Take every girl in a harem series.
Pair one with the MC.
Pair the rest with each other, or other guys.
There, I just drastically improved the anime/manga medium. You're welcome.
Take every girl in a harem series.
Pair one with the MC.
Pair the rest with each other, or other guys.
There, I just drastically improved the anime/manga medium. You're welcome.
No, confirmed harem ending from beginning is the way you save the series.
It's the way to make a series boring as fuck.
Not at all. Confirmed harem ending allows you to explore the relationships fully along with the group dynamic, without any shitty excuses like the mc being completely oblivious or a prude.
>not being into controlling multiple women with your penis
what are you, a faggot?
You don't get it user
>Remove the mc
>pair the girls with each other
Congrats, your shitty harem is now a great show
The best way is to do an Omnibus.
Just make a separate ending for each heroine.
You realize the idea in the OP allows for the exact same thing, except with multiple relationships instead instead all attention directed a single person. Plus, they won't be shallow interchangeable relationships like what you are proposing.
There is nothing wrong with straight romance, and having it provides good contrast and balance to the story.
That amounts to exactly the same thing as a normal harem, phoneposter-san. Because even if they all get their own ending, it's still all the girls lusting after one guy at every other point in the story.
Then which is the true ending?
If i wanted a romance anime i would watch one. It is a harem series for a reason.
>shallow interchangeable relationships like what you are proposing.
Because multiple people love the same person it is shallow?
That's what usually happens anyway.
>Toradora (hinted at)
>Yahari (you know it's going to happen)
If you wanted to capitalize your I's correctly would you do that as well? And the question here is what would make a better story, not what you want to watch.
Of course, if you actually make it a harem setting. What would make you think otherwise.
Getting paired up at the end and only vulgarly hinted at doesn't really count.
the one with best girl, of course.
stop acting as if mc is the one saving the show by controlling multiple women. mcs are either the nice guy beta cuck who rolls some special ability or the defeatest cuck that gets saved by the women. its the women that are made to be retarded in these shows to make irl beta cucks feel like they have a chance. and of course these shows are made by beta cuck otakus themselves. show me one harem that doesnt have a self insert mc. since when did any harem have good writing. harems are doomed from the start to be complete garbage. harems are for degenerates that cant handle even one woman irl.
But it would not make a better story, you are just changing the genre.
>you know what would make the fanatsy genre better? If it stopped being fantasy and becamw sci fi!
You're forgetting that harems are by default bad stories. So yes, removing the harem makes it better.
Agreed, more shows should give the losers some consolation prizes
But that is not the point. You want to make a harem into a romance. Just watch a romance.
Not even close to what's implied by the OP.
/u/fags everyone
because multiple reused tropes love the same exact beta mc using the same exact cliches and love triangles/rectangles. Its cookie cutter garbage dont pretend to act like its not. its garbage recycled and lazy writing just for masturbational purposes. yes its shallow. the writer doesnt care about the hirls he only cares about his dick and his audience's dicks/money.
Dude, please use your brain.
>question is how to improve the anime/manga medium
>answer is to remove bad stories from it
This isn't that hard.
It's funny how such a simple idea could improve a show so much.
Problem is, harem shows target an audience who just want to self-insert into the main faggot and feel like kings because all the bitches lust after them.
>not wanting bitches lusting after you
Female or homo?
Question is how to improve harem series. If your answer is
>hurp durp dont make it a harem
You are a moron.
If you dislike harems, why don't you just stop watching them? What's the point of getting angry watching shows you hate?
If you want pairings, just watch romance shows
Harem and romance shows are different
Considering that more effort is put into making the haremettes, you may be right.
Read the OP. It specifically says "anime/manga medium".
Because the question isn't about what you like or dislike. And maybe you should stop mindlessly assuming everyone is angry.
you act as if getting free sex is a thing. some of us arent pussies, some challenge is nice. gettinga bunch of girls to lust after you for no reason is something a loser would dream of. not having to work for it justmakes you lazy. get off your ass and stop masturbating to teenage fantasies. harems are for lazy teenagers that expect free shit to fall into their laps.
What are you trying to say? It's not really clear.
They still exist, regardless if I like them or not. And they still give the medium the cringiest of images.
Where the fuck do you think you are
>Take every girl in a HAREM series.
