Why are white women in the West postponing having kids well into their 30's?

Why are white women in the West postponing having kids well into their 30's?

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feminism brainwashed them into thinking having kids was bad

Because nobody in their 20's can afford children thanks to our boomer overlords.

Because their fathers did not train them to be obedient when they were children.

Jew brainwashing and degeneracy

they go travelling around the world instead

Femanon here. White males need to step their game up.


This. I want kids badly but I can't afford them.

Buy me a house

Jewish Feminism.

No support, thanks boomers

Sexual degeneracy and traditional deterioration make faith in the opposite sex dwindled on both fronts. Men are afraid the women will get the jizz and kick them away for child support gibs while they profit. Women are afraid their lives will stop once they have children and want a sense of progress in their lives through a job (something that used to be a worry exclusively for men).

Dudes start wearing their hair like Elvis in their 30s?

Because kids are awful creatures and the only reason to ever love/want them is because you're biologically engineered to do so.

I'm an old millennial or young Gen X. My gen struggles to get 1 kid per couple if any.

Housing being turned into a boomer Ponzi retirement scheme has left us unable to afford decent family sized housing.
Boomers are fucking scum.

>Letting other people determine your destiny.
Weak, user; weak.

Because kids who born by 20's mother are mostly retard manchild when they grown ups.


Because America work-life culture is complete shit

Okay, but then you have to make me a sandwich and not bitch so much. Fair is fair.

I have 2 kids and I'm 28. Had my first at 21. I'm doing just fine. You're just a loser.

90% of men arent good enough for them and also the want to ride the cock carousel well into their 30 s and then maybe have a mate in top 10% see MGTOW 101

Because the elites want access to women's labor (even if it's just to depress wages) so they tell them lies that having kids in your twenties is totally super early and you should have a career first.

Only mistake in their plan was to assume that humans are a tabula rasa and that they can just import foreigners and mold them into what the native population is.

Nice bait, Lars. Try again in the next thread.

to be fair I kinda think the same way, kids need a whole lot of shit and gimmicks to fit in, shit I cant afford because all my taxmoney goes to niggers.

Aaaaand spbp

it works to everybody's advantage. The older that white women get, the less chances of them multiplying.

??? Gen Xer here. 43 Years Old. I live pretty damn well, in a decent home ($350k). I have taken part in the Housing "Bubble", and while I do still owe on a mortgage, I owe $150k on a $350k house.

I also own two trailers that I rent out for monthly rent. I will be buying a duplex to rent out soon.

There is a 5 acre tract down the road from me that I am looking at buying and putting trailers on to rent out.

You fuckers keep thinking that housing is going to die with the boomers, but you're wrong. Everyone who cant afford to buy will rent.

>Why are white women in the West postponing having kids well into their 30's?
Because this is inviable economic strategy. Did yo forget West lives under capitalism? Kids produce no money. If woman needs kid to tie down her spouse she has kid even today.

>Why are white women in the West postponing having kids well into their 30's?


You're encouraged to study until mid 20s, then shitty jobs until you're 30. If you're lucky your education was free and you only took student debt to live and eat. If not you also have hundreds of thousands in loans.

Now you're supposed to buy into the lowest rung of an extremely overvalued housing bubble. Mid 30s to 40.

Now you got a job and a house and debt over your eyeballs, then you're encouraged to have.. one kid. At which point it'll be an autism/ADD/deformed kid because you're too fucking old.

This is the world we made by design and you're not even allowed to state it openly - you'll be crucified for just observing that waiting to 35+ is asking for birth defects, let alone question the norms themselves.

Bonus round when your country not just encourages this but then turns around and says there's not enough kids so they'll flood your nations with dependents who both add to the debt, your tax money is supposed to pay for them, special initiatives to education and work are given them, not you, they get housing and money for free, they're encouraged to have 8 kids early on and don't need to contribute jack shit.

It really activates the almonds. Maybe if we spent half the money we do on immigrants on insuring young people could start families the population "problem" would take care of itself.

Next bonus round when they tell you there won't even be jobs for most people in 20 years thanks to automation.

You can afford children in your 20s if you are willing to make some personal sacrifices for it.
Bigger problem is to find a woman who actually wants them at that age. It's been drilled into them that they first need a career to secure their independence - which actually says a lot about their view on relationships.

