Is she retarded?
Is she retarded?
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not retarded just an airhead
She's an airhead but not the smart kind.
Retared is not cute, But Yui is
In conclusion - no
She's retarded.
Mio is best girl
>Not the smart kind
She got the maximum score at the test when she actually tried though.
reminder not to bully
Yui isn't retarded, she's cute. CUTE!
She's a little retarded.
She's just having fun.
Why do you hate fun, user?
I like fun as much as the next guy, but she is a bit immature for her age.
But that's the point of K-on. I don't want to watch anime about some high school whores starving for dicks
Maturity is a concept forced upon us anyway. Life only gets worse as the time passes, so she might as well enjoy while she still can.
I am literally going to marry Azusa.
She's not retarded but there's something not right.
>She's easily distracted but can become hyper focused.
>She's got an almost superhuman ability to play Music by just hearing it.
by bet is she's got the 'tism
No you are not. I don't care how many times you say this, it ain't happening.
I want to lift with Mugi
She is moebait
Powerful Mugi senpai, please dominate me and calculate my macros.
>K-ON aired in 2010
>Sup Forums still has daily threads about it
Feels good.
>he still hasn't
going to finish another rewatch tonight
wonder how long i can last before having to watch it again
record so far is 2 months
Yui is smart!
Yui, get off Sup Forums. There's lots of images that would upset you.
She got a 100 on her test.
She's just lazy until something interests her, like guitar.
i only watch hentai
Yui is super cute, she doesn't need to be smart
What do you guys think about that?
>tfw you want to go to Europe but these dumb friends want to go to London instead
This is a matter of knowledge, not intelligence.
The funny thing is that this is next-level Yui humour that goes over the heads of Americasn and probably most Japanese as well. I live in the UK and the culture of the capital city is one that is distinct and removed from the rest of the country. The city itself is its own county (The City of London), and with the UK's main exports now being service based such as legal and financial services, the government and businesses live in their own bubble. When Yui claims that 'we're not going to England. We're going to London,' she is commenting on the fact that when the Keions visit the city, they are indeed not experiencing England but London, a seperate cultural sphere. As with her other sentiments such as '[f]un things are fun,' Yui's words must always be analysed to discover the implicit meaning, which even her own moe friends do not realise.
But there's also the possibility that she's just an airhead whose quite plain statements can be completely over-analyzed
The thing about geniuses is that they're always misunderstood by simple minded.
there's also the possibility that you're a fag whose waifu is most likely shit.
thats the joak
>tfw people think you're dumb because they don't understand how your advanced thought process works
Being retarded is moe.
It's been scientifically established that a lot of autistic people, while incapable of thinking like a normal person, can be very gifted in other areas.
Since it's pretty much canon that Yui has mild autism, it is fair to say that she is in fact a musical genius trapped in the shell of an airhead
Glad someone gets it.
>Ui's defense
>Since it's pretty much canon that Yui has mild autism
I don't remember the episode where they went over Yui's autism
That's because she has amazing luck.
>math test
>write-in, not multiple choice
luck? she is genius, a common jap trope
>a common jap trope
A copmlete shitty jap trope.
>This person is a genius because this trest results prove it
>Acts like a retard 24hours a day
>write-in, not multiple choice
Was it write in? This I can't remember.
What I remember was she could perfectly tune her instrument at the first try without knowing what she was doing.
i dislike the genius trope but cant do nothing, it was solid in asian culture
apparently, the genius also involve on technical side
It's not like she had a feeling for it.
She just tried it once and it worked.
That is nothing but being lucky.
good luck user
Canon manhater lesbian
As a Londoner this is correct.
>having a creepy femal stalker
>calls men animals
>only man they interact with is that guy at the instrument shop, Tsumugi constantly threatens
Why is she such a bitch?
Yui might not be best girl and has a lot of defects but being bitch is not one of them. In the manga she manage to beat Mio on the test scores on her own, Mio pretended to be happy for her but tried to hurt her when they where sacking hands like the jealous bitch she actually is. Not even Azusa would do something like that.
which chapter was that?
Isn't that pretty much what autism is? How do people on Sup Forums of all places not understand that.
The last two KyoAni shows didn't have mentally deficient characters
What went wrong?
yes, by fact