Why are otaku so fucking stupid? Because of their obsessive and unreasonable purchasing habits, all anime fans all around the world have hard time supporting their favourite creators and studios. It makes no sense whatsoever.
There are people on Sup Forums who will defend this
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Price elasticity
Actually, I won't defend that OP
I'm with you
I don't get it. What's OP trying to argue? BD boxes are too expensive?
It's a niche market.
I would watch this
There's a lot of things that you are not considering
Left doesn't even deserve to be bought by anyone.
I don't remember Bakemonogatari being on screens in every cinema around the world.
>crap anime magically pieced together on a shoestring budget because people aren't buying BDs
>overpriced BDs that contain just a couple of episodes
It's a vicious cycle. Japanese businessmen are too stubborn to change their exploitative ways. They prefer the weak and declining but comfy stream of NEET dosh.
When you consider 97% of people pirate stream anime the higher price just helps to even things out a little more. Can you Imagine how many people bought the Lord of the Rings books and merchandise and went and saw it in theaters compared to Bakemonogatori?
Yes HD quality BD are more expensive than old SD quality DVDs. I can't wait for the DVD to disappear and the BD to become the norm with a more reasonable price.
Maybe if they started making good anime instead of panderfest moeshit then the market would expand? Who would have thought...
Try harder next time.
>bitching about niche market
I'd buy way more anime if it was actually fucking affordable.
You don't honestly believe that do you?
He's comparing a series of blockbuster movies that already covered its budged cost with its theatrical releases in all the world, that already milked even more money from the singular releases of DVD and BD for each movie and that is now selling at low price the trilogy in a bundled box with a niche anime that solely supports itself with BD and DVD sales.
It is. As long as you're not set on buying the Japanese releases of things, anyway.
>Lord Of the Rings
I'm sorry?
Something that is more "mainstream" will sell better and thus can be cheaper since they will sell more and the sheer volume of people buying will make up for the lower price.
Something niche as fuck will have higher prices on stuff, because they need higher prices to make up for the lack of people buying.
Something like this
>Product A
>100 people buy it
>Priced at $10
>Total earning: $1000
>Product B
>1000 people buy it
>Priced at $5
>Total earning: $5000
do you not understand what economies of scale are?
I'm with you. A 3 eps BD shouldn't cost over 15 bucks.
There are plenty examples that support this view. Starting with popular anime such as Precure and Attack on Titan, and ending with the portfolio of Ghibli.
Credibility lost.
>cute girls and shit talking
Worth every last cent.
>16 hours of sleeping aid
I'll just wait for it to become public domain.
If the price is a problem for you, just buy the set.
It is cheaper than the individual BDs and also comes with extras.
This is retarded. All they need is make anime appealing to a wider audience. Not moeshit sol and ecchi harem garbage.
Well it does and it will and it's the reason why anime can currently be produced.
This guy gets it.
A more extreme example would be that useless iPhone app which just displays a diamond or something.
>Sold in the thousands of bucks
>Only a few idiotic richfags buy it
>Still worth it for the creator
Because I'm so sure coming up with top selling anime is easy. Everyone should start doing it.
>All they need is make anime appealing to a wider audience.
Actually, all they need to do is sell more.
It's so simple I'm surprised they haven't come up with it before.
Exactly. And to sell more, they need to pander to a wider audience. See, you are a reasonable chap after all.
>I'll just wait for it to become public domain.
This guy gets it.
Not really. The main target of anime production is TV broadcast. DVD/BD releases come second and mainly target otaku who are willing to spend more than the merchandise is worth. Targetting a niche indeed.
>The main target of anime production is TV broadcast.
TV broadcast makes no money, retard.
stop being retarded
direct to DVD stuff isn't as expensive as anime either.
>And to sell more, they need to pander to a wider audience.
No, they just need to sell more. You don't have to think about anything about what kind of people might want to buy anime. Just sell more.
Wow, why does TV broadcast even exist I wonder...
Y'all know that "Otaku" means "Home" right?
If you're regularly buying anime, you likely have a job or a rich parent.
It's not as easy as you'd like to believe. Most anime studios know what sells pretty well and what they can make a profit on. They wouldn't easily take a chance on something like that unless it seemed like an absolutely amazing idea and they story was already written out and the source material sold well and even then it could blow up in their face.
To sell the BDs and other merchandise. This isn't rocket science.
To sell figures, daikis, and idols
TV channels pay millions to broadcast anything, be it sports, movies or whatever.
>The main target of anime production is TV broadcast.
It really isn't. TV broadcast is the method of initial release, but makes them no money and is ultimately advertising for DVD/Blu-Ray releases and merch.
Just what do you even mean by that? You say it as if selling more is just something that you can decide to do and it will magically happen.
Americans are so cute.
A novel in the monogatari series when Araragi has to deal with an exceptionally stupid girl
He's not being serious.
But it's not? A quick search on amazon and I found the whole series at 39$. OP is just a faggot.
The business model is different over there.
>interesting story
>amazing idea
It's like you've never seen a Disney movie. You don't need good ideas, you only need to throw a lot of money at it. Only money can make money. The more you throw at it, in a reasonable way (not buying ferraris for the animation team), the more profit you will make. That's a scientific fact.
lord of the rings were boring as fuck
Yea, for a halfwit moepig such as you.
