I don't get it, is this the new epic Boku no Pico troll or are there really people who unironically think this isn't completely terrible in every way?
Kidding about BnP of course, that's pretty good.
I don't get it, is this the new epic Boku no Pico troll or are there really people who unironically think this isn't completely terrible in every way?
Kidding about BnP of course, that's pretty good.
>is this the new epic Boku no Pico troll
What did you mean by this?
People rarely ever bring up Akame ga Kill anymore now that the anime ended and the manga turned to shit
I have no idea. Akame Ga Kill reminds me of a romance novel series.
Not like a shoujo manga, but more of those edgy urban fantasy romance novels like Anita Blake.
I like recommending this to girls and newfags. All that death trolling is just too much for them.
What, since chapter 2?
I do believe the manga was good lol
The Imperial Mech appearing was a disappointment, though
I recognize that the manga is shit - MC is a Gary Stu that every single girl lusts for like no other, yet I still read it. Call it a guilty pleasure, but I'll never actually call it good.
It's part of the Sup Forums's recommended anime list.
>turned to shit
hahahhaha nice bro
What's so bad about it? I haven't seen this, but I loved valvrave. This any similar?
Not because it's so shit it makes you question if the writer has ever finished high school? What kind of people do you usually talk to, middle schoolers?
>People rarely ever bring up Akame ga Kill
Fuckkk off
>I want to make Akame an Honest women!
>Left or right
>Some shit with esdeath's titts
This is common as fuck don't bullshit me saying threads like this is barely around.
I unironically loved the anime. And yes I have seen hundreds of other anime including all of the classics.
Essentially it's the nadir of tryhard edgelord cartoons-and comics-ain't-just-for-kids adolescent schlock - and incompetent at it as well.
It's just one chapter repeated ad infinitum with no plot
Dude with no characterization kills awfully written fodder or is killed
Add more fodder or faceless irrelevant cast
With incoherent bullshit thrown in and awful writing trying hard to be mature
An extended version of Mars of Destruction if you will.
So is it just this one guy spamming this crap on Sup Forums or what? Just how autistic can you be? Not surprised it attracts the worst of the cancer but damn.
Nothing really, it's just a mediocre forgettable battle anime but someone got butthurt over it and now he makes threads about how terrible it is every now and then
Hey Sup Forums I unironically liked AkG, what are you gonna do about it?
I'm in it for the girls.
Genuinely curious what's your 0/10 manga is if you think Akame ga Kill is "mediocre".
It's just another shonen, and a pretty funny and entertaining one at it, you like it or not, but lately someone been "shitposting" it, I use quotation marks because it seems that someone just want to make it popular again.
Probably DNA2, Tokyo Red Hood, or Dance in the Vampire Bund
I'd rather read AgK than those again
This. AgK is 100% cancer, and the threads are even worse.
>this thread
You do know there are 12-14 yo visitors as well, so they just need some fun.
Yea, agk, tokyo ghoul and all these threads are cancerous as all fucks, but what can you do?
Not everybody has the same taste.
It's amazing to me how so many people still have not grasped this astoundingly simple idea.
I'm really sorry, is it terminal or can it be cured?
>this board
But it's been more constantly this year, what the fuck is going on, it's like people been migrating to Sup Forums from somewhere.
Hello, im looking for the daily AgK hate thread.
Am i in the right place?
>OP complaining about Akame ga Kill getting a thread once a week when Naruto has gotten to the point where it's pretty much a daily general
What's the endgame plan?
Sup Forums is dead, time to go
>complaining about naruto when there are akame ga shit threads
Are you legit retarded?
Around the time this abomination got that edgy underage circlejerk here elitism on Sup Forums died. Can't pretend to be better than Gaia anymore with fucking Akame ga Kill threads on Sup Forums can you.
Gaia isn't even a thing anymore
>elitism on Sup Forums died
I wish.
They also have the same exact posts and filenames every time. Maybe it's a bot from reddit or some other shithole.
Akame ga Kill is so bad that only hardcore manga autists read it though. No normalfags read it. Naruto and any of the big three are objectively worse for the board than AgK.
Yeah because they're here now
This so much.
