>filler episode has better animation than the entirety of the freeza + tournament arc
what the fuck is Toei doing?
Filler episode has better animation than the entirety of the freeza + tournament arc
These were after the complains.
>filler arc
the whole show is a filler arc
people are complaining since episode 5
They're TOEIing with our hearts.
They care more about their stuff than Toriyama's senile madness.
Shut up Carlos.
>goku vs beerus
Wouldn't this have been a perfect time to make Beerus knock the shit out of Goku in SSB to show people that Goku still wasn't at Beerus' level?
I know they had the shit about Beerus being limited by trying to keep the costume intact for shits and giggles, but fuck.
>It's a Goku is more retard than usual episode
He's just naive as fuck and wouldn't even think of being lied to by his god of destruction pal/the rest of the cast.
Stuff like that always works on him and even in his serious mode, he can only figure out combat related shit.
His a big guy.
I really, really enjoyed this episode.
It's rare to see a fresh joke coupled with that image.
It's fresh to me. ;_;
But Goku is actually retarded in Super
There is no manga to replicate.
I know, brainfarted like fuck. It's kinda understandable with DBZ, but in this case they probably know it will sell anyway simply because it's Dragon Ball.
Yeah, this kept my attention more than any episode since Frost's. Glad to see the supporting cast being given a chance to shine, even Puar of all people!
Wait what is this?
Puar. They even went out of their way to explain how he transforms at the end of the episode for everyone who skipped DB.
Puar's a guy?
They get their shit right.
Just doing that until the major arc comes
he's always been retarded
In this episode he was just a funny retard, rather than the usual retard he is
>Counts to one trillion, then thinks you only increase the first digit when you count that high
>Giving Cell a senzu bean because he wants him to have a fair chance
What? It's pretty much on par with the first Goku vs Hit episode, and worse than the 2nd one.
>being a genius compared to anyone
>future trunks is back
Nice creativity Toei.
I have the strangest feeling they'll fuck him up.
That doesn't look official at all
The main character from Xenoverse is going to appear in Super?
According to Toriyama, the new enemy's name is "Goku Black". He says it will be a battle surpassing time and space, involving the God(s) of Destruction, Kaioshin, and Omni-King.
>the new enemy's name is "Goku Black"
Turles is back?
Can't read Nintendo. Does it have to do with future episodes?
why the fuck is his hair so blue?
He's in SSGSS form
>implying they would fight at their maximum powers in a fight constrained to half an episode
nigga goku confirmed
They probably were going to do that, or why did Whis stop them?
It's not adapting anything so it's not filler.
Super's plots are garbage anyway, episodic comedy episodes are better.
>Parellel dimension evil Goku
Fucking Toriyama.
>hair so blue?
He is Bulma's son.
this is fake right?
its the real deal, think confirmation is on Toei's twitter page
>Say you want something
>They give it to you
>"Oh look, its shit, no creativity"
People were clamoring about multiverse for awhile, when it finally happened people seemed to say it was stupid concept. People clamored that the multiverse should have had alternate strong versions of people we already know. It happened, yet I don't think people like it yet again. People say they want Trunks to appear again, it happened, people say its no creativity.
nevermind, here you go
Fuck I hope that one of the universes in the tournament is the GT universe.
I hope that the results aren't shit.
>Goku Black
Like a Dark version or Shadow?
Sounds fun, weird but fun
It's debatable.
>People were clamoring about multiverse for awhile
Because multiverse is decent by FANCOMIC STANDARDS. This does not mean we want the official material to rip it off (but way worse) because they're too fucking shit to make anything worth a damn anymore.
Sounds awful.
Fucking nonsense. When people were bitching about notGoku or Good Brolly not showing up in the tournament, and this ridiculous designs, people were calling them fucking mexicans for wanting EDGY shit. It's not like it mattered, since you got a bargain bin Saiyan and a fucking Freeza recolor
I mean, I want you to really think about this. We're having an arc where the badguy is BAD GOKU.
Christ, not even movie 3 was that shameless, he was just some jerk who LOOKED like Goku
Bulma hair is actually purple in the manga, they changed it to blue but kept Trunks purple.
So this will confirm whether or not GT is canon.
