Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.
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Make Sakura-chan proud...
when autocreated by bots these kind of threads loose a bit of their charm...
Bring back kanji of the day
They boogeyman has achieved AI status now?
Is it worth it to do the intermediate and advanced cards in the DoJG deck? Or should I stop after the basic ones?
You shouldn't really do it, why don't you spend your time doing some real reading and just use DoJG as your reference instead?
When I was trying to learn Japanese last year at some point, I found reading even simple stuff to be really difficult. Even simple sentences were totally throwing me off. It was really discouraging and my motivation to read anything quickly petered out until I de-facto gave up.
Even if I don't do the DoJG deck, I would have to re-read Tae Kim's guide to refresh my memory anyway, so it seemed like a worthwhile thing to do in order to prevent a similar outcome to last year's.
>I found reading even simple stuff to be really difficult. Even simple sentences were totally throwing me off. It was really discouraging and my motivation to read anything quickly petered out until I de-facto gave up.
This is me right now, though I'm only 1 month into learning Japanese and only finished the basic section of TK.
Could someone help please?
Use Google Translate to draw kanji if you are not familiar with the stroke order. It's much better in that it doesn't care about it as long as the general appearance is close enough.
If you had read the posts you'd have noticed I already did this and only then used sljfaq.
I don't read "Please help me with the kanji" posts in their entirety.
It's ok, the English world has the same connection between demons and vices.
ああそうか。じゃ、これそのアノンの言うとおり 。
i want to eat this god damm
I want to eat the girl.
>he thinks i was talking about the food
That's dangerous as fuck. What's he going to do when he one day chops his fingers up in front of his customers?
Is your country represented by a good kanji?
How about no.
I have some trouble differentiating the condititionals.
I understand と and なら just fine I think, but I get 時 mixed up with たら and I don't really understand the uniqueness of ば.
How do you guys distinguish between them in your head?
I kind of think of ば as exclusionary and emphatic, たら as hypothetical, と as natural and なら as contextual.
Let's take a moment to appreciate how amazing the word かしら is
kill yourself
>I kind of think of ば as exclusionary and emphatic, たら as hypothetical, と as blah blah blah blah blah blah
don't think
amusing this is in jisho:
>4 off
Can someone link me a good quality Japanese dark souls lets play?
Preferably the third one but any would do
No, just watch anime.
P.S Don't use good and lets play in the same sentence next time arigatou gozaimasu!
>Don't use good and lets play in the same sentence
outside reviews, these people are just above bronies
σ(゚∀゚ )オレのペニス+
Don't generalize. EpicNameBro is a cool dude.
I just like the dark souls game design and lore and shit but can't be fucked to play it myself, I want to see what the games like and preferably get some listening practice in at the same time for maximum productivity
>dark souls lets plays
www It's such an interesting game if you watch it right, the gameplay there is not a relevant part at all and it's not like there is a Japanese version of the game ww
---> reddit
>average djt poster
Lets plays are objectively the worst thing on this planet, maybe anime is a little worse, but that's it. If you like the game why don't you fucking play it?
If you like anime why don't you fucking make it?
Your post doesn't make any sense, try again when you learn English.
t. ESL
Oh I watch him too, he is a sophisticated and mature lets player.
What's your name on レディット btw? Mine is BigLoreGamer :D
You people that are obsessed with being offended at everything are just the worst
Please learn what opinions are
You have one more chance to redeem yourself. My post is not that hard, every basic textbook should cover the grammar I used there. I have some things to do so make it quick.
Okay I will go watch some lets plays now, why should I play the game. You are indeed right and opinions can't be based on truth, they are just things to be discarded immediately. I watch MrBigEpicBro by the way.
I think I just made some fresh くそ down in my ズボン...
>comma splicing
Is there an android app for rikaisama or the likes? Google just directs me to the firefox extension one for android.
you should do an LP of yourself spazzing out to an LP
Time to watch some lets plays of anime, thanks for your post. Which book did you use to learn English by the way? Your Eigo is really Jouzu.
I'll do that when I decide to become an EpicBigFunNameBro.
>based on truth
You mean based on you convincing yourself that all lets plays fit into the generic idea of epic meme 420 minecraft shit
Did you mean 下着?
>epic meme 420 minecraft shit
I didn't imply that even once. I have done extensive research so I didn't need to convince myself of anything. You should do the same instead of watching some retard play games, especially a game like dark souls.
え? 今日本語方針は同様かい
Sorry I can't read those Kanji yet. And what does "did" mean here? It wasn't in my Eigo Grammar book.
every minute is ふん
-> /r/learnjapanese
what the fuck is /r/learnjapanese
calm down
A subreddit, that's similar to a board here like we have Sup Forums and shit like that. They have custom names. You should go there, it's a good site.
Boku wa mou ochitsuita yo ww anime ga daisuki
Dog bless Germany
...i prefer to remain anonymous as im still horrible
Isn't vocabulary a wonderful thing? I would probably stop learning Japanese if there was only one word for "suddenly". Which is why Flyable Heart's prose made me feel like killing myself.
that whole description almost describes a polish robot just before ww2
>single, alone, spontaneously, Germany
I want to cum inside Sakura-chan.
Holy shit you're right
After a five month hiatus from anime, I watched an episode of KonoSuba yesterday. Despite understanding everything that happened, I was left with a profound sense of regret that I had wasted twenty minutes of my life on this shit
I'm just finding it harder and harder to get back into anime, it seems like more than half of airing shows are crappy harem LN adaptations or some variation of the "reborn in fantasy game" trope.
Can someone explain what やっぱり means?
No matter how many times I look it up I still don't get it.
I know this feel
I just rewatch shit that I know is good
Read through sentences that use it and make the connection yourself
That's what you get for picking a really shitty show. Basically everything that's airing this season is better than KonoSuba.
Sounds like you have terrible taste, not much to do with anime.
I know, but the Megumin girl looked cute. And I have a principle of watching the anime before I fap to its doujins. I'm going to try and struggle through a few more episodes so I can fully appreciate the doujin storylines.
>Still using that old image
search by radical
It'd be nice if there were be a bunch of different images that we could use on rotation.
people say this all the time in my apache indian shadowplay productions, how have you never heard it
>not a single word using this kanji on jisho
The kanji itself is there, so I guess it isn't a fake one, but why does it even exist if there are no words which use it?
Shit is unreadable. Either change the color or add an outline to the text.
Whatever, just don't spam a million different threads when the old one dies.
Blame sameposters autism, Sup Forums suffers from it too.
See image.
It's not unreadable in the slightest. Have your eyes checked.