What did they do to deserve the invasion?
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
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My little Ruri can't be this cute.
You could have at least included Dark Requiem
Pegasus going to get some new cards? They never used TER in the final arc right?
Time for more best character Shun next time.
That was his choice. He wanted to do that. In the end he still lost to Judai after that too. In his win against Judai he had intel on Judai's deck due to the first duel anyway
CPF1-JP027 No.98 絶望皇ホープレス Nanbaazu 98 Zetsubou Ou Hoopuresu (Number 98: Hopeless, King of Despair / Number 98: Dystopia)
Rank 4 DARK Warrior-Type Xyz Effect Monster
ATK 2000
DEF 2500
Materials: 2 Level 4 Monsters
You can only use the (2) effect of “Number 98: Dystopia” once per turn.
(1) When any player’s monster declares an attack: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Change this card to defense position.
(2) During either player’s turn, if this card is is in your graveyard: You can target 1 “Utopia” monster on the field; Special Summon this card in Defense Position, and if you do, attach that target to this card as Xyz Material.
it's a reprint since it got unbanned some months ago and the last printing is old as fuck and has some shitty as fuck PSCT on both jap and english
He still lost the first duel, while Yuyato basically bitchslapped Edo around in the first duel when Yuto decided that he was going to make Edo's D his bitch. And Edo had no choice but to perform ALLAH ACKBAR in order to salvage his situation.
What went wrong?
Looks like Yuya has...
>Puts on sunglasses
...Odd Eyes.
Yuzu is cute. Cute!
wow its fucking nothing
Ultimate Falcon will finally get the animation it deserves.
Here. I hope you drop it.
Judai won the first duel and Yuya as always had to be bailed out by action cards. Which his opponent's don't even know about until he starts running around like a retard.
Every thread until he returns.
He didnt get the D
>Still loses to Lightning.
Smile World
It fucking eats oponnent lightning
>not posting the full res
Maybe /fit/-kun was right, put him on some GOMAD.
I activate from my hand. Rank-Up-Magic - Phantom Knights Launch, and overlay my Phantom Knights of Break Sword to Xyz Summon Evilswarm Ophion ;)!
this card is never getting printed
Any word on its summoning conditions?
Is it just an Infinity type "slap it on top" card or does it require some obscure rank up?
If its a level 5 xyz I will be most happy
If the attack gain is permanent, he could be sitting in more than 5k attack.
One of my biggest joys is ramming a 7k King of Skull Servants into lightning.
Judai won his first duel against Edo, but that was not against the D. Judai lost when he faced the true Edo with the D. He had to get Neos in order to play against the D.
Who took the photo?
Anime version is just a 2-mat R6 but it can't use its effect unless DRXD was one of its Xyz Summon mats
Got you senpai. Dark Requiem summon and effect.
That made me chuckle user. What a pun
Can you imagine generic Laggia/Dolkka access?
Rank 5 XYZ that needs Dark Rebellion attached to do anything
>Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon
>(1) If this card has "Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon" as an XYZ Material, this card gains the following effects:
>● Once per turn, you can detach 1 XYZ material, then target 1 Lvl 5 or higher monster your opponent controls: until the end of the turn, that monster's ATK becomes 0, also this card gains ATK equal to that monster's original ATK.
>● If an effect that would destroy a card is activated, you can detach 1 XYZ Material: Special Summon 1 XYZ Monster from your Graveyard, and if you do, negate that effect.
>Rank Up Magic: The Phantom Knights Launch
>(1) Target 1 XYZ Monster you control: Special Summon 1 XYZ Monster from your Extra Deck 1 rank higher, using that monster as XYZ Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.)
>(2) If a "The Phantom Knights" XYZ Monster or "Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon" you control was targeted using the (1) effect: attach this card to the monster Special Summoned by this effect as XYZ Material.
>(3) During your Standby Phase, if you control an XYZ Monster Special Summoned by this effect, you can target 1 of those monsters: attach this card in your Graveyard to that card as XYZ Material.
why arc-v start looking great after kaito show up
Being Xyz scum.
Improving your deck=/= using a -free pick up get you out of any situation card- that the opponent has never encountered before.
I love Arc-V and Yuya but Action cards are dumb and need to be dropped
So, Yuto finally stopped being Purple Kotori?
>Dark Requiem and OERD at same field
Yes, he's graduated into being Purple Astral
I am.
It's the reason I'm having nightmares tonight.
Would you rather have situational traps though?
Aside from Raid Raptors, are Rank up Magics ever gonna be viable in the least bit?
It's not like Dark Law that just can be popped out with one Card assuming you were just playing your deck like normal
Yusho went to get some ciggarettes and never came back. Also did Edo have a copy of smile world?
I love Ruri's egao.
Exactly. It's essentially introducing new game mechanics without announcing it. Can you imagine playing in real life, declaring an attack only to have your opponent sprint from the table across the room and pick up a card and say they can immediately use it? It's fucking retarded and only makes Yuya look weak.
Good point, we would have had 10000 Performapal cards with inane effects
>had to be bailed out by action cards.
And eventually so was Edo.
But what better way would you want to end a duel? Through muh honor or being defeated because Action Card only clears half?
Edo had the lower half of one, Yusho had the top half. Something went down.
It's the show's gimmick so you can't really do anything about it.
But I wish Yuya would use more S/T cards not only shill new cards and rely to Action Cards
It's better than clogging the game with shitty conditional traps that somehow managed to get printed with subpar effect and clogging up card sets.