Better question is this:-
>it's another "lets support the industry" thread
Did Hiro turned this site as a shill spot for CR/Funi?
People actually believe this.
People actually believe studios only make money off BDs and merchandise
People actually believe that studios don't negotiate for commercial profits of shows they produce with networks
>vitcim blaming
It's a matter of convenience. Even with modern shit it's a crapshoot on whether you'll actually be able to buy it anywhere because licensing is still apparently the wild west. And streaming still hasn't picked up, but it's one the way. Not to mention that culture of getting subs for free is deeply ingrained and will be hard to break, mainly in part because of the above.
I mean, you'll probably never make anime mainstream considering what kind of shows get made, but they really should've expanded beyond just their otaku fanbase at this point. They should've realized western market EXISTS.
Why do you think advertising disappeared from the report type list?
I happen to work in the broadcast industry in EU. I know fairly well how this kind of thing works.
Things might differ somewhat in Japan, but I think it's safe to assume a TV channel does not get a program for free.
Main difference here is Monogatari is actually enjoyable and LotR is a hollywood-esque and boring take on Tolkien's books.
Also nobody is forcing you to buy anime, this shit will always be a niche market especially outside Japan so it's perfectly understandable for it to be expensive. You don't set up price for goods depending on how much they're worth but how much money people are willing to pay for them.
LotR turned a boring 2000 page novel into a boring 6 hour film.
Monogatari turned a LN no one was reading to a household name in Japan.
Clearly Monogatari is better.
No, that's what you are saying.
"Just pander differently and you will sell more like magic."
Complete bullshit with absolutely no data to back it up except "I think this feels right".
>actually advocating for studios to pander to the lowest common denominator
Threads like this are why I'm glad the anime industry doesn't give a fuck about the West.
>I happen to work in the broadcast industry in EU.
Guys, trust me, I sell used cars in Nigeria, I know how the business works!
>Things might differ somewhat in Japan, but I think it's safe to assume a TV channel does not get a program for free.
Late night anime airtime is purchased by the animation studio. The animation studio literally pays the TV channel to air it.
In a way that's true because the higher the budget the better and more experienced people and team you can have working on the anime and creating it and for advertising. With a crazy amount of money you can make almost any story even little fairy tails onto blockbuster hits. Money isn't everything though as you still want a good base story that you could possibly make a sequel for and possibly even a long running thing out of with a ton of characters which means merchandise.
Lord of the rings.
Bakemonogatari is just stylished harem garbage. Even if it looks good its just a harem garbage
>People actually believe studios only make money off BDs and merchandise
No, studios make jack shit off the BDs and mechandise in 90% of the cases because they don't own the show.
that's completely wrong.
even disney needed pixar to restructure them before they became creative again.
i recommend reading this book, because a lot of the problems in the anime industry could probably be solved if they incorporated the stuff in here.
Oh come on how can you not like LOTR.
You'd be right if it wasn't Japan we were talking about, or if we weren't talking about late night anime.
The anime companies actually pay for time slots on TV networks.
This. People forget most studios are just hired to do shit. Although I guess it applies to actually anime originals they own.
>Although I guess it applies to actually anime originals they own.
Most of those are owned by production companies like Aniplex anyways.
>194k units
>a big deal
That's like 0.2% of the population. Return of the King made more than $72 million in its opening weekend.
でも貴方達が言うfucking stupid がいないとこの板もアニメ業界も成り立たないぞ?
As capeshit, transformers, and basically all of Adam Sandler's movies have shown, a movie doesn't need to be good to make money.
As long as you pump money into marketing, the people will come.
Yea this is why I wasn't freaking out when Netflix decided to do anime. They were going to pay a Japanese studio to do it and likely from a Japanese light novel. Everyone was thinking it was going to be Westernized and probably still do and a lot of people were saying they would even consider it anime just because it wast going to be funded by Netflix.
I imported Bakemonogatari BD from Amazon.co.uk for 30 pounds for the entire series.
I bet you feel pretty embarrassed about it.
So any Monkey or Bee arc?
Just have an average plot and hit the sweet spots in the target audience, that's the formula to make money.
Not at all. Thriftiness is nothing to be embarrassed by.
Netflix is the American distributor for that anime TV series. It's not the producer.
game of thrones is better
>Return of the King made more than $72 million in its opening weekend.
…on a $94 million budget. Love Live made ¥400 million and considering that Millennium Actress was made for ¥120 million at the time, Love Live most likely turned profit during that weekend alone.
And Deadpool did even better.
What's your point?
Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire is overrated as fuck.
No, what the hell is your point?
why the fuck did it get so popular?
I haven't watched myself yet but isn't it just a series about a violent struggle for a throne with some lewd mixed in?
I managed to watch the first episode of Game of Thrones.
I don't remember the last time I was so bored.
Creatively has nothing to do with why Disney sells. Brand is a very powerful tool.
People watch these movies because they're Disney movies, not because of any potential creativity that can be derived from retelling age old fairy tails.
Otaku is the Japanese equivalent of the Latin word "vos", or the German word "Ihr".
You're a fucking retard OP.
Relatively decent, easy to follow, plot, lot of tiddies and lots of deaths when you least expect it.
Of course most people would love this kind of thing.
I for one find it just average.