>I'm doing just fine
i believe 100%

nah, kids born to older mothers have a higher likelihood of having birth defects including autism

the ideal age to have children is 20-24 but feminism has brainwashed women into focusing on careers rather than finding a good man and settling down with him to start a family

A career can wait, if you start in your 30s you're really not going to be that much worse off and you'll have a family and kids which will make you much happier than the singleton swingers who get old, unwanted, and alone, and unloved.

>Because nobody in their 20's can afford children thanks to our boomer overlords

boomers tell you to think that way

GenX here, out of 6 friends none has any kids.

We were told "Don't have kids its bad for the planets future, or just have one only."

We bought into that & now are replaced by foreigners having 4+ kids

>there won't even be jobs for most people in 20 years thanks to automation.
There aren't jobs for 2 billions people already.

>Maybe if we spent half the money we do on immigrants on insuring young people could start families the population "problem" would take care of itself.

This. An unaccompanied "minor" costs the state 90k per year due to all the psychological treatments they get.
Offer just a fraction of the costs that creates as incentive to have children (to avoid the problem of Abdul just shitting out 10 kids, just make those incentives indirect by handing them out as tax deductibles) people would be a lot more willing to have children.

Also they essentially created a working and a breeding class - with the main flaw in their plan being that the breeding class will just shit out further breeders but no workers, so it's doomed to collapse.

An yet black people and Hispanics keep pumping them out

In Denmark le average age to have kids is 31 now.
I mainly think its due to less kids being desired. You simply don't have to start earlier when you want less.

Plus. At 30 you have a comfy job and enough leeway to give the kid everything it needs.

I'm 29 with 2 kids...we are by no means rich but we have a 3 bedroom apartment food in the fridge. Asaving for a house...which housing in my area isn't crazy expensive...im paying more in rent than I would a house. Idk lifes good.

They really think having kids destroys the planet, so women live the Sex & The City life and think the cock carousel is the way to go.

It makes them 100% undesirable.

Because 20's are for fun, 30's are when you lose a bit in the looks and energy department, so you start to think about the future.

Still, some come to terms with the fact that kids are a spook and that when you die, you die, so they live their life to the fullest instead of having some little pieces of shit running around, killing all fun in your life.

Because there's no reason not to.

At 30 you have
- a good, stable job (presumably)
- built up wealth
- more know how about the world

Etc, etc. My dad had me when he was 31. My mom was 29, 30 in a week. Had my sister at 34. No harm in it.

Thanks to capitalism you mean. Women entereted the work force because of capitalism and the rate of profit slower down, which forced national capitalists in the west to take all the real growth to the third world, leaving the majority with no real growth in wages for over 30 years now (in relation to inflation).

This, but there's also the problem of women not wanting to have children until they're 30 in the first place.
Relentlessly pushing women to pursue high-end careers instead of the highest-end career which is being a mother has led to a lot of women delaying this task, and by the time they get around to it it's biologically too late to have more than 1 kid.

The sad irony is that in giving women the right to vote and thus enhancing their liberties, we gave them the right to choose a destiny that sees them childless and forced to work for a living, effectively eliminating their freedom.
Back with the second-wave feminists they clamoured for freedoms and equality of opportunity, and that's exactly what women used to have.
Men ruled the workforce and the availability of jobs in the market was well balanced.
Then when women joined the workforce, the amount of competing potential employees doubled while the available jobs didn't increase.
This meant slowly but surely there was no alternative but to barter lower wages relative to the economy, just so you would have a job.
Now men have always had to work, but fast forward to today and women have no choice. Work until you may perhaps one day afford 1 child, or starve and die. Well done feminism.

So who's teaching them this? Who's convincing them that this is the best way forwards?
The answer as ever is in education. Marxist-subverted education.

Agreed. The Boomers hoarded the wealth and jobs and voted Democrat to fuck over the younger folks.

>You can afford children in your 20s if you are willing to make some personal sacrifices for it.

yeah Im already "sacrificing" a third of my wage to the benefit of niggers

Bitch we're already playing on Nightmare difficulty.
Stop using cheat codes like alimony and maybe we'll consider you again.

Its is not even "class". It is "breed" that even biologically different (low IQ). Class you re-purpose and teach new tricks if you really want like it happened with urbanization when peasants became workers. Breed you can't change.

and yet niggers can?

Not Hispanics really, apart from Guatemala and Bolivia. And even then it's no where near Africa.

And in the US it's even less than this.

I think social media killed the appeal of kids, because it removed the veil of how drastically life changes with the additional responsibility and lack of freedom.