Why are people so upset about a manga nobody cares anymore?
Akame ga Kill went too far.
I enjoyed the edge but plot armor is a necessary evil. There's no point in caring about the characters if they are all gonna die.
Its another wish (I wish battle shonen MCs had less plot armor and people died in battle shonen) made on a monkey's paw/Norm the Genie.
Hahaha what. Can't get any more pleb than that. It's pretty much the Elfen Lied of the new generation.
Might want to visit those threads made by facebook/tumbrl posting emoticons. And why do you care about popularity and not quality?
Can't tell if I'm being played or you're literally being a hipster over this horseshit.
But they always die.
very subtle
>Might want to visit those threads made by facebook/tumbrl posting emoticons
Try linking them, because I can't see any.
I think he's trapped in the delusions of 2 years ago.
If I was a newfag I would love to be recommanded agk.
It has deaths, blood, power, girls, edge.
You anons are retarded, you makes newfags happy
I forgot newfags don't know how to use the catalog without subject fields.
Lurk more.
>there are none
>I'll just insult him instead!
Never change.
I don't agree with the first half of the picture, all the anime listed there is shit. But I do kinda agree with the second half. Kissanime is the only good streaming site and downloading site (the Jew sites can go broke and die for all I care). And I do prefer the english dubs to the japanese ones.
I don't care about the series, I just keep fapping to Akame.
>there are people ITT and on Sup Forums defending Akame ga Kill
Holy shit just nuke this board.
Nothing wrong with defending it.
Akame ga Kill is what people have wished for (battle shonen with minimal/no plot armor) and they got it. If it backfires you can't get mad.
That's every show ever on Sup Forums yet you only complain about it here. Spotted the newshit.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>with minimal/no plot armor
agk is as trashy as it gets. You would need to be retarded or underage to like literal garbage like that.
How autistic are you?
nice argument
Saying no is so thought provoking especially when you are as autistic as you are.
>muh autism
Hi Sup Forums
Death is easy; barely anyone is protected.
Its what people wanted in battle shonen after seeing how weak willed things like DBZ, Bleach, One Piece outside flashbacks are about death. But the wish backfired due to being a Norm the Genie wish.
Death for mooks and characters whose only purpose for existence is to die so the MC can react to it die easily. The universe bends over backwards to prevent the MC and other important characters from dying though. This shit has extreme amounts of plot armor
It was mostly shippers supporting it, those aren't known for having much standards.
It's weird because the only place where AkG is "liked" is Sup Forums, everyone else out there dislike it.
MC is gonna die eventually.
He's where the minimal amount of plot armor goes to; everyone else is disposable (like how most battle shonen should be so the cast doesn't become bloated)
Bunch of my friends hyped it up, got about 6 episodes in before dropping it. Told them I didn't find it that interesting when in reality I was scared of the gore
>It was mostly shippers
So 99.99% of Sup Forums?
Are you trying to make me cry?
>MC is gonna die eventually.
>everyone else is disposable
I'm sure
shipfags are AIDS.
Everyone dies to overturn the evil government; how battle series should be.
you're waifu is dead
It's disappointing because agk ruined majikoi for me since I learned that all the goofy, dumb chuuni bullshit in majikoi wasn't just joking around. The writer is so shitty he thinks that it's legit.
>Everyone dies
Except it isn't 'everyone', it's just random nobodies who you could clearly tell were put in the story just to get killed.
>I was scared of the gore
What kind of pussy are you?
My sides
A big one
It's funny because not all gore bothers me. Hard to explain
those are the longest arms known to man. what the fuck dude
The big impact with AgK i wasn't the gore(that is pretty mild compared to other series) but the way is presented, war crimes are shocking.
We're talking about the same anime, right? I find pic related a million times more bothersome than some animated Chinese cartoon.
The anime was so good I even bought the manga.
>That's every show ever on Sup Forums yet you only complain about it here.
Fuck yourself you retarded faggot.
Just because i prove your ass wrong don't try move goalposts.
This series as well as it's fanbase is garbage.
I unironically enjoyed about half of those.
Akame ga Kill was a necessary evil writing-wise
Are you stupid?
This is a list of things that are meant to be shit.