Is there a better "mentor" character in anime? I'm struggling to think of one

Is there a better "mentor" character in anime? I'm struggling to think of one.

All of the masters in kenichi

Bright Noa

Hell no.

Not even the best mentor in his own series.
See pic related for a really good one.

>I was only 14 years old
>I loved All Might so much, I had all the merchandise and comics
>I pray to All Might every night before bed, thanking him for the lives he has saved
>"All Might is love" I say; "All Might is life"
>My mom hears me and breaks down crying
>I know she doesn't believe in me
>I called her a fat cow
>She slaps me and sends me to my room
>I'm crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed crying and its really cold
>I feel a warmth moving towards me
>I feel something touch me
>It's All Might
>I am so happy
He whispers into my ear "You can be a hero."
>He grabs me with his powerful quirk-enhanced hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I'm ready
>I drag heavy objects for All Might
>He sits there encouraging me
>It hurts so much but I do it for All Might
>I can feel my muscles tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his force
>I want to please All Might
>He roars in a mighty roar as he fills my throat with his hair
>My mom walks in
>All Might looks her straight in the eyes and says "I am here."
>All Might jumps out my window, then starts coughing up blood
>All Might is love. All Might is life.

He slips one too many times later on.

The really hard question is: is there a better "mom" character in anime?

Erased mum m8

The mom from Bokumachi. No one really comes close.

Red Axe from Samflam

>people already forgot about the real best mom in anime


Deku will die fighting against All for One.

Bakugou will become the #1 but will not be satisfied because he recognizes that Deku is strongest then him.

Todoroki will be the #2, followed by Iida #3.

>Chill as fuck
>Tacticool as fuck
>Always one step ahead of scheming assholes
>Literally converts a restaurant to a hot spot where he can gather all his pupils potential suitors and keep them under his thumb
>Never loses his cool
>Able to fight mind reading aliens on foot
>Knows when to bail
>Willing to take full responsibility for his pupil blowing up a plane to save people
>Doesn't make excuses for failing his missions
>When his pupil is having a PTSD attack and is going to let some asshole shoot her, he's right on time to blow that guys brains out


Loved this scene,especially with the motivational music playing in the background. Can't wait for the OST to come out. Does anyone have a date?

>is another X from Boku no Meme is the best in the universe thread
Can you guys just fuck off.



>my first anime xd


I keep forgetting he's a mentor character and not just a bro that got caught up in the same situation with Simon.

Piccolo, always Piccolo


>receive delusional entitled brat
>produce bright loyal pussy-attracting professor

truly the best

>Tries to teach Samumenco about love
>He goes gay for his friend that isn't gay
Could have done a better job.

Faggot stole MC's girl. He's no mentor.

When Iskandar met future Waver during the recent Urobutchi written event, he didn't really like him.

He called him sly, sneaky, underhanded, and other such things. Waver was acting like a strategist using his knowledge of how the fourth war went down to try to create a happier ending, it didn't exactly go as planned.

But the same could be said for EMIYA's attempt as well during the fifth war.

Gw2 had better mentors than anime creators could even dream of... Still sad about it

You meant self-entitled.
Just saying 'entitled' means he absolutely does deserve the best things in life, self-entitled means HE believes that.


Deku will surely die, and we'll see that before the manga ends. That's a given.

>a given

>Faggot stole MC's girl. He's no mentor.
They should have gone tag team on Yoko. Plus she wasn't ever Simon's girl.


>Is there a better "mentor"

Nah, I doubt that. He has just as much of a chance to suffer through school and end up a great hero.

>MC of popular shonen jump title

Genkai is truly best

Was it real Waver or that Zughe Liang thing?

Nah, Genkai truly is the best mentor

>watching the Umineko anime

Tell me the reason why All Might is going to die.

Yes, exactly, that´s why.

Prince Kamehame from Kinnikuman


I hate this meme but this one made me laugh

Not funny



John silver

I want to see it, so far it's a piece of shit anime/sho-shit.

I don't think he was really a mentor, he was just only rank officer on White Base, but he was as amateur as rest of the group.

I guess no one gave a shit or it just goes to show how shit the taste factor has gone down on Sup Forums.