Is it really a thing of recent times?
My dad had me at 40, and then 3 more kids. Granted, my mom was 25. Time's ticking for women, but for men not so much. Although I did come out autistic.

niggers were oppressed and colonized, we should all chip in to pay for their 8+ children

True enough desu

And women are passive-aggressive dishonest shits in the workplace. They work together to take over entire fields that once belonged to men.

Young guys in sales used to be able to get ahead. Now it's all the nastiest bitches backstabbing each other on the way to the next sale at the mall. They make sure any males get fired or shut out.

I don't think men are any different. It's the women who think they are all superstars and have little interest in kids or family. For them, it's all Sex & The City and doing shopping and restaurants every single day.

lol kill yourself, just because you're a fiscally irresponsible nigger doesn't mean you get to blame others for it

That sucks because I'm into milfs/mature women than younger. But I also don't want to marry before my late 30s. Just gonna have to find someone young and then wait for her to age for me to really get attracted to her.

I'm not entitled to the same welfare and section 8 housing they get

Also they don't give me points on my SAT or accept me into colleges over other races

So many "irresponsible" people.

>implying we can control the actions of a handful of women.

Stop being beta males and maybe we'll consider YOU again.

>Fiscally irresponsible
>Having less kids

Niggers have kids because their fiscally irresponsible you stupid nigger

Quality of life nigger kids have is not the quality of life you'd want your child to have

This is entirely due to everyone thinking they need to go to college. Women now want to wait until they're done with college + additional "years to enjoy myself" before being "tied down" by kids, leading to women not being ready for kids until they're 28 or so.

>White males need to step their game up.

Blacks have almost the same birth rates at whites though. They don't really have that much kids. What do have are a lot of single moms with like one or 2 kids.

Hispanics either. They're literally at replacement level in the US.

i want kids NOW

Yeah on point. its funny but on point.
fucking bitches with thier boring lives.
thats why men need to support each other and succes together against thots to clear the way for thier future families.

>paying more in rent
The fact you are still in that apartment instead of in a house tells me some things:

1. You're simply fucking retarded.
2. You have absolute shit credit and are clearly controlled by (((interest))).

>implying niggers and muslims have a game at all
also post tits and timestamp pls

Leftist propaganda saying they need to spend the most important decade of their life as Satanists doing nothing but pursuing pleasure. That they can have it all, that they'll be empowered for it, that some beta orbiter is obligated to take their roastie leftovers.

This and women entering the workforce fucking ruined it all. Nowadays you cant sustain a family, let alone buy a house with just one salary, its just not possible in most cases.

Shit sucks

>thanks to our boomer overlords.
a certain political pundit claims that when the boomers become too big of a burden to bear, the young will just make euthanasia a socially accepted solution.

You only "die" if you do not pass on a legacy. If you have a family and have purpose you are immortal. Somebody had to live and survive thousands of years ago for you to have the opportunity at life. This had to happen hundreds of times. And you are going to fuck it up and be a dead end on your family tree.

people in their 20s can barely support themselves. Yes there are brown subhumans who have 4 kids by the time they're 25 but they usually live in animal-like conditions and normal people don't want to see their kids sleep on the ground

Jesus Christ.
Stop sending food to Africa.
Stop sending aid to Africa.
Stop immigration from Africa.
Sink the boats.

Stop enabling unsustainable behavior. Do not let destitute illiterate violent third-worlders inherit the planet just because they spam out kids they can't feed. They want to live in a Mathusian nightmare, then let them do so - IN AFRICA. Not here.

>I'm not raising a family on 40k a year
>women dont find me interesting nor am I capable of drawing one in
>women dont want kids until they're busted open by every man who isn't me and they are 35
>my future in this country is capped by a generation who took all the wealth and handed it to immigrants
>marriage laws have bankrupt males of any value or power they had, meaning if I had kids I'd lose custody of them (but not financial obligation to them) within a year's time
>for every one child I have, Paco and Pajeet have eight
>my kid would be assaulted by whatever we put in the water to give them big tits and make them hate themselves (even if male)
>my kid would be assaulted by the garbage put on the electric jew and in our public schools
>my kid would be assaulted by whatever violent brown minority the democrats choose to import by 2024

And so on

but you wanted equality, you have to step your game up

>You only "die" if you do not pass on a legacy. If you have a family and have purpose you are immortal.
Really? So you are your great-grandfather? Do you have his memories? Do you know his friends? No ? Then you are NOT your great-grandfather, he died before you were even born and he is dead now. He doesn't exist anymore.

You can delude yourself that you'll live through your kids or accept the reality and enjoy life.