Hes talking about harem series you cuckboy
first off you could improve harems by losing the pathetic beta mc. not all of us are beta cucks. would be nice to have some representation from a mc with some actual balls. most harems the mcs are losers
Sensei and 8man, of course.
Harems usually are a shallow MC wankfest, storywise. You'd need a couple hundred chapters or solid short-story skills to develop a harem without the story feeling like a contrived attempt to wank the MC.
Who said autistics were logical.
Can you read past first the line?
Man, I can't stand newfagretards. Stop typing like Sup Forums.
Okay, seeing as how you are border line brain dead I'll spell it out slowly.
Think of the anime/manga medium like a pool.
In that pool there are many toys. Some toys are good, some toys are bad. The total sum of these yields and average, like anything else. Bad toys are the harem series the flood the medium. This means the average is skewed. To change this average you have to remove bad toys and replace them with good ones. Once you have done this, the average of the pool is improved.
The fact you can't figure out something that simple is really sad.
Ah yes, the Koihime Musou special. I like it.
>ignore the first part of the post guys!
>let me shit out something to prove i am right
Yeah we read past the first line.
What you said is top autism.
>I want every "harem" (it's not harem if less than four love interest you imbecile) was a Bakemono copypaste
>tips the fat autistic cuck fedora
It would be shit.
Pretty obvious you are trolling mate.
>except with multiple relationships
Then don't make it a harem to begin with. This doesn't fix the harem genre at all, it simply makes it a normal romance series that already has tons of side relationships.
Oh, and another bad thing about harems is that the attract people like you.
Just you.
And calling something "autism" and spewing buzzwords doesn't make you look smart or correct. You failed 8th grade math by not understanding something as simple as averages.
Want to know how I know it's just you? Because all "three" of you didn't actually address a single thing that was said in the post and instead just got upset and started crying with buzzwords.
Exactly. The only way to fix them is to get rid of them. No one will miss them anyways.
This isn't about fixing the harem genre.
I will. I want harem series and I also want other romance series. There is no reason to remove one or the other.
ACK get the fuck outta here
I prefer harem shows over moe/yuri ones
So i will miss them, alongside with every other healthy heterosexual male on this board
the only way harems would work is if mc was a cocky prince, idol, or famous celebrity, or if it took place in a third world country. No random joe shmoe is going to keep a harem together. even irl life that shit is near impossible. if the girls dont kill each other theyre gonna kill you. its just a dumb fantasy.
Are you retarded? It's all about improving harems.
>Because all "three" of you didn't actually address a single thing that was said in the post and instead just got upset and started crying with buzzwords.
Are you implying that's uncommon behavior?
Why are there no yuri harems? Seems like an untapped prospect.
There are plenty of good series that don't have harems though. Removing them wont change a thing.
dont get me wrong. harems are terrible, but the fanservice and lewd stuff are great. we can accept they're bad but we can still enjoy them.
So no one? Because you sound pretty gay to me.
Omg its ack. Jesus man we did not even mention madoka why are you bothering us?
Implied yuri in the OP, that's all it takes.
Considering I wrote the OP, I can firmly say you're wrong. It's about, as the OP flat out says "improved the anime/manga medium". Why is reading so hard for you.
Yes. It's pretty uncommon behavior.
It's really not hard to see through your samefagging. You don't know how to make actual arguments, so you just try to force it instead.
Ahh jesus. Ack is one of the strongest reasons why yuri should be auto banned on Sup Forums.
This. Only harems worth watching.
>Improve the anime/manga medium by removing a genre I don't like
I'd like to remove yaoi and mecha from manga because they're both shit, but I wouldn't actually go through with it.
Oh god, you're the one going around making threads about "improving" harems all the time?
That explains a lot, actually.
There are. It's usually just as garbage as a regular harem because just replacing generic MCs with a girl doesn't fix all the character dynamic issues.
The better ones are more of a broad polyamory thing with one girl acting as a kind of a conduit through which the other girls interact with each other(and eventually develop into their own romantic sub-relationships). The other really fun one is "princess/female head of state with multiple wives" which is neat in its own right.
You're level of obsession is insane, and you're really, really easy to spot. Even if you don't post with really obvious file names and rape. You're obsessed with you boogieman and you try to use that instead of actually making a real point.
