What's up with this week's episode?
I cringed so hard I had to stop the video and take a break 3 times.
What's up with this week's episode?
How is this man not in jail yet? Nobody notices that he's more obsessed with young boys than he should be with women his age?
aren't 16 years old legal in japan?
Aren't homos illegal or at least frowned upon? Nobody will get suspicious why a man of almost 30 doesn't have a girlfriend and instead prefers to be in the company of younger men?
I gave this 3 episodes but it was boring me to death.
You are weak and pathetic, that's what.
>Aren't homos illegal
This anime does not take place in Russia.
The age of consent of 13, actually. You can do anything to them except having sex.
>Aren't homos illegal or at least frowned upon?
Not really, japs aren't noble samurais anymore.
I can't believe his classmate was totally okay about everything. As far as he knows, Ren could be getting molested/raped by that guy and he doesn't give a shit.
Maybe he wants to hit Ren's boipussy too?
>My Brother is a Pedo and that's ok
So I started reading the manga. Are his brothers really ok with what he's doing with that kid or do they already suspect what was going on with the kid? Or is this normal to them, because he did this to them?
It just seems weird.
They know their brother is a weirdo and has no ill intent, he also kissed them a lot and slept with them when they were younger, it's something he does. But they also know that Ren is in love with Haru so they scold Haru for kissing Ren and doing weird things with him, because they know that even if it means nothing for Haru it does for Ren who is in love and is unfair. They basically tell him to get his shit together and start dating Ren or stop with the teasing.
Nips are very conservative so yes. But this is just fujo fodder with no basis in reality.
I don't like asking for reccs, but I've never even checked out this genre, what's the most entry level yaoi manga?
>homo are illegal
no, no one here share private sexual orientation to anyone other than their peers.
>Nobody will get suspicious why a man of almost 30 doesn't have a girlfriend and instead prefers to be in the company of younger men?
well you are reading a manga that only cater to fujo, you gotta to have a tunnel vision to let that pass.
This would definitely be a question for /wsr/ or /y/. Though I don't know of any 'entry level' yaoi? I just started watching whatever there was. There was No.6 that was good in terms of the relationship, but not the overall story though. Maybe Gravitation?
Might as well start with the classics, so kaze to ki no uta
Why are you people bitching at this when nobody bitches at prepubescent little girls doing sexual things that in reality little prepubescent girls just don't do?
Kids experiment all the time.
People would be fine if it was two shotas
I don't understand why there are so many threads about how terrible this show is.
I don't even watch it, but I could tell at first glance and through the synopsis that it was literally pedo shit, then why the fuck is everyone always complaining about it being literal pedo shit?
This. Shota x shota romance is pure.
Can't we just make this the new ebin boku no pico meme
Well, I love Ogeretsu Tanaka works.
If Usagi Drop was more like Super Lovers would it have been a better manga?
Yes. People want to know what they are getting themselves into, the problem with Usagi Drop is that people came for the cute daughter/father relationship and ended up with a romance.
I don't think that I wouldn't have minded it so much if they just spent more time on Dakichi rather than switching protagonists in the middle of the story. I would have liked to have seen why Dakichi changed his mind about her. How was he able to abandon those familial feelings and see her as an object of desire. Not exploring that really hurt the story a lot.
At least here we get to see those feelings start develop.
Holy shit this anime is deeper than it seems
I would be diamont hard actually
Episode 1 is like the only pedo episode.
The rest are cringe-worthy scenes with the assertive step brother forcing his little brother to kiss him every time they part ways, meet again at home, good morning and night KISU with a very uncomfortable tone.
I agree that this is a terrible show though I can't bring myself to drop this yet.
How far in the manga is this show going to get? Will we get to the exploration?
Volume 3.
Spot the pedo.
Just curious if anyone in this thread is following Shounen Maid as well. I could tell that Super Lovers was going to be terrible from the first episode, but Shounen Maid seemed to be written at a higher level, so I'm hesitant to drop it - only seen ep 1 so far, but I keep downloading every episode.
bishounens were always a thing in japan
Episode 2 is shit because it's about a random chick no one cares about. Episode 3 is good again, it's about the kid and his uncle's relationship.
Shonen Maid is pretty terrible too, as soon as there's no shota fanservice it becomes unwatchable.
thank you guys
I honestly think the reason Super Lovers is bad is because the author has no idea how to write shounen. The first episode was really more of a lolicon with a gender-swapped little girl type of story. Just look at his/her expressions, how he/she acts around food, how he/she shows affection...
When is there going to be another good homo show? This shit sucks
The last one I liked was Love Stage
Another clue that the author is just faking it while writing the anime: he has no idea how other countries are different from Japan, even at a very superficial level. This scene is supposed to be in Canada, with small, Asian style shops "shuttering up" at 7:00 pm, and people being able to buy a "variety pack" of fireworks at any old general store.
Love Stage was worse than this one, MC looked like a chick, it was like watching shoujo. This one at least has a shota looking love interest.
This could have been a fuck up of the animators, but really shows a failing of the whole anime team. Canadian dirt roads are not that wide! Did they even do any research before starting on this anime, in regard to Canada or writing shounen?
Yeah Ren doesn't seem like a little boy. It's weird. I was trying to read the manga, but at this point I'm just skimming it. It's really heavy, visually? It's a hard read. The drawings are great though, but story wise I'm not too impressed? I actually prefer the anime so far.
You don't understand, everything in japan is smaller, so the road is actually the normal size, it just looks big because of how small the japanese made car is.
That's normal user, small mistakes like these always happen when someone from one country is writing about another. You only notice these ones because you're probably from Canada or a similar country yourself.
I kind of just wish that they'd just made him a tomboy loli instead of a boy. There's nothing about the writing that necessitates he be a boy, which usually means that the author fucked up in characterization.
Well, the chances of Haru's hair being so blond are really slim.
Yeah, Ren acts like a tsun little girl. It's kind of annoying?
Even in Japan, the dirt road would only be about as wide as the car.
Holy shit no, Ren would be terrible as a girl, he's too manly. Also he needs to be a boy for the babby's first fap scene.
Common in anime, yes. But I've seen much better depictions of foreign countries depicted much more accurately, even if stereotypically, in other anime. Not to say that pic related is a typical British street, but at least it's based on British architecture and they made the attempt to make it look like England. All they had to do was look at some Google Images results for "rural Canadian general store" or something.
Nobody about Canada you autist, you can't even stop fires
I'm not even Canadian. I just don't like lazy animators/writers.
Who read the manga here?
How explicit are the sex scenes?
Shounen maid is top tier
>shota fanservice
The opening is enough for me
This is as lewd as it gets. There's no explicit sex.
There's no way they'll animate this
Shounen maid is a pretty cute slice of life show. I was surprised by how adorable it can get. I'm not too sure how to feel about Super lovers, to be honest. It's too heavy on the melodrama at times.
I like stuff by Junko and Harada. And like says, Tanaka is pretty great too.