Why did the boomers even have kids and want grandkids if they were just going to fuck them in the ass raw? It makes no fucking sense.

because they don't care about proper upbringing

because having children in your 20s is literally a financial death sentence in america at least for 90% of the the population. honestly even in your 30s having children is one of the worst financial moves you can make

>Why did the boomers even have kids and want grandkids if they were just going to fuck them in the ass raw?
who were they going to fuck otherwise?

I don't want kids until early 30's myself desu. I want my career to be in line and everything to be financiallly and situationally prepared as possible for me and the wife to properly raise 2-3 kids. It's significantly more difficult for this generation to be in a proper position for that, nonetheless even wanting kids in the first place; I want them but also want them raised rught

When I worked in an office I couldn't talk about work with the women. Whether they were devoid of knowledge or simply didn't want to talk about work when at work, it was impossible to learn anything from them.
Mention a band however and they immediately changed their tune, failing to produce anything in the 1 whole hour they spent discussing who's the hottest singer.

>t. Roastie
Give us one reason to consider you.
Just one. It's not rocket science.
What makes you so confident in believing you hold any leverage?
I'm dying to know.

>mid 20's
>dating girl for a while, start thinking about marriage and family
>have coworker who's 34
>she confides in me that she practically cries herself to sleep every night
>she had a health concern in early 30's and is barren now, can never have biological children
>ask gf what she thinks about marriage and family
>her reaction is practically "ugh, gross, that's icky and i don't want to be held back in life"
>ditched the bitch that week

I'm with someone else now and she seems like she's interested in marriage and a family. I'm not wasting my youth and prime work years to be a "cat dad" with some "cat mom" cunt yuppie, just to later regret having wasted my life with selfish pursuits. As far as I'm concerned, if young women are stupid enough to listen to bitter, hideous, morbidly obese lesbians, or cunts like this who even look satanic, and are willing to throw away their prime reproductive years so they can ride a cock carousel, they're not worth my time and can fuck off.

I have have familial traditions and knowledge passed down from generation to generation. I feel bad for people who take their elders for granted and don't learn from them or practice what they have tried to instill in you. You are aimless.

>replying to that flag

Of course he hates children and traditional values, he says dumb crap on the internet for easy (You)s

>Women entereted the work force because of capitalism and the rate of profit slower down, which forced national capitalists in the west to take all the real growth to the third world, leaving the majority with no real growth in wages for over 30 years now

What the actual fuck is this bullshit?

The reason there's been little wage growth outside of the top 1% is BECAUSE women have entered the workforce, causing the supply of labour to skyrocket. Women aren't geared towards the stressful jobs that pay hundreds of thousands, so they don't compete as much for them, which means they've experienced more wage growth

You're spot on. The future seems pretty bleak.

The positive side in this is that if i dont have kids they wont have to live in a society which is even worse than what we have now. Not to mention it being full of melanin enriched people

This. We got fucked hard. The fucking boomers in the Netherlands even have the audacity to have their own "50+" party. Scum.

And what is the point? That's what I'm asking you. I live a happy life, and so did my parents, and the only thing they taught me is to do what makes me happy and to let others do what makes them happy as long as it doesn't hurt me.

And no, that's not knowledge, you're thinking of indoctrination. They instilled in you a world view which puts you under constant pressure because you believe you'll live forever and you waste your short time suffering.

what fathers? 50% of them had no father.

I'm a male so the longer I'm alive the more appealing I become, due to accumulated wealth and fitting the daddy image so many women fall for. Even if I don't find anyone until I'm 40 I can still find a twenty year old and reproduce with her, and it sure as fuck won't be some bloated American bitch who falls for Jew propaganda or has eaten a thousand cocks in her life.

They have to secure their benefits. All the while your overworker ass will not even live that long due to stress, shitty diet and increase in violence/crime.

Cease your hate speech

I can't afford a decent house in a city with employment opportunities on a single income. I could live out in bumfuck nowhere or in a post-apocalyptic ghetto, but I wouldn't be able to find a job to pay the mortgage, let alone enough money to live a decent life, attract a woman, and afford kids.

Two decent incomes is a necessity. For me, finding a woman capable of a long-term relationship is a first step to home ownership, not the other way around.

and that's why majority of them grow up like niggers with no education at all and end up in jail or killed

Luckily I watch my diet and I work out, but I can't argue about the stress part. It's hard to overcome that one. And of course the wonderful benefits of open borders are becoming ever more visible every day.

Why are men staying at their parents basements and playing vidya? We're overloaded with bread and circuses