Except he wasn't. He is one of the only characters to actually pick up an action card that was completely useless. I'd rather Yuya be a good duelist that didn't rely on that shit. Better duel choreography fixes the whole situation.
But yeah it makes him look weak and it makes duels as a whole just less fun. There have been far too many times when one person has the upper hand and its hype until we hear "Ackshun Magicko" and some stupid effect fucks the up
>declaring an attack only to have your opponent sprint from the table across the room and pick up a card and say they can immediately use it?
lol, thanks for the laugh man
Can someone translate new D-hero please.
But in-universe, that's their "weapon" against Academia. I say weapon because they have yet to use it as such. They should be using action cards like Sawatari did in his first duel and memorize some useful ones and make the rest of them duds. Or have more burn damage cards.
>last duel with Kaito
>Yuya saves himself from a loss through ACTION MAJIKKU
>today's duel with Edo
>Yuya saves himself from a loss through ACTION MAJIKKU
Yuya's a shitter
he's the character that's the most guilty of action card lucksacking
I'd rather have topdecking and sacky traps over topdecking, sacky traps and sacky card I found on the floor without telling my opponent about the fact that they could also do that
>He is one of the only characters to actually pick up an action card that was completely useless.
Yuya has picked up useless Action Cards as well, what are you talking about?
While I get what you mean they could resolve these things in a better way with some thought, and I dunno if trading a good portion of the fair play in duels is worth not having one or two shit trap cards per set. We get those anyway at this rate
>And eventually so was Edo.
Ed forced a draw with Dynamite Guy's effect.
>found on the floor without telling my opponent about the fact that they could also do that
Don't know why you would want to tell an Academia General about such a dueling mechanic but hey, it's your life, it's cool if you want to get sealed into a piece of paper for eternity.
>It's another "Action Magics are bullshit and I don't like them, yet when Atem/Judai/Yusei/Yuma won through Situational Trap/Grave monster or just not fucking telling their opponents about their monster effects I didn't say shit"
But did he lose those duels? How many times has Yuya picked up a useless card when it really mattered?
Yuri better do something in 106!
>without telling my opponent they could do that
Yeah, like all those times Atem or any of the previous protags retained information about their cards until it was too late for their enemies, right?
Shut the fuck up
I miss how Action Cards were used in the past as discard fodder for effects as well. Don't understand why Reiji didn't give them all a bunch of cards that revolved around discarding a lot of magic cards.
I do miss those Action Traps.
>Better duel choreography fixes the whole situation.
Yeah I sure do love situational traps and shining draw bullshit.
Can't wait for Yuya to obtain Double or Nothing
Yuya had some pretty impressive strategies at times, its just ACTION MAGIKU is boring as a concept. Lots of shitty duelists back in standard abused them too.
There is one saving grace
He doesnt use them in Beserk mode
>the character designer didn't give Yuto green eyes so Yuyato could have matching heterochromatic eyes to OERD
He'd better not be like Edo who only had all of 2 monsters and 1 fusion in his debut episode since we only got out of Yuri only 2 monsters and a Fusion in manga aside from Starve Venom.
>Yeah I sure do love situational traps and shining draw bullshit.
You mean the same thing we have right now, PLUS bullshit action cards?
Except Yuya does all that. He doesn't tell his monster effects either. No one does. That's completely different from introducing new game mechanics that completely change the way the game is played.
But user Reiji's too busy abusing the penalty system to care about that.
>about their cards
user you dont have to tell an opponent your effect, but you cant introduce another way to collect cards, thats like saying " I get a second Draw Phase that you dont get till you see me draw the card"
There is nothing wrong with action cards, since it covers for a situational trap, unless we see spamming, then it becomes a problem.
It's one thing if your opponent doesn't fucking READ the cards because that happens all too often in real life.
But action cards are the equivalent of traveling somewhere for some competiton, and when you're losing you search one card from your deck and add it to hand during your draw phase because that's what happens in your shitty locals, and you expect your opponent to just deal with that.
>unless we see spamming
Like right now?
Why does it only target lvl 5 or higher monsters?? Isn't it quite useless in Xyz dimension?
He can't find the D.
that's the fucking point, all protagonists do that, yet you only get salty when Yuya does that. I remember when Atem was able to outright influence his draws.
Except it's a life or death duel, nigga. You want to throw your life down the shitter? Nice
So, what explanation was Yusho trying to give Yuzu to cover up his running away?
>You mean the same thing we have right now
Where? I don't even remember the last time Yuya played a Trap before this episode, let alone a situational one.
D-HERO Dimension Guy when?
Honestly, Action Cards would be workable irl. Just stick a deck of them in the middle, half of them are duds, you can draw and hold one at any time but can only discard duds during your turn.
Speaking of life and death, why doesn't anyone do that "ambush them and turn them into a card before they can declare a duel" thing anymore?
Edo looks weird without his pointy chin.
So when they were using them in standard and some of synchro action cards were unfair because there was no danger then?
>1 card = spamming
Fuck off
Yeah but then he'd look like judai desu
because Pendulum is literally a hand drain.
He has too little ways to draw or search shit (the last time we got something like that was with Catastrophe Draw)
they have done that, where have you been?
Did you forget the pure unadulterated bullshit that was MISDIRECTION WING?
You sound like a retard. We aren't talking inuniverse reasons for the mechanic. We're talking about from a writing standpoint. Everyone influences their draws. Including Yuya.
The Action Traps activated automatically so there is that