Is there some kind of cultural basis for the anime airplane arms run? Something like kabuki theater? I don't think it's something Japanese people regularly do. I don't watch the Olympics but I think that'd be some weird quirk you'd know about if that was the case.
Is there some kind of cultural basis for the anime airplane arms run? Something like kabuki theater...
It's a symptom of autism.
you run with your legs not arms you retard
easier to animate half the body, than the full body
Why is Choji the only one that move its arms? Its beacause he is fat?
it makes you faster
Damn, that places looks redneck as fuck.
Actually it doesnt. The speed you could get by cutting the air with that pose is less than the speed you get from activate your lower body muscles by moving your arms. I think is more like a ninja thing, like they run so fast their arms are pushed back.
Not moving arms conserves energy and produces less noise (important for ninja).
Because it looks cooler. That's the only reason.
>cultural basis for the anime airplane arms run
I know there is one, (I read a long ass essay about it maybe 5 years ago) there were also mentions of running while balancing your arms the opposite way (so that when your left leg is up front, so is your left arm). They were both obscure asian monk techniques, I believe.
I wish
Why is the car trying to run over Itachi?
It's entirely for budget reasons. It lets them skip animating the arms/torso, and half the time they just blur the legs and don't animate them either.
should've posted the superior version
Fucking retards. The manga had them running like that way before an anime was even considered.
they run so fast their arms can't keep up so they flail behind
physics you fucking idiot
i think
They should draw a colored blur with a face on the front end going from place to place, like Freakazoid.
Conceptually, when running really really fast, as in much faster than the real human body is capable of, that position would enable for faster and more comfortable running.
It's like questioning how they don't get horribly burnt when they spit out fire jutsu. Applying our universes common sense is silly.
but we saw saitama running normally in opm
This, supposedly. Ninjas would run so fast their arms would actually represent higher air resistance.
that was a great opening though
Yeah, which is why Usain Bolt runs like that. Fuck off sperglord.
Human running is not designed for high velocities.
Sprinters get closer and closer to the ground to offset the problem of their steps catapulting them into the air, but at some point your knees are going to touch the ground and you can't go any further down.
At that point you need magic to increase your running speed or start using an entirely new running form.
Not him but
>as in much faster than the real human body is capable of
In the run up to WWII, Japanese schools would teach children about air defense by having some of them run around like airplanes, while the others would try to "shoot them down" with mockups of AA guns. After the war, kids continued doing this for fun, and therefore the next group of kids picked up on the "airplane arms" thing, and so on.
OPM was well animated and not a cheap long running show.
I'm not saying it's possible anyway. This is Harry Potter with throwing kunais.
Running with your arms to the side and low to the ground is supposed to avoid projectile attacks. Like it'd be pretty stupid if you were dashing towards your enemy and got a kunai to the face.
Why is frank so unfunny in anything except his rants where he's pretty hilarious
Isn't choji running normally in that gif?
Superior, yes, but watching Papa Franku actually doing it does it for me.
it's supposed to show that they're running so fast that their arms are flailing behind. it was in the manga years before the anime, so animation has nothing to do with it.
I always thought it's because they carried all their fighting shit on their backs, so they run with their arms in a position where it's easy to reach.
Still looks dumb as fuck, though.
It looks cool though.
Is there any anime with superhuman running?
The original run would look dumb as fuck in high speed.
Like Flash, it looks retarded
>The manga had them running like that way before an anime was even considered.
The manga was drawn in a time where that run was already the norm in Japanese "animation". It's just called the Naruto run or running like Naruto because it's the most widely known example to Westfags.
Pumping your arms helps maintain your balance while running. It's pretty absurd not to.
look at saitama
he looks like an autist
i meant the way he runs
You can tell who the faggots are because Naruto was their first manga.
So that's why Choji can keep up with the rest? Because he runs normally?
They are forming triangles with their bodies.
That geometric shape has the effect on the eye that it looks like it's moving (which is the actual reason we use arrows to point at things).
Anime ninjas aren't running, they are embodying speed.
Which, by comic logic, makes them faster.
Probably Sonic the Hedgehog
All the energy for the fast movement comes from using chakra, and often ninjas are told to move faster than eye can follow. It'd be like doing arm movement to make your car go faster.
Also the hands are reserved to get weapons out quickly or to do a sign or something.
>Also the hands are reserved to get weapons out quickly
They should be running with the weapons in hand.
