I think StrikerS was the best installment in the Nanoha franchise.
ITT: Unpopular opinions
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Sure, why not?
Here are some of mine:
>Psycho Pass is pretentious garbage written by a hack and that was clear from the very first episode, but people don't seem to care about the awful writing simply because the directing and art-style are good
>Elfen Lied is only terrible because of bad art and a shitty animation-only ending - a full manga adaptation would have been so much better.
>Gakkougurashi! has extreme thematic density and it's a crying shame that Lerche butchered the story in their adaptation of it.
>Saki is a 10/10 series that manages to be everything good about sports anime and everything good about shoujo-ai simultaneously.
I don't get the appeal of imoutos and they're always an annoyance
More anime should use designs like this.
It had many of the high-point scenes from the franchise, but the weak plot and the cast bloat dragged it down.
I prefer Ghost Hound to everything else that Konaka or Nakamura worked on.
Basically this. Also there are too many training episodes and the antagonists aren't good either. The last episodes are awesome though.
The second season handled the antagonists perfectly. Generic mad scientist #23.577 was a terrible villain.
The only part of Nanoha that's actually great is the first season of the TV show because Shinbo directed it.
A's is pretty good, Strikers is shit, movies are a waste of time.
it wasn't clear to me from the start but ditto about the shitty writing on psycho pass, as i slowly got further into the series i knew that i had made a mistake but i enjoyed it too much up until that point because it was well-executed
Best girl
That's not unpopular opinion, that's my opinion.
Literally dropped Oreimo despite my general penchant for incest because of how best she was despite having no chance to win.
Nina is best girl, and her character arc is the most complex and interesting one in all of Code Geass.
Vita is based
>best character arc
>not Suzaku's
Madoka is a terrible anime. Under all the SHAFT style, it just leaps from plot-twist to plot-twist, telling rather than showing.
On the topic of Elfen Lied, I'd seen it twice when I was like 14 and loved it but recently I realized that its probably pretty bad and went to rewatch it and do something of a review of my thoughts on it. I didn't really get past anilyzing the breakout scene of episode 1 because it bugged me so much.
Mind refuting some of these points? I'm curious to your thoughts.
Thoughts on Facility Breakout scene:
-Lucy steals key from incompetent guards while suspicious man watches her from security cameras.
-Dumb Clumsy girl named Kisaragi works for Chief Kurama.
-There's a bunch of notes on the wall to Kisaragi setting her up as clumsy and absent minded. She also says shes clumsy.
-There is an emergency alert put out over the facility speakers telling all staff to evacuate, yet Kisaragi stays to bring coffee to Kurama (???????)
-Guards are attempting to hold off Lucy. One mentions that their manual tells them to stay more than two meters away, as well as not to drop things on the floor.
-Lucy seems to be immune to gunfire. Will determine whether or not this should be possible later. If this is the case, Why even have this many guards?
-Can Lucy see through the helmet? If she can, what is the point of it?
-One of the guards then gets stabbed by a pen Lucy picked up and threw. Immediately after this, one of the guards standing next to him is torn apart by Lucy. I thought they were more than two meters away?
-Guards are firing at her from the top of a staircase. She tears two apart offscreen. Then, one attempts to run away but is killed while running. However, this guard was most definitely more than two meters away when he died. Inconsistent.
-Guards continue to pointlessly fire at Lucy, and stand still as she approaches them. They stop to reload (simultaneously for some reason) and get killed by Lucy because they wouldn't back up (for some reason)
Cont. in next post
You're over-thinking this. You're supposed to just look at the tits and gore and the clumsy-moe girl being used as a meat-shield.
-Reused shot of the guards firing. lazy.
-Once again, after realizing that gunfire doesn't work, the guards stand still and continue to fire as she approaches them.
-The song accompanying this scene actually fits well, would be nice if the scene wasn't shit.
-Cool shot of Lucy making a hand print pulling a lever down.
-Lucy encounters a group of 20 guards being led by Chief Kurama. Soon after Kisaragi runs inbetween them. Did she not see Lucy or the Guards? I can understand her not seeing the guards due to the layout of the room, but she would have definetely seen Lucy.
-Kisaragi drops her coffee, then turns to apologize to Kurama. She acts completely normal despite the fact that Kurama is surrounded by armed guards aiming at her and that Lucy is right next to her.
-Kisaragi must be high or something because jesus christ.
-Lucy decapitates Kisaragi, then the guards fire upon her. Lucy blocks the bullets (the bullets from 20 GUARDS) by using Kisaragis body as a shield. If she can already block bullets, why do this? Even if she couldn't, theres no way this would block all the bullets.
-Lucy kills a guard with a pen, and all the guards stop firing. They say they're out of bullets, but they don't reload.
