tsutsukashi my first loli
Tsukiko best girl ever
Zvezda is my favourite anime.
I hear the complaints about it not being as good as it could have been (and the pacing was a little wild), but something about it just clicked the right way.
Can they not?
it's good if you're a loli-pedo hybrid pervert, but also fucking horrible because of the massive gap between best girl's bestness and the worstness of the girl who wins the mcb owl. it winds up being kinda rage inducing, like .5 SEO Koujis or whatever unit you use to measure rage
the first ep of zvezda was like the magipoka OP, a thing completely unrepresentative of what the show was. it worked for magipoka because the show was fucking hilarious, which zvezda failed on at every level.
If that's what you were saying, then there would a hell lot of shows. Sup Forums usually only discusses airing shows. The usual excuse was because Sup Forums has already discussed older animu to death. The excuse used to be acceptable. No more so nowadays, when a significant portion of the people here only watch airing anime in order to discuss/shitpost on the board.
zvezda rightfully bombed, so type/moon went back to producing more fateshit
Probably for the best; show was the Endride/Sacred Seven of edgy action shows with one memorable ultra offensive episode
I was referring to EotE but SnI counts too incidentally. There are fucking hundreds of these kinds of shows actually, decent watches that were fun for the season, but within a year or two couldn't hold an active thread for their lives.
This trait extends to series that were really fucking popular on here at the time and sold well in Japan; newfags wouldn't even know how big they were here if no one told them. Which is kind of mind-boggling.
I wonder if there are just that many fucking newfags who have no idea what we're talking about, or if most people just can't be assed to comment on older series that weren't instant big news/still remembered today as classics.
Zvezda was funny for me in its first few episodes, particularly the second episode. The premise is crazy enough, so that they could basically draw whatever funny ideas they have, but they just didn't.
did you mean to post this in a cross ange thread or something
whos seen this? Looks alright, theme song is great.
>he thinks etotama is forgotten
I liked this show, but I didn't finish it though.
It is cute.
Team Tsukiko here
A shame. It's crude but highly entertaining.
Have you seen Noir?
S2 never the anime
I guess it's not terribly obscure, but still
No, never heard of it
What is it
DnD the anime was quite fun.
Haven't seen anyone talk about this for a while.
Great first episode, pity the rest didn't quite pan out. MC was cute too.
not loli
the imouto, is my first LOLI
Also this one.
>age 15
not loli
Nice quads, she will forever live on in my webm folder as the best girl of that show.
is LOLI of small statue
Picture unrelated.
Feels like it's a familial bond, rather than a harem.
People tend to forget her.
Is retarded dragon girls worth watching? I know not to expect much.
This isn't forgotten though. General threads are weekly for cosplay.
Hard to forget when this happened.
I think I'll always remember rolling girls because cuppy was and probably still is an annoying faggot that shitposted about how it was the greatest show ever created.
It's like a DnD campaign where the players don't give a shit about the DM and do whatever they want.
But, there's a Hime thread almost everyday user.
What a fucking mess that turned out to be.
She just wanted a honest to good dicking at least once in her life. Fuck that MC and fuck that show was so fucking painful to watch. Why can't we have, at least for once, a show that doesn't have a god damn crying mess of a beta faggot for an MC?
Might I suggest Highschool DxD?
No, found that one really shitty for some reason. Just kinda dropped it halfway through and completely lost interest.
Might try picking that shit up again someday soon though, when I've got some free time from work.
Yes it really funny.
I liked that a lot. It wasn't perfect but it was very unique and there was something pleasant about how calm and vaguely cynical it was. Tatami Galaxy reminded me of it pretty strongly.
Same there, character were also really likeable. I heard there's a LN. Also there's the manga who's not bad. Seem like either the series or the translation stopped though.
>anything drawn by Kantoku
The Sup Forums thread that immediately followed was near-legendary.
Not as legendary as this one though.
I miss the tits wars that this spawned.
Those OVAs. XEBEC should just do high quality H-OVAs
My favorite.. ;_;
So, it's similar to Bikini Warriors?
>They just slept in the same bed