school swimsuit thread
School swimsuit thread
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This board really has gone to shit in the past few years.
Best swimsuit.
Shitty cat
Back to Youtube comments, newfag.
Muh safespace
People should honestly stay on Sup Forums or reddit or wherever the fuck you come from.
Tumblr is offended again.
You should honestly kys
I don't have much swimsuit lolis, help me out Sup Forums.
>You have to wait a while before reporting another post.
Go fuck yourself Hiro, just let me report as much as I fucking want.
Back to Youtube comments, newfag.
I hate how good that artist is.
My biggest fear is that this guy maybe someday will become janitor on Sup Forums.
Tumblr is offended again.
Top kek, nah I'm not that pathetic yet to work for free
It's time loli was banned on Sup Forums; it's literally child pornography
If you like lolis you should stay on Sup Forums
No it's not?
It's just a kid trolling.
People who can't even write properly don't become janitors easily.
>Top kek
Crossboarder goes all out.
He's right though. Loli child porn urgently needs to end considering it promotes paedophilia and might lead paedophiles to harm real children. Sup Forums is the greatest proof of this considering they're clearly just one step away from becoming sexual predators.
Tumblr the post.
I totally agree on this. While we're on it I think we should ban everything that promotes violence in someway because it might lead to killings of innocent people.
White is good too
I need a Tenshi no 3P anime.
That argument could be applied to game violence aswell. But it has been proven time and time again that it for the most part has the opposite effect, people actually have have a tendency to be nicer to people in real life, rather than running around and killing people. Your arguement is not valid just because you think that it is morally wrong. It is a fucking drawing you idiot I agree that real CP is disguesting but seriously why are you getting butt hurt over a drawing?
Please stop replying seriously. Report and ignore.
Why are they so lewd?
>it's just a drawing
>authors use naked real children and child porn as references
>thinks that isn't a problem
Whatever you say mate.
>>authors use naked real children and child porn as references
Made me laugh.
And now back to tumblr with you.
You probably should read this:
Yeah right.