-You'd think that if Lucy could block bullets, if anyone would know it'd be Kurama. Yet, Kurama orders the guards to continue firing at her.
-Dumb guard charges lucy and gets his heart punched out. All the guards and even Kurama stand still and let Lucy walk towards them. Lucy unsurprisingly kills a bunch.
-Kurama orders security to close the blast doors on Lucy. The suspicious man from before opens the doors for her after they've been closed.
Cont. again in next post
-Kurama orders a sniper to fire at Lucy while she is unaware. The sniper specifically points out that the rifle fires 50 cal antitank bullets, and that she can't repel it with vectors. Clearly they are aware that she can repel low caliber bullets and yet all the guards are issued inneffective weapons.
-Kurama orders the sniper to target the back of her head. Why? Shes completely naked besides the giant helmet on her head and you're aiming for a headshot? Why not aim for her chest?
-The shot is inneffective. It breaks her helmet off and injures her, but does not kill her. She falls into the ocean.
-Why didn't the facility have more precausions in place? You could argue that things like explosives and poison gas in the facility would have been disabled by the suspicious man from before, so I'll let that slide. Why not place an explosive inside her helmet? If there isn't a failsafe in the helmet, what is the purpose of it? I'll also concede that the helmet failsafe, if it exists, might have also been disabled by the suspicious man.
-Why do the guards use weaponry the facility management knows are inneffective? This is probably common knowledge to the guards too, considering its the sniper that points out she cant reflect a 50 cal shot. It's probably in that manual that was mentioned earlier, and yet they use useless guns. Basically it seems theres no actual failsafe in place besides the sniper, and Kurama's incompetence caused that to backfire aswell.
I know this is a bit much, but I'm kinda tired of so many people saying Elfen Lied isn't as bad as other people say it is.
Fuck that. What's wrong with having standards? Why not ask for a show with tits, gore, and moe that also has good animation and isn't filled with dumb bullshit?
I like it when Oshii being Oshii, and I don't find it pretentious at all.
Can you define "best" for me?
You're my friends.
Most good
Could you use your big boy words to describe in more detail?
Yura Yamato is one of the most developed female protagonists in the history of the medium.
Escanor's moustache looks terrible on him, and I hope it gets removed at some point.
It think Keit-ai is the best use of Sup Forums's meme magic since Katawa Shoujo.
Mayoiga is not as good as people are making out.
The first two seasons of the Black Butler anime are good in their own right, and significantly better than the source material.
we can only hope that one day the show will air
>implying people think Mayoiga is good at being anything than an amusing trainwreck
I always knew you had brain problems Lelouch, but wow.
J.C. Staff animates the best (read: watchable) shitpost bait/meme shows.
Plastic Nee-san needs a second season
SAO isn't good but most of the hate it generates is overkill at this point
YGO ZeXal I wasn't that bad
DEEN are actually a decent studio.
the first season's better though
I feel like there are a few people there who are actually good. A lot of Sankarea looked just fine but the background people were as shitty as ever.
I enjoyed Tales From Earthsea more than Whisper of the Heart.
I'm not saying Earthsea is better than Whisper because it isn't, but it fit my personal tastes more and gave me a better viewing experience overall as a result.
>Season 1 of Haruhi was bland
>Endless Eight was more interesting than The Sigh
>The only reason to watch Seasons 1 and 2 are to prep for the movie
>The Disappearance is the best season
Suzaku never really changes as a character. His political alignment changes, but the reasoning behind it (wanting to work within the system to make a better society) remains the exact same.
>-Lucy steals key from incompetent guards while suspicious man watches her from security cameras.
Diclonii weren't a thing until very recently, and so containment protocol was still slapdash as it always is when people are engineering a new type of system. Even then, it's an excusable degree of human error that one had his keys stolen.
>-Dumb Clumsy girl named Kisaragi works for Chief Kurama.
He hired her out of pity iirc. She's kept away from important and dangerous things.
>-There is an emergency alert put out over the facility speakers telling all staff to evacuate, yet Kisaragi stays to bring coffee to Kurama (???????)
She's so intensely focused on not fucking up her one job that she's not really noticing it, and more importantly, it's likely that this facility alarm hasn't been used before. It is a bit stupid, but still forgiveable.
>-Guards are attempting to hold off Lucy. One mentions that their manual tells them to stay more than two meters away, as well as not to drop things on the floor.
>-Lucy seems to be immune to gunfire. Will determine whether or not this should be possible later. If this is the case, Why even have this many guards?
Apparently she has evolved bullshit crazy reaction times. The guards are hoping that at least one of their shots gets through and allows them to incapacitate Lucy.
>-Can Lucy see through the helmet? If she can, what is the point of it?