Considering the series's track record.....
I have the feeling you said this many times during the course of Supers run.
>multiverse is decent by FANCOMIC STANDARDS
Not even that
Eh, for dragonball? Sure it is.
Multiverse is better than anything Dragon Ball that Toei has ever made
Vegetable is the prince, he sometimes has better plan than Goku, but Goku always has more power tham him
Toriyama always makes the opposite of what fans tell him to do. He just don't give a fuck about a bunch of weebs, much less gaijin ones.
>Toriyama always makes the exact thing his editor tell him to do
Impossible since only universe 6 and 7 have saiyans.
Nigga, I'm already happy best character is FINALLY coming back to Super.
If they manage to fuck this shit up, then I'll drop Super like a rock.
It says future trunks will come back, another threat arises.
"Goku Black" is the new threat, and the story will involve the gods and all king, the fights will transpire through time and space.
There will be different eras shown back and forth but please try to keep up
Toriyama says he did the overall story but have not read the final script, so it will be surprising to him as well.
>People talking about Black Goku
So you fuckers finally are going to accept its this asshole like I have been saying since day fucking one?
>watching db super
>willingly watching db filler
de gozaru
Continuation of the upcoming "Dragon Ball than" is, after a long time of adult trunks appeared!
This is what you have built a story inspired from the draft that we received from the editorial department.
Like last time, I wrote the whole of the synopsis, is it towards the playwright to the content of one episode
Or us collectively, or me inflated, or change, or me afterthought
I asked to work hard to become more interesting.
From that strong trunks the future, will also come for his life.
Whether there was anything on earth, but it should become in peace! ?
And in a formidable enemy Goku black of unprecedented I enemy even trunks! ?
(By name, but I can somehow imagine)
God of Destruction and Sakaio God, even winding up Zen'o, begins fight that goes beyond time and space!
In addition a variety of mystery, even apparently!
But there may also be confusing parts or changed here and there era
I was put up only a little. It should be surely fun story!
I also complete screenplay does not confirm.
Together, let's pounding (laughs)! !
Ok this is it whoever the fuck is writing super at this point
What I wish now is Trunks looking at Goten like a brother he'll never have
And most importanly him looking at Adult Gohan like a fucking miracle of life but slightly dissapointed at what his now then Gohan gets the biggest wake up call
Vegeta being happy to see his son hanging in there too
>black goku
Is that 17's scarf?
We need Emerald Cell. Then, Ruby Buu.
that would be nice
white ssj and evil goku is like all people talked about when Z ended, can't believe they are actually happening
Super is at its best in episodes like these. The slice of life/comedy episodes have a certain kind of charm that you don't get in any other show of this genre.
They've gone through enough hell in the past. I just want to see the them live out the rest of their lives doing what they love because they want to do it, rather than fighting for their lives.
This is probably a flow on effect from restoring universe 6 Earth.
It's Toriyama's new art style, but Toei refuses to use it in the show, which is why it looks kind of odd and not official.
Even then, they'll never get back to comedy like they used to. Doing a skit like pic related today would probably trigger a 3rd nuclear bombing.
Even Future Trunks has been hit with the anorexic bat.
Far kern ell, no one in DBS is buff.
It looks just like the show's awful style, though.
Enjoy Piccolo Day
This reads like shitty fanfiction
I don't get it, normally Sup Forums shits itself silly over minor details
We get an announcement of "GOKU BLACK" and no one's even blinking at how stupid and fan-fic that sounds
What the hell Sup Forums?
>Still thinking that Goku isn't playing along to make Beerus feel better
Goku literally knew the moment he punched Monaka that he was a weakling. He's just been playing along this whole time so that Beerus can save face.
Nah. The anime is some weird mix of the new and old art. They clearly attempt to redraw Goku and Vegeta to make them look more like their Z selves (not only making them buffer, but also changing how their eye is drawn, for example), but then you get Cabbe or Revival F Gohan who look straight out of Toriyama's new art. There's no consistency.
Fuck plot, just give me silly antics with Beerus and Goku
That's because that's the kind of effort this series is putting in.
And all anyone cares about is how much stronger Goku is than Superman, so who cares if the plot is literal a hunk of shit.
......This looks really bad.