When is best boy coming back?
Other urls found in this thread:
When the time is right. Have patience.
When equally best boy holds hands with best girl.
He'll be narrating next episode's preview, mark my words.
But he hasn't disappeared yet.
>It's a jack thread
My kind of threads.
better than another lovepon or nana thread
Maimai please reclaim your screentime.
Let's be real here, there's no way in hell someone like Nyanta will develop feelings for Hellfire. She has everything going for her.
>it's a "let's try to tear apart Hellfire and Nyanta" episode
I don't like this meme.
What if
Cwc went on the bus tour?
Come again?
I want to see Nyanta and Lovepon cuddle each other.
Please let me delude myself user.;-;
Naana a cute. A CUTE.
>holds hands
This is christian board please don't post lewd things!
>high school Naana cuddling this qt
Would you lick Lolipon's feet ?
When will driver-san unleash his hidden fat ojii-san powers and make all the women slaves to his dick?
>tfw I will never dwarf Jack's hand with my own
So what does three Yuunas is a crowd means?
I'm not a flaming homosexual, so of course I would.
High school Naana raising Lolipon and waiting until Lovepon would reach legal age to hook up with her when?
He is too busy being dead inside.
I would lick Naana's and Jack's!
>people still thinking it's literally not the absolute OTP of the show
They managed to give enough shipping material in only 6 episodes for a fucking marriage already.
It's just a fact. They could have named the episode "Dozaemon's a fatass" or "Puuko is a slut" and it'd be the same.
Calm down, Puuko.
>the absolute OTP of the show
>not Mikage/Valkana
It was pretty much set in stone as soon as they made eye contact in episode 2.
Who is more irrelevant, Jack or Lion?
The only canon romance subtexts are Dahara x Varukana x Koharun and Hellfire --> Nyanta.
For now, Jack. But I feel like he'll become more important later on.
Lion just skulks around saying edgy stuffy occasionally.
The romance subtext is far more obvious in Hellfire and Nyanta than in Varukana x Koharun.
At the end. He's a famous youtuber and will reveal that everything was a prank. Maimai and Koharun were in it too.
I hope Pu-ko realizes how disgusting it is to be heterosexual and ends up pinning for a girl instead,
>grabs her fat rolls when theorizing
Fucking disgusting.
Varukana/Koharun is trash. Dahara too for that matter.
>pinning for a girl
O-Oh my
low test dahara detected
The only canon romance is Manbe Pittan
Jack is fucking ugly, why do so many people want to fuck him
>Episode 12, the village is surrounded by oni
>BasedMonk arrives, flying in the sky and unleashes his buddhist powers on them
>Rabupon dies from her wounds but understands just before passing away what a great man basedMonk actually was.
She's only fat by Jap standards, I doubt she weighs more than 80kg.
He just can't wake up
Nyanta has him friendzoned m8
Manbe is fucking ugly why does his wife and Piitan want to fuck him.
Come on man. I like Nanko but she is pretty fat.
Mayoiga: Nanaki Village District 4
the title in Japanese is ユウナ3人いると紛らわしい
which can be translated into
Yuuna three's a crowd
three's a crowd is a idiom, it's used when you want someone to leave your group. Mikage wanted anyone to leave his "group" in episode 5
The word "Yuuna" is just there for confusing purpose I think, since there is mostly only talking in episode 5. Yuuna can refrer to useless, background, mysterious characters
So, three Yuunas is a crowd = Mikage wants some background characters to leave his group
For real though, Piitan is too hot for him.
How is Jack ugly? He has a generic pretty anime boy face
>his wife and Piitan
ahahha fuck please no. What if actually the real versions of their fears arrive at the last episode and save them?
But user, that's just your own fucking fantasy.
why does nyanta still love guns considering they directly led to what we can imply is the worst experience of her life
But CWC already is on the bus.
He's Dozaemon.
What the fuck is this shit? I cringed.
>implying Hellcat being canon isn't your fantasy either
Chubbychaser detected.
I bet she's only on the tour because she fucked up an investigation in a donut shop by eating all the evidence.
He is a married man.
Piitan is just a dorobou neko. Manbe-san is acually a NTRing manslut.
Because they're the things that gave her delusions of power over her bullies.
I bet Pii-tan only likes him because she's a golddigger
Females don't like manlets.
is this not only your first day here but on the internet in general
how have you not seen chris chan before
My opinion of Nyanta changed after learning she's nothing but a retard delinquent who can't even shoplift.
They're the same height and have stuck with each other since they met.
but they're also the things that gave her bullies the ultimate power over her
they took what little power she had and used it against her
>netteya is 19
>looks on her late 20s
I though semen consumption made you look younger?
What they don't like is faggots who spend their time on an internet board. As far as the guy is attractive they won't give a fuck about the height.
Hellfire will get friendzoned.
How can Nyanta feel safe and secure in the arms of someone who weighs as much as she does?
Apparently you're a retard that has no comprehension, so your opinion is moot.
Nah more like the opposite. It's because she dresses like a slut, acts like one and because of her slutty make up that she looks way older.
They like manlets, but only when the manlets are having sex with each other (because it's cute).
They wouldn't actually want to physically touch one themselves.
t.virgin lanklet
Would he be chased by a giant pickle?
>That's what manlets believe
desu I'm pretty sure men dislike shorter men more than women do.
As notorious cwc is on known on Sup Forums I found on the rest of the Internet he's fairly obscure
same difference tbqh
>Questioning hellcat
Shit thread, call me when something better is being discussed.
I understand you're NEETs and don't know anything of real life but please stop.
Females don't like beanpoles either.
(Update) Summary what we learn in ep 6:
-Some character backstories
-New ghost theory, confirmed Masaki has things to do with the main story
-Illusions don't share, Jack and Yottsun are real
-Hallucinations can happen at day and night, when people are alone or in a group, when people start losing their minds
-Hallucinations will be over if someone new comes to help
-Hallucinations monster is based on deep inside heart kind of thing, not fear or love
-the appearance of the monster (angry/cute, giant/normal) and it's attack stance is based on how much that monster hurt the character in the past
what we haven't learned from the last 6 eps:
-all ep 1 related questions
-all farm-bear-email-map related questions
-all Yottsun related questions
-all Jack related questions
-the thing that causes hallucination: candy? smokke? rain? thing inside the tunnel? just air?
-the thing that make hallucination "image" (not just sound)
-How exactly hallucination make people died: they kill themselves? someone uses it?
I remember some user said that this would have burnt out by episode 5 and the threads would have stopped.
How wrong he was
Calling Hellfire a manlet would be an insult to manlets.
How so?
why didn't nyanta just run away or scream for help? why did she just obediently stand under the wasp's nest?