natsuki is bestsuki
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Natsuki's waifu is Yuuko!
how can she be so perfect?
Funny way to spell Hazuki there.
pretty sure I posted this pic ugh
>What are we going to do on the school lawn?
p-please don't do this to me ;_;
I dreamt about her today
girls can't have waifus it's illegal
No you didn't.
>you will never take a nap sitting next to her by the window, falling asleep to her gentle breathing, the smell of fresh air mingling with the scent of her shampoo (strawberry)
Kumiko > Reina > Natsuki > rest
I want Natsuki to convulsively give me a blowjob in a McDonald toilet.
Best girl coming through
Kumiko's pose here is so weird
"Gosh, what you even doing, goodness, never have I ever!"
Who cares, she isn't cute. Girls need to be under 165 cm to be considered cute otherwise they are a freak show. I can already see the betas responding "I love to be dominated" kek.
literally me
She was pretty shit in the long run
the shadow lacks a giant bow.
she was crying her eyes out and not looking where she was going. she could have run into anyone. or a tree, or a lamppost. that would have been funny.
I loved the anime, but I feel like it's to blame for the awakening of the brigade of rabidly frothing anti-/u/ crusaders that plague every thread where it is even just implied that two girls might like eachother.
Anti-/u/ was never as fucking annoying as it is now in the post-Hibike world, just like /u/ supporters weren't nearly as in-your-face as they are now.
All in all, Hibike made Sup Forums a worst place for everyone.
Let's not forget who the anti-/u/ are.
will there be a beach or onsen episode this time?
no one's going to read all that to find out
yes but it's technically a tie
I don't have the image with me right now
In short, he's insecure and yuri makes him feel NTR'd by a dyke.
Well, there is that one promo pic of all the euphos in swimsuits.
>al this falseflagging-shitposting already
This is why I hate children. Please seek help.
there will be a pool episode!
Neh, they've always been around, they just wax and wane whenever there's a show for them to go nuts on. It'll pass like always and they'll find something else, once S2 comes and goes with a new wave of shitposting of course.
Fuck, I'd actually managed to completely forget about that guy. Thanks for forcing his pathetic excuse of an existence back into my brain.
OPsuki is rightsuki
This guy too
But not this guy
this is too gay
Asuka's body is too lewd
Give me more feet man.
Me on the top.
she is a Greek goddess
>a giant bow.
Thanks for wasting my time.
they are such good friends :3
Got that right.
>Asuka with a garter belt
Stop it user, my dick can only get so erect.
Superior versions.
Is it too late to start playing an instrument if I'm 19?
Me on the right.
No, but you'll never be in a band with cute Japanese high school girls so I don't really see why you'd bother.
Hopefully we won't start bullying Sapphire. That'd be bad.
Now just the stockings!
Asuka isn't sexual, though.
So, it can't be helped?
If your desire is to stand on the forefront of the music world and win international concours, then it's probably too late; it's very unlikely you'll manage to catch up with those who have been playing since childhood. However, there's no reason why starting at 19 would prevent you from becoming able to play an instrument competently.
Not so long as Kumiko is willing to stand by and let it happen.
This is wrong
But it's a pure and mutual love
Please no bullying.
>the next morning
there's a better version out there
Best size.
This get me every time.
kumiko is the best ;_;
I hope we'll get more Natsuki in S2
i love her ;_;
I thought novelanon said that Volume 2 is pretty much about Natsuki's story.
That's good. What's her story ?
vol 2 is about oboe and her friend who leaved the club
natsuki plays a major role in the plot
does anyone have the others?
Reina is best girl.
is this Sup Forums, Sup Forums meme?
Pretty sure it started on /fit/ but like circumcision it's one of those things that gets people going on any board.
she's not, but she's highly underrated
I see, thanks. I really don't know shit about other boards.
So tiny!
Post it then.
this one?
Will there be more Kumiko x Sister moments in S2?
don't tell me what to do