Macross Delta
Uta wa Ai
Uta wa Kibou
>Old hag
Uta wa Inoch
Uta wa Genki
Uta wa .... ?
Macross Delta
Uta wa Ai
Uta wa Kibou
>Old hag
Uta wa Inoch
Uta wa Genki
Uta wa .... ?
Poor Mastah Helman
>filename is not Killing G-Reco
You had one job, user.
>just friends
That was a spectacular shot
Press F to pay respects
I poke my friends manchest all the time too
Male lead is fucking awful. What happened to the good males in Macross.
His name is Hermann.
>Greco a shit
Fuck u.
post yfw Mirage winning the bowl
Post yfw Freyja wins the Bogue bowl.
>not Herrman
I-is he jealous?
Nah, he's a fag.
>jealous of an old hag
Sure thing Kaname whatever you say
I want her to tell me I suck and will never amount to anything
Freyja, pls.
What is Messer's face trying to convey?
Is Kumo is nice in person?
She is sadism, do cruel things to her brlove Freyja.
>Disgusting Old Hag.
>I hate silicone
I tried to get an autograph but she just kept doing gang signs and had the smuggest grin on her face the entire time.
B-but I think he always avoids Kaname seems unhappy when she's talking with Arado.
Fuck off manletfire.
>Why don't they just eject from the...oh
what a qt, he didn't deserve that
Maybe because he loves his boss. If you know what I mean.
No, he doesn't care
BellriXFucboi fanart when?
U means *and he seems....", right?
Kaname pls!
To be fair, he was the MC in the best Gundam of the last decade.
So that's where he went at the end of G-Reco. Sasuga Gradeskipper.
He protect Freyja and then he make Freyja hurt. This son of bitch must eat my shit.
Save the bait for Gundam threads.
subs when
>Future dictator gets his rightful end
It's not a bait, though.
Based Kawamori is based.
On a side note, the Siegfried witht he armored pack looks really good in batroid
Their system displays the names of enemy pilots too? I didn't realize they even knew what his name was.
My condolences. But let's save G-Rektposting for Gundam threads.
He so cute. Why cute guy die so fast.
Is there a new song in this episode
>Male lead is fucking awful
>posting hikaru
You should post one first.
No it's the same song with different music and other lyrics
>Keith looks happy
>Messer is his usual edgelord self
Not even fighting his raibaru makes him happy. Fucking Messer. Kids are the only thing that make him smile.
They confirmed that each episode will have a new song
He's right tho.
oh fuck i get it. Kaname and Messer had a bad past together. Osananajimi all over
Heart shaped dogfight when
Even Try was better.
I didn't even realize it while watching it live.
You friendzoned me, fucking old hag!
Prettiest brothers.
but that already isn't true
Try wasn't even better than Age, stop trying so hard.
G-Rektard please. Try was mediocre and bland, but G-Reco was awful.
I still wowowow because Freyja is best girl.
So does IBO
Please fuck off.
Oh shit didn't mean to post a pic.
Yes, and?
Looking at VF 171s now, it's hard to believe they were originally based of off Nighthawks
>Try was mediocre and bland
Fuck no. Did you actually watch it? It was horrible.
Keith is so beautiful.
So you are shitposting. Glad we sorted that out.
Just episode 5 that didn't have something new, right?
I'd suck his runes.
How new are you.
episode 2 didn't have a new song, only the OP and ED, but if you're counting them then episode 5 now doesn't have a new song
I'm old enough to know that those who say G-Rektard are retards trying to shitpost because they couldn't understand a kids show ;^)
Less than one minute character, the source of shitposting in macross thread until next week.
I saw Mikumo at a concert yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask him for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her tentacle hair shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my music, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for a CD up front I saw her trying to walk off the stage naked.
The stage hand was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to put on clothes first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and put on her clothes.
And never come back.
>macross thread
>go back to /m/
wew lad
>G-Reco was so terrible that Delta made a Bellri look a like just to kill him
Macross > Gundam