No idea on that one.
>-One of the guards then gets stabbed by a pen Lucy picked up and threw. Immediately after this, one of the guards standing next to him is torn apart by Lucy. I thought they were more than two meters away?
I just rewatched that scene and you've simply remembered it wrong. She only instagibs people within her effective range during that scene.
Kiznaiver's actually pretty good
There should be more anime that appeal to women
Threadly reminder that you should stop posting that because it's been updated.
>Lucy decapitates Kisaragi, then the guards fire upon her. Lucy blocks the bullets (the bullets from 20 GUARDS) by using Kisaragis body as a shield. If she can already block bullets, why do this?
She's simply trolling Kurama by forcing them to fire into Kisaragi.
>-Lucy kills a guard with a pen, and all the guards stop firing. They say they're out of bullets, but they don't reload.
>-You'd think that if Lucy could block bullets, if anyone would know it'd be Kurama. Yet, Kurama orders the guards to continue firing at her.
Lucy's trolling attempt confirmed successful.
>-Dumb guard charges lucy and gets his heart punched out. All the guards and even Kurama stand still and let Lucy walk towards them. Lucy unsurprisingly kills a bunch.
Freezing up with fear is a very stupid thing some people do. At least this isn't as bad as the standing around people did in Gantz.
>-Kurama orders security to close the blast doors on Lucy. The suspicious man from before opens the doors for her after they've been closed.
>The sniper specifically points out that the rifle fires 50 cal antitank bullets, and that she can't repel it with vectors. Clearly they are aware that she can repel low caliber bullets and yet all the guards are issued inneffective weapons.
Partially to make them feel safe, mainly so they can protect the facility against invasion from the outside.
>-Kurama orders the sniper to target the back of her head. Why? Shes completely naked besides the giant helmet on her head and you're aiming for a headshot? Why not aim for her chest?
Perhaps out of fear that she'll do some sort of retarded bullshit with her vectors that stops the wound from being fatal. They want her dead rather than gravely injured and extremely pissed off.
>-Why didn't the facility have more precausions in place?
Inexperience at dealing with Diclonii.
>You could argue that things like explosives and poison gas in the facility would have been disabled by the suspicious man from before, so I'll let that slide.
That too
>Why not place an explosive inside her helmet? If there isn't a failsafe in the helmet, what is the purpose of it? I'll also concede that the helmet failsafe, if it exists, might have also been disabled by the suspicious man.
That actually seems extremely likely, given that number 35 had explosives placed in her arm. The other possibility is that given Lucy's unique status, they don't want to kill her except as a last resort.
>-Why do the guards use weaponry the facility management knows are inneffective? This is probably common knowledge to the guards too, considering its the sniper that points out she cant reflect a 50 cal shot. It's probably in that manual that was mentioned earlier, and yet they use useless guns.
Answered that already. The biggest threat is a betrayal/invasion/kidnapping attempt.
>Basically it seems theres no actual failsafe in place besides the sniper, and Kurama's incompetence caused that to backfire aswell.
He's an incompetent man for letting Lucy escape from the facility, but that doesn't necessarily make it bad writing.
Does pic related gets any better?
I'm on episode 11 and it's boring as shit
I only picked it up because I saw a screenshot of the gorilla
It surprised me how the show suddenly went dark, but it's still boring as fuck
I don't want to miss out anything though
>I'm on episode 11 and it's boring as shit
did you actually watch it or
>The only reason to watch Seasons 1 and 2 are to prep for the movie
>The Disappearance is the best season
Literally popular consensus.
>Plastic Nee-san needs a second season
I'd enjoy that, as long as they had enough fresh gags for it.
>SAO isn't good but most of the hate it generates is overkill at this point
It ruined a great premise, so now we're not going to get a good 'trapped in a death vrmmorpg' anime for at least another half decade. It deserves the hate it gets.
and also stupid, I might add
StrikerS was doomed from the beginning since there were no lolis and they replaced the SOL with occasional violence with 100% violence.
I wish they stopped the series at A`s or at the very least stay with the underaged magical girls concept. I guess Vivid was alright but nothing beats NanoFate being lesbians.
>there were no lolis
She may have been mostly useless, and one of the token heterosexuals in the main cast, but she was still there.
Only a literally faggot would want anything to do with traps.
>Yura Yamato
You're my niggas.
But I think everyone agrees what Lerche did to GG was mostly disastrous.
About Lucy's helmet, I just thought of a couple of potential reasons they would have it on her.
-If someone govt. official or whatever who doesn't know what's going on does an inspection of the facility, then they won't notice her horns.
-It dehumanizes Lucy's appearance, making the guards less hesitant to kill her, because they don't have to look a cute girl in the eyes and pull the trigger.