If you are running towards an enemy then having your head in the front and your hands in the back is a really stupid idea.
either bait or you've never tried out athletics
lowers wind resistance
I had to do a double take. I thought for sure he was airplane running with the others.
more useful to keep their fighting styles and weapons secret from enemies when not actively in combat
according to this, people without arms can run even faster. is that correct? That also explains why niggas usually run from cops, since they're unarmed
Then put the weapons in sensible sheaths that can be accessed from sensible arm positions.
Scabbards are carried where they are because that's the best place for them to be.
>comfortable running.
I think this is the answer.
Remember when they're fighting Orochimaru in the forest and he starts moving so fast that even Sasuke can't up with him with the two-tomoe Sharingan and his entire body becomes one big blur?
I think the idea of OP is a theatrical representation they're supposed to be running that fast after Sasuke, even though they never run that fast in actuality.
Because anything that isn't rants or him reading hater comments is his sponsors forcing him to do retarded shit that he himself used to make fun of.
All he does is bitch and moan on his joji twitter about his fans and his own content, but he knows he needs that money so he keeps going.
No it was not.
They probably started doing this shit so incompetent animators wouldn't screw up.
> produces less noise (important for ninja).
that actually makes some degree of sense
>this thread again
It makes your run more stable, you make less noise and you can swing your arms forward to gain a little more momentum when you jump. That's all.
>you can swing your arms forward to gain a little more momentum
But swinging your arms forward reduces your momentum.
>It makes your run more stable
This is a fucking piece of art.
did you actually gave a serious counter argument to that shit?
It makes you jump higher if you do it properly. e.g. triple swing:
It's easier to run in an actually straight line like over a fallen tree, that's what I mean.
The disadvantage to running like this is that you have less oxygen.
Also note that their arms are relaxed and their torso slightly inclined so they don't get the energy consumption penalty from actively keeping your arms behind you. (look at naruto's arms).
I'm trying to find an old video where some guys demonstrate the stability/balance thing I mentioned.
I'm not sure about the oxygen thing btw. I just heard that swinging has something to do with your breath and some respiratory shit.
Your average athlete can probably run 100m in 12-13 seconds, Usain Bolt does it in 9.58 seconds.
Oh and the easier to animate argument is also valid I guess.
>It looks cool
See, this is why actual anime fags suck. Not because anime sucks or anything, but because of their willingness to look at the most shitty, awkward crap and come to the conclusion that it looks "cool" and anything normal looks weird.
Fucking retards, I swear.
It was made famous by the Saint Seiya anime in 1986. That's how most of the characters run in this series (and it is still kept in later Saint Seiya spinoffs or videogames).
Shingo Araki, the animation director, explained when asked about it in an interview that it was done to save animation frames, although he knows it's extremely impractical to run like that in real life. But he thought it was a good choice since it actual gave a feeling of speed.
Does no one remeber when they learnt to fuck with friction so they could run up walls and over water?
>Not moving arms conserves energy and produces less noise (important for ninja).
Top quality, so good.
Sonic was doing that before Nurutu was even born
>autistic ninja run conserves energy
>makes sense
Are you guys fucking serious?
Professional athletes swing their arms to counterbalance their momentum, which gets harder at the angles they position themselves to effectively run faster. Running with your arms thrown backwards like that would result in you diving forward into the ground, unable to keep your balance, given the fact that you're stretched out like a surf board and your legs are simply propelling you forwards. I've also been told that moving your arms is good for circulation, but that shouldn't be a major consideration for the action, especially when we're talking speed over stamina.
As for saving energy, you use more muscular power to keep your arms held at length than by swinging them back and forth. Mind you, these studies focused on swinging your arms vs. arm resting positions during running, not some stupid ninja run that requires you stiffly raise your arms behind you like some kind of autistic child. The only way your arms would naturally stay upright like that would be if you were moving at inhuman speeds and simply keeping your arms limp. In the case of anime, it was a trend started decades ago in order to cut animation costs that simply stuck around. There is no real benefit to this pose whatsoever.
Seriously though, how fucking hard is it to figure this shit out? Why are retards spouting such blatant misinformation like this, as if there is any other reason for the autistic ninja run? This isn't a complex science or anything. How about you stop watching shitty anime for five minutes and go outside? Kick a god damn ball or something. You all are disappointing.
Am I the only one seeing this or is Choji actually running like a normal athlete?
It's actually for balance. So, yes, a ninja thing.