Save for the fact that harems are inherently bad, unlike other story elements.
>You're obsessed with you boogieman and you try to use that instead of actually making a real point.
Right back at you bucko
I wonder if rape spammer knows he's more well known than "ACK". Considering literally no one other than him even knows what "ACK" means or where it actually came from.
Mecha and yaoi are also inherently bad in the manga format.
There are still enjoyable series from them and no reason to remove it just because you don't like it.
Not really, considering I'm not trying dismiss what people say and have answered the points the made. Boogieman or otherwise, I gave valid answers.
Ack= the crazy guy who gets really offended about crack shippings and is stalking that one guy he always posts pictures of. He is pretty well known.
Stop using this word, it doesn't mean what you think it does.
Harems are literally built around the idea dragging out a story through adding meaningless back story and side story for girls that play not role in the actual plot. And that is why harems are bad. No other genre inherently has that issue.
why aren't there more harem endings
so many people with shit taste out there
It means exactly what I think it does.
You don't like harems.
I do.
The plot in harems is usually almost always romance, there is no real plot to advanced other than advanced the backstories of the girls in them and random hijinks.
And by crazy i dont mean whacky, i mean genuine paranoid schitzophrinia.
Yet that "crazy guy" is the one making valid arguments while you just running around screaming random things that no one has any idea what you are talking about.
No, "ACK" is just the boogieman you've made up for yourself that you blame everything on when you get called out for your obvious shitposting. Like all the posts and spam in that image.
So do you admit you are ack?
My post in no way implied that.
It's pretty crazy that you rather run around screaming and naming calling than have actual discussion.
So this is now a madoka thread i guess
I've noticed that series written by women tend to do exactly as OP described, where the side characters get paired off with each other. Series written by men on the other hand usually do the harem thing even if they aren't really harems, a goofy sidekick that gets nothing and winds up just being a big wankfest for the MC.
Why is this?
>Actual discussion
>Remove something I don't like from manga because it'll improve the medium
Sugoi shitposter-kun.
No, you think "like" is a cop out word that prevents anything you say from being wrong. And that's how you are actively using it right now.
>there is no real plot to advanced
Exactly. And again, this is why they are inherently bad.
There are no actual good traits to a harem. They are made for the sole purpose of trying to get the dicks of sweaty nerds erect.
>There are no actual good traits to a harem. They are made for the sole purpose of trying to get the dicks of sweaty nerds erect.
So by this logic, pornography is inherently bad?
Do you hate porn too, user?
That isn't the case.
You're thinking of shoujo romances, where it wasn't really a harem to begin with. More of a love triangle and yes, the side character finds someone else to start a romance of their own.
There are shounen romances that have side characters pairing off as well. You're trying to compare big harems to love triangles, but they exist by both male and female authors.
Harems are good fun. No one tries to claim they're good unless they really are (some harems ARE good, but it's rare).
But they're enjoyable, and I don't even like the ecchi stuff half the time.
Aww, look at easily you get butthurt. It's pretty cute, in your own sad sort of way.
You know what else makes you really stand out? You are mindlessly obsessed with pretty much anything sexual. That's how your OPs are so easy to spot.
Does it suck knowing that everything can see through you and your paper thin acting?
And yes, you could discuss what merits you think harems have, or you could do any number of other things, but instead you just rather attacking people.
>legit autistic op
>people bump the thread
Sage still works.
Just remember that sexualizing characters that aren't sexualized in the source material is wrong and degrading to the characters.
These two posts seem strangely similar
Harems are about comedy and ecchi fanservice, not romance and "plot".
I'm this guy
>you could discuss what merits you think harems have
I have. I also called you a shitposter.
Anime and manga doesn't need fucking merits. It's already bottom of the barrel entertainment.
He can not help himself, he has a disease.
>They still exist, regardless if I like them or not.
There's up to like fifty new anime every season. If you avoid every single show that even hints at being a harem (one guy and 3+ girls main cast), you still have dozens and dozens of anime to watch.
>And they still give the medium the cringiest of images.
So you want anime to gain mainstream acceptance in the West, and blame harems for it not being mainstream enough or what?
Yes, porn has exactly zero artistic value.
>i- it's suppose to be bad
This is the dumbest excuse possible. The point is that they are bad at story telling and offer nothing to genre at all.