Kuma Miko

New episode soon.

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Can't wait for more of best couple.


Is yoshio best girl?

Bully needs to die.

I improved your miko.

>that confidence

That's not my Miko. Get outta here.



That was fast.

>loli miko OVA
I'm fine with this.

delete this


That's what sex is about, user.

>female: bestiality
The art is so good though.

Did you even watch episode 1?

Wait what

>lewd in the first 5 seconds




I love Machi's faces.

How does she decide between concentric circle eyes and spiral eyes?


The English title is so stupid.

Lovely eyes.

I don't think my heart can take this episode.

concentric circles for pre-mindbreak
spiral for mid-mindbreak
now all we need is Machi with heart eyes


Was it rape?


Cooking Japanese bear

Ep5 nico live ratings.

Oh boy, can't wait to fap to this tonight.

>Implying Machi would have nice headphones

In the ass.

Too much cloth.

That's a big load.


>Miko gets bullied/teased nonstop for 13 episodes
This anime is so good.

That bastard is stealing my loli, someone stop him!

What's happening there?


Put her in the bear pit again.

Aw, I wanted to she what she gave birth to.



>thats actually machi's mom

So basically this anime is about a village full of pedophiles?

Totally not pedobait, guys. Believe me.

The Yoshio abuse must stop.

dat quality

No, it isn't.
This show really is among the few gems that isn't going the lewd route.

What's going on here?

>not even showing anything lewd
You should check your brain for damage, you might be saved at this stage.
Being attracted to girls of age is natural though

Real talk, is that how men act in Japan?

Utena reference

Ikuhara has taken over Kuma Miko.


Speaking of impregnation, how old is Natsu? Are mikos still giving birth to talking bears or are they just part of that area's ecosystem now?

I miss that show. Should have been 2 cour though.

Do men talk about liking women?
What the fuck do you talk? It happens in every culture.

Village Vanguard is a pretty fun store.

I'm being pandered to and it feels pretty gud

Subs are out.


So? What's the problem with that?
Fucking cancerous SJW newfags, fuck off to the shithole where you came from whiteknight.


>best girl is anime original
Such shame.

>[HorribleSubs] Kuma Miko - 06 [720p].mkv



This is supposed to be comfy?!
This is psychological abuse!
Th-this is loli torture!

Girl meets bear
Bear meats girl

Why didn't she go there wearing the clothes bought at shimomura?


Is this the man who she dreamed of as her ideal the last episode?

This meme is still alive?

Cute girls getting bullied shouldn't please me this much.


Wait, you can cook rice like that?

What magic is this?


Is that the ten years old photo?

>Machi trying to flip tables

That was cute.

Machi is lewd every episode, GOD DAMN.

>it's ok to be a pedo!!
You're disgusting

You can freeze cooked rice.

This guy needs to learn some delicacy.

No! He'd never survive bully-chan. He needs it as a defense mechanism.

She looks even cuter with her hair like this god damn


Jesus Christ, what is wrong with this kid?

>Kuma miko is halfway over


7 years old I guess.

Just when you think Machi can't get any cuter, this episode's flashback proves you wrong.

Wait, really? This is magic. So I don't need to leave rice in the rice cooker overnight?

Reminds me of my childhood

His mechanism doesn't work.

I love her braid though. I have no clue how to classify it but her usual braid is lovely.

Thanks user!

So who cuts the vegetable for Natsu usually?

And why not use his claws?

Dat social anxiety at the mall
