Pedo Blackmailers and Handlers

Some of you may remember the Senate user threads from a day or two ago. Where he calls for people to call out the Handlers and Pedophile blackmailers on a local level.

I was almost blackmailed (it didn't go as planned) and raped years ago . And I fought back years 8 years ago. I didn't know who they where, but found out a few years ago before PizzaGate broke. But I personally investigated them. No one would listen to me before PizzaGate broke.

But now, I have a list of names of about several dozen people, that are handlers, blackmailers, judges on the take, lawyers, and pedophiles themselves. I am willing to give ALL or most of them to Sup Forums to investigate if they are willing to investigate on their own. There is only so much one person can do.

This is what Senate user asked for, so I willing to play ball for him. If you show success and a willingness to investigate, I will give you names of easier or higher up targets.

Your first target is a religious figure that is a pedophile and blackmailer himself. He works with other people to blackmail, through the police, social services, and his religious students to help steal kids.

He doesn't do it alone, but he is crucial to be investigated if more information is to come out. I also have no physical ties to him, and never met him. But I know he is part of a pedophile and blackmail ring.

His name is Byron Jameson, and this is a picture of him hitting on an underage girl (at the time) who was seized with other kids from a black father who was framed, so pedophiles could have access to his children.

Other urls found in this thread:

How do we know any of this is true?

I left a trail on the internet throughout the years with other targets mentioned. You will find that there is a clear narrative if you dig, with legal documents with hundreds of victims that were framed. This mostly happened in the Philadelphia area, but I have also targets across the country that I will drop, who in email have told me they had sex with underage girls.

As to this man in particular, he will be harder to crack. But his ties are undeniable if you dig. If you start to dig, I will give more.

If you wanted justice you'd give us what you had and let us work it, not start some shitty goose chase.

Bump for interest.

You might have some more luck at the PizzaGate Voat page.

Those girls look like they're 20

Thx user. Is there anyone to investigate in the South? I'm in the south and live in a Capitol city that is also big for trafficking drugs because there's a port and I-10 runs Right along the port with railroads, barges, and casinos

There is not much of a goose chase to be had. Investigate the Philadelphia "Specials Victims Unit. Investigate who also shares their offices. Sit in on family court on 15th and Arch, (say your there to support a friend.) Just sit in the waiting room and watch.

The police have come to my house multiple times to stop me from talking, and have left with their tails between their legs. I need public action to get the ball rolling. They are very very afraid of the small group of victims that already confronted them.

These are the people that will start committing suicide if you out them. Some of the black mailers have been raped themselves, and living their whole life as a lie and in fear. I don't actually want them all to kill themselves. But I want to flush them out through fear.

Philadelphia is a time bomb waiting to explode. And I have information on other cities as well.

You will find out that this wild goose chase is very short if you act. I posted about this before PizzaGate, and there was no interest. No one acted, or at least hard enough.

I didn't mention this target back then, but was sitting on him. Trust me, you will find that there is very little work to be done if you do some leg work. I am already cynical from my last attempts to out these people. But that was before PizzaGate. I can use this information to my own personal advantage by not outing them. Which I have found perks from.

But, I'm pro-Trump. So I'm giving this information out to start shit. Most of the black mailers in this are Democrat (Because Philadelphia is Democrat) and if I give the information out, I can help help Trump's base.

I found I could use these blackmailers fear to my own advantage. That's why I am delving out little by little. I am taking away opportunities to find more black mailers and pedos if I put all my cards on the table.

I have been playing 4D chess with these people for a few years.

From his FB profile:
>I am a happily married man, who has 3 sons and one granddaughter. I am truly blessed!! I love to be a representative of Jesus Christ. I believe one of the strongest words in my vocabulary is INTEGRITY. I believe in always giving others love and respect, and attempt to provide avenues for restoration if needed. I love to praise Him, and I am earnest in praying for those in need. I have a strong conviction to teach so that the "saints" are not ignorant in their beliefs.

When they lay the morality on that thick when describing themselves, there's always another side. A dark side.

Bump OP is legit

*rubs hands together* and so it begins ;; would like to see more initiative of this sort

Agreed, 99.9999% of the time.

He looks smug

No, a lot of my other connections I investigated are farther up North of Philadelphia with Ivy League and out West. And also Japan.

However, one of the good black laywers (I'm white) in Philadelphia that died, Roxanne Grinage, that was fighting these people was talking or trying to contact that Senator Nancy Schaefer that was assassinated in Atlanta that was investigating child trafficking. But I didn't meet either of them or talk to either of them until I came into the picture.

And you will find the Atlanta thing matches what is going on with Philadelphia's child services perfectly. ..... But I have no names in Atlanta or the South right now myself.

So basically Democrats abuse government power to steal orphans and kids nobody will care for to rape and sacrifice? We already knew that much. 1500 arrests have been made, dozens of kids rescued. Cases against other tergets are being built.

Anything you have helps.

I believe you user. My dad is about his age and there's no way he'd post comments like that to young women. Most men that age don't even have FB accounts. The dude screams weirdo to me.

I'm no where near philly though so I can't really help

I hope you stay safe!

Investigate Police in Philadelphia with either Italian ancestry, connections to the Philadelphia Catholic arch-diocese, that also work for Child Services and the Special Victims Unit.

Sorry for my part Italian friends, but there is a Mafia connection to this too. Not the street toughs like from the movies, but there white collar support that infiltrated the police and social services after the street toughs were taken out. The remnants of the Philadelphia mob.

The proper La Costra Nostra might not know what is going on, because their white collar support abandoned them and threw them under the bus.

Also, you might want to look into the Masons and the Royal order of Jesters in the police. .... But that is a new lead that Senate user got me thinking about that is panning out, but haven't had time to investigate myself.

I'm thinking that I should go to sit in cps cases in my city to see what's up here.

There is an occult element. But not on this level. I have seen things. But these are low level people that go after poorer blacks and minorities. Family court on 15th and Arch is practically a modern day slave auction.

This is so sad :(

I didn't understand what senate user wants is to do once we find a blackmailers or a networker. So you know the names of some. Now wgat?? As always, turning them into law enforcement won't work. So what exactly does he want us to do?

I guess we need proof (video footage) that can't be denied. You need to plant cameras in this guy's office

I did this myself. And I was kicked out of the building, only after 5 hours, when they realized I was there to back up one of the victims they were trying to rail road.

They are pretty easy to sit in there. You just come with no metal, go through a metal dector, some black low level guard lets you pass in. You take the elevator to your floor, and sit and watch the auctioning of children happen.

There were a lot of Italian American lawyers there, and no other whites, some black judges. Couldn't even find a Jew. But this may be a Philadelphia thing, and may not represent the ethnic statistics in other cities. But it was obvious that organized crime was involved. There were too many Sicilians and Calabrisians. (I have some very small trace Italian in me, and was shocked at what I saw.)

Bump for justice. I hope you find justice, user.

That is why I am giving you this MAN in particular. He has a house church, and a school that Anons can attend.

I also have other public figures that Anons can get pretty close too.

But I can't get close to these people without being spotted myself. But others I can get very close too.

Bumping a non shit thread

try a diff chan this ones dead

>But I can't get close to these people without being spotted myself
What makes you so out of the norm that you can be spotted so easily?

Bump for a good thread

Very big if true user, have my bump, stay safe everyone in this thread, go to (en)dchan or infinatechan if you get too deep down the rabbit hole and you believe your life could be in danger, I'm not smart nor do i have the resources to properly help in this but you have my energies